
AS Harju Elekter Group


Aktsionäride üldkoosoleku otsused


26.04.2024 15:42:45


AS-i Harju Elekter Group aktsionäride üldkoosoleku otsused


26. aprillil  2024 kell  14 toimus  Swissotel  Tallinn  AS-i Harju Elekter Group
(registrikood 10029524, aadress Paldiski mnt 31/2, Keila) aktsionäride korraline
üldkoosolek.   Üldkoosolekust   võttis  osa  60 aktsionäri  ja  nende  volitatud
esindajat,  kes olid  esindatud kokku  11 324 722 häälega, mis  moodustab häälte
üldarvust 61,22%.

AS-i Harju Elekter Group aktsionäride üldkoosolek otsustas:

1. AS-i Harju Elekter Group 2023. a majandusaasta aruande kinnitamine

Kinnitada  AS-i Harju  Elekter Group  juhatuse poolt  koostatud ja nõukogu poolt
heaks  kiidetud  2023. a  majandusaasta  aruanne, mille kohaselt konsolideeritud
bilansi  kogumaht seisuga  31.12.2023 on 178,4 miljonit  eurot, müügitulu 209,0
miljonit eurot, ärikasum 8,1 miljonit eurot ning puhaskasum 5,2 miljonit eurot.

Otsuse poolt anti 11 298 566 häält, mis moodustas 99,77% hääletanuist.

2. Kasumijaotuse kinnitamine

Kinnitada  AS Harju  Elekter Group  2024. a kasumi  jaotamise ettepanek juhatuse
poolt esitatuna ja nõukogu poolt heaks kiidetuna järgnevalt:

  Eelmiste perioodide jaotamata kasum             46 822 252 eurot

  2023. a kasum                                   5 159 811 eurot

  Kokku jaotuskõlbulik kasum seisuga 31.12.2023   51 982 063 eurot

  Dividendideks ( 0,13 eurot aktsia kohta*)      2 404 840 eurot

  Jaotamata kasumi jääk peale kasumi jaotamist   49 577 223 eurot

*Dividendid  makstakse  aktsionäridele  välja  28.05.2024 ülekandega  aktsionäri
pangaarvele.   Aktsionäride   nimekiri   dividendide   maksmiseks  fikseeritakse
21.05.2024 arveldussüsteemi   tööpäeva   lõpu  seisuga.  Väärtpaberitega  seotud
õiguste  muutumise päev (ex-date) on  20.05.2024, alates millest ei ole aktsiaid
omandanud isik õigustatud saama dividende 2023. majandusaasta eest.

Otsuse poolt anti 11 298 566 häält, mis moodustas 99,77% hääletanuist.

4. Audiitori nimetamine

Nimetada  AS-i  Harju  Elekter  Group  2024.-2025. a  majandusaasta  audiitoriks
Pricewaterhouse   Coopers  AS  (registrikood  10142876) ja  tasustada  vastavalt
audiitoriga sõlmitavale lepingule.

Otsuse poolt anti 11 319 850 häält, mis moodustas 99,96% hääletanuist.

Tiit Atso
Juhatuse esimees
+ 372 674 7400


Decisions of Annual General Meeting of AS Harju Elekter Group


The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of AS Harju Elekter Group was held on
26 April 2024 starting at 14 p.m., at the Swissotel Tallinn, Tornimäe 3. The AGM
was  attended  by  60 shareholders  and  their  authorised  representatives  who
represented  a  total  of  11,324,722 votes  accounting  for 61.22% of the total

The decisions of the General Meeting were as follows:

1. Approval to AS Harju Elekter Group annual report of 2023

Approve  the 2023 Annual Report prepared by the Management Board and approved by
the  Supervisory Board, according to which  the total consolidated balance sheet
as  of 31 December 2023 is 178,4 million  euros, revenue is 209,0 million euros,
operating profit is 8,1 million euros and net profit is 5,2 million euros.

The  number  of  votes  given  in  favor  of the resolution was 11,298,566 which
accounted for 99.77% of the voted participants.

2. Approval to profit distribution

To approve the profit distribution proposal of AS Harju Elekter Group of 2023 as
presented  by the management board  and as approved by  the supervisory board as

  retained earnings                             EUR 46,822,252

  profit for 2023                               EUR 5,159,811

  total distributable profit as of 31.12.2023   EUR 51,982,062

  dividends (0,13 euros per share*)             EUR 2,404,840

  Retained earnings after profit distribution   EUR 49,577,223

*Dividends  will  be  paid  to  shareholders  on 28 May 2024, by transfer to the
shareholder's  bank  account.  The  list  of  shareholders  for  the  payment of
dividends is established on 21 May 2024 as at the end of the business day in the
accounting  system.  The  date  of  the  change  in  the  rights  related to the
securities (ex-date) is 20 May 2024. From this date, the person who acquired the
shares is not entitled to receive dividends for the financial year 2023.

The  number  of  votes  given  in  favor  of the resolution was 11,298,566 which
accounted for 99.77% of the voted participants.

3. Appointment of auditor
To appoint AS PricewaterhouseCoopers, register code 10142876 to perform the
audit of AS Harju Elekter Group on the years 2024-2025. The auditor will be
remunerated according to the agreement.

The  number  of  votes  given  in  favor  of the resolution was 11,319,850 which
accounted for 99.96% of the voted participants.

Tiit Atso
Chairman of the Management Board
+372 674 7400