
EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


10.04.2024 08:00:00


EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS’i aktsia puhasväärtus seisuga 31.03.2024


EfTEN  Real  Estate  Fund  AS  teenis  märtsis 2 545 tuhat eurot konsolideeritud
üüritulu, mis on 6 tuhat eurot vähem kui veebruaris. Üüritulu langes märtsis 33
tuhande  euro  võrra  seoses  ankurüürnikuga  sõlmitud  üürilepingu  lõppemisega
Vilniuses   asuvas   büroohoones.   Üüritulu  omakorda  tõusis  tänu  vakantsuse
vähenemisele  Kekavas  asuvas  logistikahoones  ning seoses käibeüüridega Saules
Miestase, RAF Centrs ning UKU Keskuse kaubanduskeskustes.

Selle  aasta I kvartali konsolideeritud üüritulu on kokku 7 637 tuhat eurot, s.o
2% rohkem  kui  eelmisel  aastal  samal  ajal.  Fondi I kvartali konsolideeritud
EBITDA on sellel aastal 6 460 tuhat eurot, s.o 0,1% rohkem kui eelmisel aastal.

2024. aasta I kvartali jooksul on EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS teeninud 2 619 tuhat
eurot  vaba  rahavoogu  (EBITDA  miinus  laenumaksed  miinus  intressikulu), mis
võrreldes  eelmise aasta sama  perioodiga on 406 tuhat  eurot vähem. Rahavoog on
vähenenud  peamiselt seoses  EURIBORi kasvuga. Fondi I kvartali tulemuste põhjal
arvutatud potentsiaalne brutodividend on 19,38 senti aktsia kohta (13% vähem kui
eelmisel aastal samal ajal).

Fondi  tütarettevõtete  pangalaenude  kaalutud  keskmine intressimäär oli märtsi
lõpus  5,9%. Fondi  laenude  keskmine  intressimäär  püsib samal tasemel eelmise
aasta novembrist alates.

Fondi  konsolideeritud  raha  jääk  koos  lühiajaliste hoiustega oli 31.03.2024
seisuga  20 268 tuhat  eurot.  Vastavalt  korralise üldkoosoleku otsusele maksab
fond 24. aprillil netodividende kokku 10 820 tuhat eurot (1 euro aktsia kohta).

EfTEN  Real Estate  Fund AS'i  puhasväärtus aktsia  kohta oli 31.03.2024 seisuga
20,5648 eurot  ja  EPRA  NRV  21,3555 eurot.  Aktsia puhasväärtus kasvas märtsis
tavapäraselt 0,5%.

Marilin Hein
Tel. 6559 515
E-mail: marilin.hein@eften.ee


The net asset value of EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS shares as of 31.03.2024


In  March, EfTEN Real Estate  Fund AS generated a  consolidated rental income of
2,545 thousand  euros,  which  is  6 thousand  euros  less than in February. The
rental income decreased by 33 thousand euros in March due to the expiration of a
lease  agreement with an anchor tenant in an office building located in Vilnius.
Conversely,  rental income increased due to a decrease in vacancy in a logistics
building  in Kekava and due to turnover rents in the Saules Miestas, RAF Centrs,
and UKU shopping centers.

For  the first quarter of  this year, the consolidated  rental income totaled to
7,637 thousand euros, representing a 2% increase over the same period last year.
The  Fund's consolidated EBITDA  for the first  quarter of this  year was 6,460
thousand euros, which is a 0.1% increase from last year.

During  the first quarter of 2024, EfTEN Real  Estate Fund AS earned a free cash
flow  of  2,619 thousand  euros  (EBITDA  minus  loan  payments  minus  interest
expenses),  which is 406 thousand euros less than the same period last year. The
decrease  in cash flow is primarily due to  an increase in the EURIBOR. Based on
the  Fund's first-quarter results,  the potential gross  dividend is 19.38 cents
per share (13% less than the same time last year).

The  weighted average interest  rate of the  Fund's subsidiaries' bank loans was
5.9% at  the end  of March.  The average  interest rate  on the Fund's loans has
remained steady since November of the previous year.

As of March 31, 2024, the Fund's consolidated cash balance, including short-term
deposits,  was 20,268 thousand  euros. In  accordance with  the decision  of the
general  meeting, the  Fund will  pay a  total of  10,820 thousand euros  in net
dividends on April 24th (1 euro per share).

As of March 31, 2024, the net asset value per share of EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS
was  20.5648 euros, and the EPRA NRV was  21.3555 euros. The net asset value per
share increased by 0.5% in March as usual.

Marilin Hein
Phone +372 6559 515
E-mail: marilin.hein@eften.ee