
AS LHV Group


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


12.03.2024 08:00:00


LHV Groupi tulemused veebruaris 2024


Veebruar oli LHV jaoks aktiivne kuu, mille häid tulemusi mõjutas kõige enam
endiselt kõrgel tasemel intressitulu.

AS-i LHV Group konsolideeritud hoiuste maht suurenes veebruaris 93 miljoni euro
võrra: tähtajalise hoiused suurenesid 81 miljoni euro võrra ja nõudmiseni
hoiused 12 miljoni võrra. Konsolideeritud laenuportfell kasvas veebruaris 9
miljoni euro võrra. Kui jaelaenud kasvasid 12 miljoni euro võrra, siis
ettevõtete laenud vähenesid 3 miljoni euro võrra. LHV juhitud fondide maht
kasvas veebruaris 18 miljoni euro võrra. Finantsvahendajatega seotud maksete arv
oli 5,6 miljonit.

AS LHV Group teenis veebruaris 13,6 miljonit eurot konsolideeritud puhaskasumit.
AS LHV Pank teenis veebruaris puhaskasumit 13,1 miljonit eurot, LHV Bank Ltd
375 tuhat eurot, AS LHV Varahaldus 133 tuhat eurot ja AS LHV Kindlustuse 21
tuhat eurot puhaskasumit.

LHV Panga klientide arv kasvas veebruaris 3600 võrra, samuti kasvasid panga
ärimahud. Hoiuste 44 miljoni eurosest kasvust tulenes 32 miljonit
tavaklientidelt. Panga laenuportfell kasvas jaelaenude hea tulemuse toel 5
miljoni euro võrra. Krediidikvaliteet püsis endisel tasemel, mistõttu jäid
laenude allahindlused plaanitust madalamaks.

Veebruar oli aktiivne kliendisuhtluse aeg, kuna algas eraisikute tulumaksu
deklareerimine ning kodulaenuklientidele käis laenu ületoomise kulude hüvitamise
kampaania. LHV tegi lisaks investeerimiskonto süsteemi kasutajatele ka tavakonto
süsteemi kasutajatele investeerimistulu deklaratsioonile kandmise automaatseks.
Kodulaenukliendid esitasid aktiivselt refinantseerimise taotlusi. LHV lisas
mobiiliäppi ja internetipanka pangakaardi PIN-koodide lukust avamise võimaluse.

LHV Bank Ltd prioriteediks oli laenuportfelli kasvatamine: portfell kasvas 4
miljonit eurot, kuid heaks kiideti projekte 35 miljoni euro mahus. Müügi
kasvatamiseks suurendatakse edaspidi laenumaaklerite arvu. LHV Banki hoiused
kasvasid 15 miljoni euro võrra.

Veebruaris langesid klientide jaoks LHV suurimatel aktiivselt juhitud
pensionifondide tasud. Suurimate aktiivselt juhitud fondide tootlus on aasta
alguses olnud oodatust tagasihoidlikum. Varahalduse tulud ja kulud on järginud
finantsplaani, kuid puhaskasumit ja ka fondide mahtu on mõjutanud fondide
oodatust madalamad tootlused. Veebruaris jätkus avalduste vastuvõtt II samba
sissemaksete suurendamiseks, kuuga avaldas selleks soovi enam kui 3000

LHV Kindlustuse jaoks oli veebruar stabiilsete tulemustega kuu, kui sõlmiti
11 700 uut kindlustuslepingut mahuga 2,9 miljonit eurot. Neto teenitud preemiad
kahanesid kuises võrdluses 4%, samuti vähenesid kulud. Kahjujuhtumeid hüvitati
summas 1,6 miljonit eurot ja registreeriti 7750 uut kahjujuhtumit.

Kuu alguses kuulutas CV-online LHV Eesti parimaks tööandjaks ning uuringufirma
DIVE LHV Panga teeninduskvaliteedi Eesti pankadest parimaks. Veebruaris läbi
viidud Kantar Emori uuringu järgi on LHV bränd Eesti pangandusturul tugevas
seisus. 95% Eesti elanikest teavad LHV-d ning brändi soovitusindeks on kõrgel
+74 tasemel.

LHV Group edestab veebruaris avalikustatud finantsplaani puhaskasumi osas 5,3
miljoni euroga. Ent finantsplaan püsib. Veebruaris oli LHV aktsionäridele
kuuluva omakapitali tootlus 29,9%.

AS-i LHV Group aruanded on saadaval aadressil: https://investor.lhv.ee/aruanded.

LHV Group on suurim kodumaine finantskontsern ja kapitali pakkuja Eestis. LHV
Groupi peamised tütarettevõtted on LHV Pank, LHV Varahaldus, LHV Kindlustus ja
LHV Bank Limited. Grupi ettevõtetes töötab üle 1080 inimese. LHV pangateenuseid
kasutab veebruari lõpu seisuga 424 000 klienti, LHV hallatavatel
pensionifondidel on 121 000 aktiivset klienti ja LHV Kindlustusega on kaitstud
164 000 klienti. Groupi tütarettevõte LHV Bank omab Ühendkuningriigi
pangalitsentsi ning pakub pangateenuseid rahvusvahelistele finantstehnoloogia
ettevõtetele ja laenusid väikese ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtetele.

Priit Rum
LHV kommunikatsioonijuht
Telefon: 502 0786
E-post: priit.rum@lhv.ee (mailto:priit.rum@lhv.ee)


LHV Group results in February 2024


February was an active month for LHV with good results which were most
influenced by the continuously high level of interest income.

The consolidated volume of deposits of AS LHV Group increased by EUR 93 million
in February, with term deposits by 81 EUR million, and demand deposits by EUR
12 million. The consolidated loan portfolio increased by EUR 9 million in
February. While retail loans increased by EUR 12 million, corporate loans
declined by EUR 3 million. The volume of funds managed by LHV grew by EUR 18
million in February. The number of payments made by financial intermediaries was
5.6 million.

In February, AS LHV Group earned EUR 13.6 million in consolidated net profit. AS
LHV Pank made a net profit of EUR 13.1 million, LHV Bank Ltd EUR 375 thousand,
AS LHV Varahaldus EUR 133 thousand and AS LHV Kindlustus EUR 21 thousand in

The number of LHV Pank clients grew by 3600, and other business volumes also
increased. EUR 32 million of the total EUR 44 million deposit growth originated
from regular clients. LHV Pank's loan portfolio increased by EUR 5 million on
account of the good performance of retail loans. The credit quality remained at
the same level, resulting in lower-than-planned write-downs of loans.

February was an active time for client communication, as the declaration of
personal income tax started and a campaign to compensate home loan clients for
the costs of transferring loans was ongoing. In addition to the users of the
investment account system, LHV also made the transfer of investment income to
the tax return automatic to users of the regular account system. Home loan
clients actively submitted refinancing applications. LHV Pank added the option
of unlocking bank card PIN codes to the mobile app and internet bank.

The priority of LHV Bank Ltd was to grow the loan portfolio: the portfolio
increased by EUR 4 million; however, the bank approved projects amounting to EUR
35 million. In order to expand the sales, the number of loan brokers will be
increased. The deposits of LHV Bank increased by EUR 15 million.

In February, for clients the fees of LHV's largest actively managed pension
funds decreased. The return of the biggest actively managed funds at the
beginning of the year has been more modest than expected. Income and expenses
from asset management have been in line with the financial plan; however, the
net profit as well as the fund volume have been affected by the lower-than-
expected performance of funds. In February, applications continued to be
received to increase the contributions to the 2nd pillar; more than 3000 pension
savers expressed their wish in a month.

For LHV Kindlustus, February was a month of stable performance - 11,700 new
insurance contracts worth EUR 2.9 million were taken out. Net premiums earned
were down 4% month-on-month, while expenses fell as well. Loss events were
compensated in the amount of EUR 1.6 million and 7750 new loss events were

At the beginning of the month, CV-Online declared LHV the best employer in
Estonia and the survey company DIVE determined the service quality of LHV Pank
as being the best among Estonian banks. Pursuant to the survey conducted by
Kantar Emor in February, the LHV brand has a strong position in the Estonian
banking market. 95% of people in Estonia know LHV and the brand's net promoter
score is at a high level of +74.

LHV Group outperforms the new financial plan published in February by EUR 5.3
million in terms of net profit. The financial plan remains unchanged. The return
on equity attributable to the shareholders of LHV was 29.9% in February.

AS LHV Group's reports are available at: https://investor.lhv.ee/en/reports.

LHV Group is the largest domestic financial group and capital provider in
Estonia. LHV Group's key subsidiaries are LHV Pank, LHV Varahaldus, LHV
Kindlustus, and LHV Bank Limited. The Group employs over 1080 people. As at the
end of February, LHV's banking services are being used by 424,000 clients, the
pension funds managed by LHV have 121,000 active clients, and LHV Kindlustus
protects a total of 164,000 clients. LHV Bank Limited, a subsidiary of the
Group, holds a banking licence in the UK and provides banking services to
international financial technology companies, as well as loans to small and
medium-sized enterprises.

Priit Rum
Communications Manager
Phone: +372 502 0786
E-mail: priit.rum@lhv.ee (mailto:priit.rum@lhv.ee)