
EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS


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11.03.2024 08:00:00


EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS’i aktsia puhasväärtus seisuga 29.02.2024


EfTEN  Real Estate Fund  AS teenis veebruaris  2 551 tuhat eurot konsolideeritud
üüritulu,  mis  on  9 tuhat  eurot  rohkem  kui jaanuaris. Fondi konsolideeritud
EBITDA oli veebruaris 2 158 tuhat eurot, s.o 9 tuhat eurot vähem kui jaanuaris.

Selle  aasta kahe  kuu konsolideeritud  üüritulu on  5 092 tuhat eurot,  s.o 2%
rohkem  kui eelmisel aastal  samal ajal. Fondi  konsolideeritud EBITDA on sellel
aastal 4 326 tuhat eurot, s.o 0,5% rohkem kui eelmisel aastal.

Veebruaris  suurendas  fondi  tütarettevõte  EfTEN  Jurkalnes SIA 1 miljoni euro
võrra  pangalaenu,  mille  võrra  suurendatakse  2024. aasta  kevadel  makstavat
dividendi.   Tütarettevõtte   pangalaenu   LTV   (Loan   to   value)   on  peale
refinantseerimist endiselt konservatiivne - 44%.

Fondi  konsolideeritud raha jääk kasvas veebruaris 1 136 tuhande euro võrra ning
oli  koos lühiajaliste  hoiustega 29.02.2024 seisuga   kokku 20 007 tuhat eurot.
Investeeringuid     olemasolevatesse    kinnisvaraobjektidesse    tegid    fondi
tütarettevõtted  veebruaris kokku 942 tuhande euro ulatuses, s.h Ermi hooldekodu
ehituseks   501 tuhat  eurot  ning  Saules  Miestase  kaubanduskeskuse  üldalade
renoveerimiseks 348 tuhat eurot.

Fondi  tütarettevõtete pangalaenude kaalutud keskmine intressimäär oli veebruari
lõpus  5,9%. Fondi  laenude  keskmine  intressimäär  püsib samal tasemel eelmise
aasta novembrist alates.

EfTEN  Real Estate  Fund AS'i  puhasväärtus aktsia  kohta oli 29.02.2024 seisuga
20,4617 eurot  ja EPRA NRV 21,2261 eurot.  Aktsia puhasväärtus kasvas veebruaris
tavapäraselt 0,6%.

Marilin Hein
Tel. 6559 515
E-mail: marilin.hein@eften.ee


The net asset value of EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS shares as of 29.02.2024


In  February, EfTEN  Real Estate  Fund AS  consolidated rental income was 2,551
thousand  euros,  an  increase  of  9 thousand  euros  from  January. The Fund's
consolidated  EBITDA  for  February  was  2,158 thousand euros, decreasing by 9
thousand euros from January.

Over  the first two months  of this year, the  Fund's consolidated rental income
amounted  to  5,092 thousand  euros,  representing  a  2% increase over the same
period  last  year.  The  consolidated  EBITDA  for  the year has reached 4,326
thousand euros, which is a 0.5% increase over the previous year.

In February, the Fund's subsidiary, EfTEN Jurkalnes SIA, increased its bank loan
by  one million euros  to augment the  dividend payable in  the spring of 2024.
Following  the refinancing,  the subsidiary's  loan-to-value (LTV) ratio remains
conservative at 44%.

The  Fund's  consolidated  cash  balance  increased  by  1,136 thousand euros in
February,  reaching  a  total  of  20,007 thousand  euros,  including short-term
deposits,  as  of  February  29, 2024. Investments  in  existing  properties  in
February totaled to 942 thousand euros. This included 501 thousand euros for the
construction  of the Ermi elderly home and 348 thousand euros for the renovation
of the common areas of the Saules Miestas shopping center.

The  weighted average interest rate on  the subsidiaries' bank loans was 5.9% at
the  end of  February. The  Fund's average  interest rate  on loans has remained
stable since November of the previous year.

As of February 29, 2024, the net asset value per share of EfTEN Real Estate Fund
AS was 20.4617 euros and the EPRA NRV was 21.2261 euros. The net asset value per
share increased by 0.6% in February.

Marilin Hein
Phone +372 6559 515
E-mail: marilin.hein@eften.ee