
Coop Pank AS


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


05.03.2024 17:30:00


Finantsinspektsioon andis Coop Pank AS-ile loa ühineda Coop Finants AS-iga


Finantsinspektsioon andis Coop Pank AS-ile (Coop Pank) kui ühendavale ühingule
loa ühineda Coop Finants AS-iga, mis on Coop Panga 100%-line tütarettevõtja.
Finantsinspektsiooni luba oli Coop Panga ja Coop Finants AS-i vahel 13.
septembril 2023 sõlmitud ühinemislepingu jõustumise eeltingimus, mis tähendab,
et ühinemine on nüüd võimalik lõpule viia. Coop Panga poolt varasemalt avaldatud
teave ühinemise kohta on kättesaadav siin

Ühinemise  tulemusena Coop Finants AS loetakse lõppenuks  ning Coop Pangast saab
Coop  Finants AS-i õigusjärglane.  Kuna tegemist on  grupisisese ühinemisega, ei
muutu  selle  tulemusena  Coop  Panga  grupi  konsolideeritud varade, õiguste ja
kohustuste seis. Ühinemine on kavas lõpule viia 2024. aasta märtsikuu jooksul.

Eesti   kapitalil   põhinev   Coop   Pank   on  üks  viiest  Eestis  tegutsevast
universaalpangast.  Pangal  on  184 900 igapäevapanganduse  klienti.  Coop  Pank
kasutab   jaekaubanduse   ja  panganduse  vahel  tekkivat  sünergiat  ning  toob
igapäevased   pangateenused  kodule  lähemale.  Panga  strateegiline  omanik  on
kodumaine kaubanduskett Coop Eesti, mille müügivõrgustikku kuulub 320 kauplust.

Paavo Truu
Telefon: 5160 231
e-mail: paavo.truu@cooppank.ee (mailto:paavo.truu@cooppank.ee)


Estonian Financial Supervision and Resolution Authority approved the merger of Coop Pank AS and Coop Finants AS


Estonian Financial Supervision and Resolution Authority granted its approval to
Coop Pank AS (Coop Pank) as the acquiring company to merge with Coop Finants AS,
a 100% subsidiary of Coop Pank. The approval from the Estonian Financial
Supervision and Resolution Authority was a precondition for the entering into
force of the merger agreement concluded between Coop Pank and Coop Finants AS on
13 September 2023 which means that the merger can now be completed. Earlier
information published by Coop Pank about the merger is available here

As  a result of the merger, Coop Finants  AS shall be deemed dissolved, and Coop
Pank  will become its successor. Since this is an intragroup merger, it will not
have an impact on the consolidated financial position and rights and obligations
of Coop Pank's group. The merger is planned to be completed during March 2024.

Coop  Pank,  based  on  Estonian  capital,  is  one  of the five universal banks
operating  in Estonia.  The number  of clients  using Coop  Pank for their daily
banking  reached 184,900. Coop  Pank aims  to put  the synergy  generated by the
interaction  of retail business  and banking to  good use and  to bring everyday
banking services closer to people's homes. The strategic shareholder of the bank
is the domestic retail chain Coop Eesti, comprising of 320 stores.

Additional information:
Paavo Truu
Phone: +372 5160 231
E-mail: paavo.truu@cooppank.ee (mailto:paavo.truu@cooppank.ee)