
Enefit Green AS


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


11.01.2024 09:00:00


Enefit Greeni tootmisandmed – detsember 2023


Enefit Green tootis 2023. aasta detsembris 135,2 GWh elektrienergiat ehk 34,3%
võrra enam eelmise aasta sama perioodiga võrreldes.

Tootmistulemust  mõjutas  enim  tuuleenergia  toodangu  kasv 36,5 GWh ehk 44,2%
võrra,  mis omakorda  tulenes uutest  möödunud aastal  valminud ja veel ehituses
olevatest  tuuleparkidest  (39,5  GWh).  Detsembris  2023 oli  keskmine mõõdetud
tuulekiirus  Eesti ja  Leedu tuuleparkides  vastavalt 5,5 ja  7,5 m/s võrrelduna
keskmiste tuulekiirustega 2022. aasta detsembris 6,5 m/s ja 6,5 m/s).

Koostootmise  valdkonna  elektritoodang  langes  detsembris  aastaga 12,2% võrra
15,7 GWh-ni  ja soojusenergia toodang kasvas 1,2% võrra 60,6 GWh-ni, kuna seoses
külmade   ilmadega   fokusseerisime   kaugküttevõrkude   varustamisele   piisava
soojusenergiaga.  Pelletitoodang  kasvas  detsembris 2023 aastataguse perioodiga
võrreldes 7,0% võrra 13,6 tuhande tonnini.

2023. aasta  neljanda  kvartali  kokkuvõttes  tootis  Enefit  Green 41,7% rohkem
elektrienergiat  ning  10,0% rohkem  soojusenergiat  kui  aasta tagasi. Neljanda
kvartali pelletitoodangu maht aastaga ei muutunud.

Kogu   2023. aasta  kokkuvõttes  kasvas  Enefit  Greeni  elektrienergia  toodang
19,9% 1,34 TWh-ni,  soojusenergia  toodang  6,8% 604 GWh-ni  ning pelletitoodang
kasvas 1% 156 tuhande tonnini.

Neljandas  kvartalis teatas Enefit  Green biomassivarade müügitehingutest (müüdi
Broceni  koostootmisjaam ja pelletitehas ning Paide ja Valka koostootmisjaamad),
mille  kombineeritud tootmismahud 2023. aastal olid järgmised: elekter 42,7 GWh,
soojusenergia  187,9 GWh ja  pelletid 155,6 tuhat  tonni (aasta  varem vastavalt
52,0 GWh,  186,1 GWh  ja  154,1 tuhat  tonni).  Ettepoole vaatavalt nende müüdud
varade tootmismahud enam Enefit Greeni tootmismahtudes ei sisaldu.

?2023  oli Enefit Greenile keerulisi väljakutseid esitav ning sellest tulenevalt
väga  töökas aasta nii olemasolevate varade  kui ka veel ehituses olevate varade
osas.  Suurendame aktiivselt tootmisvõimsust  ja ehituses on  märksa suurem hulk
tuule-  ja päikeparke (üle 700MW) kui  praegu opereerivaid varasid (üle 500MW).
Lõppenud aastal sai valmis kaks olulist projekti - Purtse hübriidpark (21MW tuul
+  32MW päike) ning Zambrowi päiksepark (9MW), mis liikusid ehitusest opereeriva
võimsuse  hulka. Need pargid ja jätkuvalt  ehituses olevad võimsused (Shilale II,
Akmene  ja Tolpanvaara  tuulepargid) andsid  ligi 3/4 mullusest  ligi 20%-lisest
elektritoodangu  kasvust.  Seda  vaatamata  asjaolule,  et  maikuise  intsidendi
tagajärjel  seisis Akmene tuulepark  ja selle ehitus  ca viis kuud. Opereerivate
varade  puhul  mõjutasid  tulemusi  mõned  pikemad rikkelised seisakud valdavalt
kolmandas kvartalis, kuid neljanda kvartali edenedes nägime juba märksa paremaid
töökindluse  numbreid ning  saame öelda,  et ette  võetud parendustegevused olid
edukad.  Aasta  kokkuvõttes  oli  Eesti  tuuleparkide  töökindlus 94,7% ja Leedu
tuuleparkide  töökindlus  92,1% (2022  vastavalt  94,5% ja 94,9%)," kommenteeris
Innar Kaasik, Enefit Greeni juhatuse liige ja tootmisvaldkonna juht.

 Elektrienergia    kuutoodang   riikide
 kaupa, GWh                             Detsember 2023 Detsember 2022 Muutus, %

 Eesti                                            47,4           63,2    -25,1%

 Leedu                                            78,7           33,6    134,2%

 Läti                                              3,7            3,7      0,1%

 Poola                                             0,2            0,1     22,7%

 Soome                                             5,2              -         -

 Kokku                                           135,2          100,7     34,3%

 Elektrienergia  kuutoodang  segmentide
 kaupa, GWh

 Tuul                                            119,1           82,6     44,2%

   sh uued tuulepargid                            39,5              -         -

 Koostootmine                                     15,7           17,9    -12,2%

 Päike                                             0,2            0,2     56,7%

   sh uued päikesepargid                           0,1              -         -

 Muud                                              0,1            0,1     99,3%

 Kokku                                           135,2          100,7     34,3%

 Soojusenergia, GWh                               60,6           59,9      1,2%

 Pelletid, tuh t                                  13,6           12,7      7,0%

 Elektrienergia kvartalitoodang riikide
 kaupa, GWh                                 IV kv 2023     IV kv 2022 Muutus, %

 Eesti                                           176,9          182,7     -3,1%

 Leedu                                           214,6           94,5    127,0%

 Läti                                              8,2           11,7    -30,5%

 Poola                                             2,3            1,7     34,2%

 Soome                                             9,8              -         -

 Kokku                                           411,8          290,6     41,7%

 Elektrienergia         kvartalitoodang
 segmentide kaupa, GWh

 Tuul                                            363,5          240,1     51,4%

   sh uued tuulepargid                           109,3              -         -

 Koostootmine                                     43,2           47,9     -9,9%

 Päike                                             4,7            2,4     95,8%

   sh uued päikesepargid                           2,5              -         -

 Muud                                              0,4            0,2    120,6%

 Kokku                                           411,8          290,6     41,7%

 Soojusenergia, GWh                              172,5          156,8     10,0%

 Pelletid, tuh t                                  41,5           41,5      0,0%

 Elektrienergia   aastatoodang  riikide
 kaupa, GWh                                       2023           2022 Muutus, %

 Eesti                                           706,1          676,5      4,4%

 Leedu                                           562,3          378,3     48,6%

 Läti                                             34,8           43,6    -20,3%

 Poola                                            26,1           19,7     32,7%

 Soome                                            11,8              -         -

 Kokku                                         1 341,1        1 118,2     19,9%

 Elektrienergia aastatoodang segmentide
 kaupa, GWh

 Tuul                                           1101,8          911,7     20,9%

   sh uued tuulepargid                           147,4              -         -

 Koostootmine                                    174,1          173,2      0,5%

 Päike                                            63,7           32,2     97,8%

   sh uued päikesepargid                          17,4              -         -

 Muud                                              1,5            1,1     29,1%

 Kokku                                         1 341,1        1 118,2     19,9%

 Soojusenergia, GWh                              604,0          565,6      6,8%

 Pelletid, tuh t                                 155,6          154,1      1,0%

Sven Kunsing
Finantssuhtluse juht

Enefit Green on üks juhtivatest taastuvenergia tootjatest Läänemere piirkonnas.
Ettevõte opereerib tuuleparke Eestis ja Leedus, päikeseparke Eestis ja Poolas,
kütusena olmeprügi kasutavat koostootmisjaama Eestis ning hüdroelektrijaama
Eestis. Lisaks arendab ettevõte mitmeid tuule- ning päikeseparke ülalnimetatud
riikides ja Soomes. 2023. aasta lõpu seisuga oli ettevõtte installeeritud
elektritootmise koguvõimsus 510 MW ning soojusenergia tootmise koguvõimsus 50
MW. 2023. majandusaasta jooksul tootis ettevõte 1 341 GWh elektrienergiat, 604
GWh soojusenergiat ja 156 tuhat tonni pelleteid.


Enefit Green production data – December 2023


Enefit Green produced 135.2 GWh of electricity in December 2023, which is 34.3%
more than in the same period last year.

The production result was mostly driven by the increase in wind energy
production, which grew by 36.5 GWh or 44.2% and was due to the contribution by
new wind farms - both by those completed last year and by those still under
construction (39.5 GWh). In December 2023, the average measured wind speed in
Estonian and Lithuanian wind farms was 5.5 and 7.5 m/s, respectively, compared
to the average wind speeds of 6.5 m/s and 6.5 m/s in December 2022.

In December, electricity production of cogeneration segment decreased by 12.2%
year-on-year to 15.7 GWh, and the production of thermal energy increased by
1.2% to 60.6 GWh, as due to the cold weather, we focused on supplying district
heating networks with sufficient thermal energy. December 2023 pellet production
in increased by 7.0% y-o-y to 13.6 thousand tons.

In the fourth quarter of 2023 as a whole, Enefit Green produced 41.7% more
electricity and 10.0% more thermal energy than a year earlier. The volume of
pellet production in the fourth quarter did not change over the year.

For year 2023 as a whole, Enefit Green's electricity production increased by
19.9% to 1.34 TWh, the production of thermal energy increased by 6.8% to 604
GWh, and pellet production increased by 1% to 156 thousand tons.

In the fourth quarter, Enefit Green announced sales transactions of its biomass
assets (Broceni CHP plant and pellet plant, as well as Paide and Valka CHP
plants were sold), the combined production volumes of which in 2023 were as
follows: electricity 42.7 GWh, thermal energy 187.9 GWh and pellets 155.6
thousand tons (52.0 GWh, 186.1 GWh and 154.1 thousand tons, respectively, a year
earlier). Looking ahead, the production volumes of these sold assets will no
longer be included in Enefit Green's production volumes.

"2023 was a challenging and, as a result, a very busy year for Enefit Green both
in terms of existing operating assets and assets still under construction. We
are actively increasing production capacity and in terms of capacity a much
larger amount of wind and solar farms (over 700MW) are under construction than
those that we are currently operating (over 500MW). Last year, two important
projects were completed - Purtse hybrid (21MW wind + 32MW solar) and Zambrow
solar farms (9MW), which moved from construction to operating capacity. These
assets and the capacities still under construction (primarily Shilale II, Akmene
and Tolpanvaara wind farms) accounted for nearly 3/4 of last year's nearly 20%
increase in electricity production. This is despite the fact that as a result of
the incident in May, Akmene wind farm and its construction was stopped for about
five months. In the case of operating assets, the results were influenced by
some longer repair shutdowns mainly in the third quarter, but as the fourth
quarter progressed, we already saw significantly improved availabilty numbers
and we can say that the undertaken improvement activities had been successful.
For the year as a whole, the availability of Estonian and Lithuanian wind farms
was 94.7% and 92.1%, respectively (94.5% and 94.9%, respectively, in 2022),"
commented Innar Kaasik, Member of the Management Board and Head of Production at
Enefit Green.

 Monthly  production  of  electricity  by
 geography, GWh                           December 2023 December 2022 Change, %

 Estonia                                           47.4          63.2    -25.1%

 Lithuania                                         78.7          33.6    134.2%

 Latvia                                             3.7           3.7      0.1%

 Poland                                             0.2           0.1     22.7%

 Finland                                            5.2             -         -

 Total                                            135.2         100.7     34.3%

 Monthly  production  of  electricity  by
 segment, GWh

 Wind                                             119.1          82.6   44.2%

   incl. new wind farms                            39.5             -         -

 Cogeneration                                      15.7          17.9    -12.2%

 Solar                                              0.2           0.2     56.7%

   incl. new solar farms                            0.1             -         -

 Other                                              0.1           0.1     99.3%

 Total                                            135.2         100.7     34.3%

 Heat energy, MWh                                  60.6          59.9      1.2%

 Pellets, th t                                     13.6          12.7      7.0%

 Quarterly  production of  electricity by
 geography, GWh                                 Q4 2023       Q4 2022 Change, %

 Estonia                                          176.9         182.7     -3.1%

 Lithuania                                        214.6          94.5    127.0%

 Latvia                                             8.2          11.7    -30.5%

 Poland                                             2.3           1.7     34.2%

 Finland                                            9.8             -         -

 Total                                            411.8         290.6     41.7%

 Quarterly  production of  electricity by
 segment, GWh

 Wind                                             363.5         240.1     51.4%

   incl. new wind farms                           109.3             -         -

 Cogeneration                                      43.2          47.9     -9.9%

 Solar                                              4.7           2.4     95.8%

   incl. new solar farms                            2.5             -         -

 Other                                              0.4           0.2    120.6%

 Total                                            411.8         290.6     41.7%

 Heat energy, MWh                                 172.5         156.8     10.0%

 Pellets, th t                                     41.5          41.5      0.0%

 Annual   production  of  electricity  by
 geography, GWh                                    2023          2022 Change, %

 Estonia                                          706.1         676.5      4.4%

 Lithuania                                        562.3         378.3     48.6%

 Latvia                                            34.8          43.6    -20.3%

 Poland                                            26.1          19.7     32.7%

 Finland                                           11.8             -         -

 Total                                          1,341.1       1,118.2     19.9%

 Annual   production  of  electricity  by
 segment, GWh

 Wind                                            1101.8         911.7     20.9%

   incl. new wind farms                           147.4             -         -

 Cogeneration                                     174.1         173.2      0.5%

 Solar                                             63.7          32.2     97.8%

   incl. new solar farms                           17.4             -         -

 Other                                              1.5           1.1     29.1%

 Total                                          1,341.1       1,118.2     19.9%

 Heat energy, GWh                                 604.0         565.6      6.8%

 Pellets, th t                                    155.6         154.1      1.0%

Further information:
Sven Kunsing
Head of Finance Communications

Enefit Green is one of the leading renewable energy producers in the Baltic Sea
area. The Company operates wind farms in Estonia and Lithuania, cogeneration
plants in Estonia and Latvia, solar farms in Estonia and Poland, a pellet plant
in Latvia and a hydroelectric plant in Estonia. In addition, the Company is
developing several wind and solar farms in the mentioned countries and Finland.
As of the end of 2023, the Company had a total installed electricity production
capacity of 510 MW and a total installed heat production capacity of 50 MW.
During 2023, the Company produced 1,341 GWh of electricity, 604 GWh of heat
energy and 156 thousand tonnes of wood pellets.