
Hepsor AS


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


15.12.2023 07:00:00


Novel Clinic Assets OÜ on Hepsor AS sidusettevõtte Hepsor P113 OÜ kohta esitanud kohtuhagi


Hepsor  AS-i 45%-lise osalusega sidusettevõte Hepsor P113 OÜ ütles 4. septembril
üles  üürilepingu Novel Clinic Assets OÜ-ga.  Hepsor P113 OÜ-le kuulub ca 4 000
m(2) üüritava  pinnaga  ärihoone  Tallinnas,  aadressil  Pärnu  mnt 113, millest
lõpetatud  üürileping oli  sõlmitud 3 575 m(2)-ile.  Üürileping lõpetati üürniku
poolse  üürilepingu tingimuste olulise ja pideva rikkumise tõttu. Hepsor P113 OÜ
esitas  üürnikule kahjunõude summas ~3 MEUR.

Novel  Clinic Assets  OÜ esitas  9. novembril Harju  Maakohtule hagiavalduse, et
taastada Pärnu mnt 113 üürileping, nõuda üürilepingu ülesütlemise tõttu hüvitist
ning  välja  nõuda  ruumidesse  jäänud  vara.  Hepsor P113 OÜ advokaadi sõnul on
hageja  nõuded perspektiivitud, hageja on ise endale kahju tekitanud ning Hepsor
P113 OÜ on esitanud kohtule taotluse hagi nõuete läbivaatamata jätmiseks.

Hepsor AS juhatuse liikme Henri Laksi sõnul eelistavad Hepsori ja Hepsor P113 OÜ
teised osanikud kohtuvälist lahendit.

Henri Laks
Juhatuse liige
Telefon: +372 5693 9114
e-post: henri@hepsor.ee


Hepsor AS (www.hepsor.ee
on üks kiiremini kasvavaid elu- ja ärikondliku kinnisvara arendajaid Eestis ja
Lätis, kes tegutseb alates 2023. aastast ka Kanada kinnisvaraturul.
Kaheteistkümne tegutsemisaasta jooksul oleme loonud üle 1600 kodu ja ligi
36 000 m2 äripindasid. Hepsor on esimese arendajana Balti riikides rakendanud
mitmeid uuenduslikke insener-tehnilisi lahendusi, mis muudavad ettevõtte
rajatavad hooned energiasäästlikumaks ja seeläbi keskkonnasõbralikumaks.
Ettevõtte portfellis on kokku 25 arendusprojekti kogupindalaga 169 300 m2.


Novel Clinic Assets OÜ has filed a lawsuit against Hepsor P113 OÜ, an affiliate of Hepsor AS.


Hepsor  P113 OÜ, an  affiliate of Hepsor  AS with a 45% shareholding, terminated
the  lease  agreement  with  Novel  Clinic  Assets  OÜ.  Hepsor  P113  OÜ owns a
commercial building with a leasable area of ca 4,000 m2 in Tallinn, at Pärnu mnt
113, of  which the terminated lease agreement was signed for 3,575 m2. The lease
was  terminated due to a significant and  continuous violation of lease terms by
the  tenant.  Hepsor  P113  OÜ  has  submitted  a claim for damages amounting to
approximately 3 million euros against the tenant.

On  November 9th, Novel Clinic Assets OÜ filed a lawsuit with Harju County Court
to  restore the  lease agreement  for Pärnu  mnt 113, seek  compensation for the
termination  of  the  lease  agreement,  and  reclaim  the  property left in the
premises. According to Hepsor P113 OÜ's lawyer, the claims made by the plaintiff
are  unfounded, as the plaintiff  has caused harm to  itself, and Hepsor P113 OÜ
has applied to the court to dismiss the review of the claims.

Henri  Laks, a member of the board of Hepsor AS, stated that Hepsor AS and other
stakeholders of Hepsor P113 OÜ prefer an extrajudicial resolution.

Henri Laks
Member of the Management Board
Phone: +372 5693 9114
e-mail: henri@hepsor.ee


Hepsor AS (www.hepsor.ee) is one of the fastest growing residential and
commercial real estate developers in Estonia and Latvia. Over the last twelve
years Hepsor has developed more than 1,600 homes and 36,000 m2 of commercial
space. Hepsor was the first real estate developer in the Baltic States to
implement a number of innovative engineering solutions that make the buildings
we construct more energy-efficient and thus more environmentally friendly. The
company's portfolio is comprised of 25 development projects with a total
sellable space of 169,300 m2.