
Bigbank AS


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


08.12.2023 18:30:00


Bigbank AS 2023. aasta novembri tulemused


2023. aasta novembris Bigbanki kasv jätkus. Kasvasid nii hoiuseportfell kui ka
laenuportfell, kuine kasum oli heal tasemel.

Hoiuste poole pealt näitas tugevat kasvu säästuhoiuse portfell, mis kasvas
kõikidel turgudel. Nii Eestis, Soomes, Saksamaal, Austrias kui ka Hollandis
pakume turu tipus olevaid säästuhoiuse intresse ja jätkuvalt kiirelt suurenev
klientide hulk näitab huvi antud toote ja kasvavat usaldust Bigbanki vastu.
Tähtajaliste hoiuste maht kasvas vaid marginaalselt ja jäi endiselt 0,9 miljardi
euro tasemele.

Laenudest kasvas enim kodulaenu portfell, väiksemal määral tarbimislaenu
portfell. Kerge langus toimus ärilaenude portfellis. Kokkuvõttes nõuded
klientidele kasvasid 1,65 miljardi euroni.

Laenuportfelli kvaliteedis on näha teatavat kvaliteedi langust. Novembri 2,1
miljoni euro suurune laenuallahindluste maht viis 11 kuu laenuallahindluste mahu
19,1 miljoni euroni, mis näitab, et mõningane laenuportfelli kvaliteedi langus
on aasta jooksul toimunud.

3,3 miljoni euro suurune novembri puhaskasum on tugev näitaja. 2023. aasta 11
kuu koondkasum summas 35,5 miljonit eurot ületab juba 2022. aasta 12 kuu
koondkasumit, mis oli 33,7 miljonit eurot.

Bigbanki 2023. aasta novembri majandustulemused:

  * Klientide hoiused ja saadud laenud kasvasid aastaga 590 miljonit eurot 1,93
    miljardi euroni (+44%).
  * Nõuded klientidele kasvasid aastaga 317 miljonit eurot 1,65 miljardi euroni
  * Neto intressitulud olid novembris 8,7 miljonit eurot, aasta üheteistkümne
    esimese kuuga kokku 91,2 miljonit eurot. Üheteistkümne esimese kuu võrdluses
    aasta taguse sama perioodiga oli kasv 15,1 miljonit eurot (+20%).
  * Neto laenunõuete ja finantsinvesteeringute allahindluste maht oli aasta
    üheteistkümne esimese kuuga 19,1 miljonit eurot, võrreldes aasta taguse
    ajaga oli kasv 5,6 miljonit eurot ehk 42%.
  * Novembri puhaskasum oli 3,3 miljonit eurot. Üheteistkümne esimese kuu kasum
    kokku moodustas 35,5 miljonit eurot, kasv võrreldes 2022. aasta sama
    perioodiga oli 8,6 miljonit eurot ehk 32%.
  * Omakapitali tootlus oli üheteistkümne esimese kuu koondvaates 16,9%.

 Kasumiaruanne, tuhandetes      November
 eurodes                            2023 11 kuud 2023 11 kuud 2022  Muutus, %
 Neto tegevustulud kokku,
 sh                                9 821      102 280       83 206  19 075 +23%

 Neto intressitulu                 8 744       91 170       76 100  15 070 +20%

 Neto teenustasud                    329        7 565        6 803     762 +11%

 Tegevuskulud kokku, sh           -3 985      -42 066      -38 414  -3 651 +10%

 Palgakulud                       -1 985      -21 711      -19 844  -1 866  +9%

 Halduskulud                      -1 332      -13 780      -15 482   1 701 -11%

 Kasum enne allahindluste
 kulu                              5 836       60 215       44 791  15 424 +34%

 Neto laenunõuete ja
 allahindlused                    -2 087      -19 071      -13 448  -5 623 +42%

 Tulumaks                           -496       -5 101       -4 472    -629 +14%

 Aruandeperioodi jätkuvate
 tegevuste kasum                   3 253       36 042       26 871   9 171 +34%

 Kahjum lõpetatud
 tegevustest                           0         -557            0    -557
 Aruandeperioodi kasum             3 253       35 485       26 871   8 614 +32%

 Ärimahud, tuhandetes           November
 eurodes                            2023 11 kuud 2023 11 kuud 2022  Muutus, %
 Klientide hoiused ja
 saadud laenud                 1 927 322    1 927 322    1 337 196 590 126 +44%

 Nõuded klientidele            1 645 174    1 645 174    1 328 189 316 985 +24%

 Võtmenäitajad                  November
                                    2023 11 kuud 2023 11 kuud 2022    Muutus
 ROE                               16,1%        16,9%        15,1%  +1,9pp

 Kulu/ tulu suhe (C/I)             40,6%        41,1%        46,2%  -5,0pp

 Soovitusindeks (NPS)                 59           58           52      +6

Bigbank AS (www.bigbank.ee) on Eesti kapitalil põhinev era- ja äriklientide
laenudele ja hoiustele keskendunud pank, millel on lisaks tegevusele Eestis
filiaalid Soomes, Rootsis, Lätis, Leedus ja Bulgaarias ning mis pakub piiriülese
teenusena oma tooteid ka Austrias, Saksamaal ja Hollandis. Bigbanki bilansimaht
ületab 2 miljardit eurot.

Argo Kiltsmann
Juhatuse liige
Telefon: +372 5393 0833
E-mail: argo.kiltsmann@bigbank.ee


Bigbank’s Financial Results for November 2023


In November 2023, Bigbank's growth continued. Both the deposit portfolio and the
loan portfolio grew, while the profit was at a good level.

In deposits, the savings deposit portfolio showed strong growth, which grew in
all markets. In Estonia, Finland, Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands, we
offer savings deposit interests at the top of the market, and the rapidly
increasing number of customers shows interest in this product and growing trust
in Bigbank. The volume of term deposits increased only marginally and remained
at the level of EUR 0.9 billion.

In terms of loans, the home loan portfolio grew the most, the consumer loan
portfolio to a lesser extent. A slight decrease occurred in the portfolio of
business loans. All in all, receivables from customers increased to 1.65 billion

A certain decline in the quality of the loan portfolio can be seen. November's
EUR 2.1 million net loss allowance on loans brought the 11-month loan loss
allowances to a total of EUR 19.1 million, which indicates that some decline in
the quality of the loan portfolio has occurred during the year.

The net profit of EUR 3.3 million in November is a strong indicator. The
consolidated profit for the first 11 months of 2023 in the amount of 35.5
million euros already exceeds the consolidated profit for the 12 months of
2022, which was 33.7 million euros.

Bigbank's financial results for November 2023:

  * Customer deposits and loans received grew by 590 million euros to 1.93
    billion euros (+44%) in the year.
  * Receivables from customers increased by 317 million euros to 1.65 billion
    euros (+24%).
  * Net interest income was 8.7 million euros in November, a total of 91.2
    million euros in the first eleven months of the year. In the comparison of
    the first eleven months with the same period last year, the increase was
    15.1 million euros (+20%).
  * In the first eleven months of the year, the volume of net loss allowances on
    loans and financial investments was 19.1 million euros; compared to a year
    ago, the increase was 5.6 million euros or 42%.
  * November's net profit was 3.3 million euros. The total profit of the first
    eleven months was 35.5 million euros; the increase compared to 2022 same
    period was 8.6 million euros, or 32%.
  * Return on equity was 16.9% in the first eleven months.

 Income statement, in thousands of                                  Difference
 euros                                Nov 2023     YTD23     YTD22     YoY
 Total net operating income, incl.       9,821   102,280    83,206  19,075 +23%

 Net interest income                     8,744    91,170    76,100  15,070 +20%

 Net fee and commission income             329     7,565     6,803     762 +11%

 Total expenses, incl.                  -3,985   -42,066   -38,414  -3,651 +10%

 Salaries and associated charges        -1,985   -21,711   -19,844  -1,866  +9%

 Administrative expenses                -1,332   -13,780   -15,482   1,701 -11%

 Profit before loss allowances           5,836    60,215    44,791  15,424 +34%

 Net loss allowances on loans and
 financial investments                  -2,087   -19,071   -13,448  -5,623 +42%

 Income tax expense                       -496    -5,101    -4,472    -629 +14%

 Profit for the period from
 continuing operations                   3,253    36,042    26,871   9,171 +34%

 Loss before tax from discounted
 operations                                  0      -557         0    -557
 Profit for the period                   3,253    35,485    26,871   8,614 +32%

 Business volumes, in thousands of                                  Difference
 euros                                Nov 2023     YTD23     YTD22     YoY
 Customer deposits and loans
 received                            1,927,322 1,927,322 1,337,196 590,126 +44%

 Loans to customers                  1,645,174 1,645,174 1,328,189 316,985 +24%

 Key figures                                                        Difference
                                      Nov 2023     YTD23     YTD22     YoY
 ROE                                     16.1%     16.9%     15.1%  +1.9pp

 Cost / income ratio (C/I)               40.6%     41.1%     46.2%  -5.0pp

 Net promoter score (NPS)                   59        58        52      +6

Bigbank AS (www.bigbank.eu) is an Estonian capital-based bank specialising in
loans and deposits for private and business customers. In addition to operations
in Estonia, the bank has branches in Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania, and
Bulgaria and offers its products on a cross-border basis in Austria, Germany,
and the Netherlands. Bigbank's total assets exceed 2 billion euros.

Argo Kiltsmann
Member of the Management Board
Telephone: +372 5393 0833
Email: argo.kiltsmann@bigbank.ee