


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


29.11.2023 19:28:25


Bonus issue of shares


The Management Board of FON SE according to the current report ESPI No. 9/2023 of 23/11/2023 informing about the adoption by the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company on 23/11/2023 of a resolution on increasing the Issuer's share capital by way of a bonus issue referred to in Resolution No. 3 of this Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders and in connection with § 144 point 3 of the Detailed Exchange Trading Rules makes public the details of the voted bonus issue.

The new issue shares will be allocated free of charge in a ratio of 1:75. This means that each shareholder of FON SE will be entitled to receive 75 new issue shares for each share held on 8/12/2023.

a) Number of shares eligible for bonus shares:

- 1 875 000

b) Number of bonus shares:

- 140 625 000

c) The ratio in which bonus shares will be allocated to shareholders entitled to shares referred to in point (a):

- 1:75

d) The day at the end of which you must hold shares to receive bonus shares (applies to stock exchange transactions on the regulated market of the WSE during the regular session):

- 6/12/2023

e) Ex-date - date of commencement of trading in shares without the right to participate in the bonus issue (applies to stock exchange transactions on the regulated market of the WSE during the regular session):

- 7/12/2023

f) Date of establishing the right to bonus shares:

- 8/12/2023