
Hepsor AS


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


21.11.2023 07:00:00


Hepsor ASi kontserni ettevõte Hepsor JG SIA sõlmis ehituslepingu Annenhof Majas projekti ehitamiseks Riias


Hepsor ASi kontserni ettevõte Hepsor JG SIA ja Mitt&Perlebach SIA allkirjastasid
20. novembril  2023 lepingu Annenhof Majas  nimelise arendusprojekti ehitamiseks
Riias  aadressil Jurmalas Gatve 74. Ehituslepingu maht on ligikaudu 4,3 miljonit
eurot, millele lisandub käibemaks.

Projekti  müügiga  alustati  2023. aasta  neljandas  kvartalis ning 40 korteriga
arendus valmib 2024. aasta neljandas kvartalis.

Hepsori  juhatuse  liikme  Henri  Laksi  sõnul  on Annenhof Majas projekti puhul
tegemist   kaasaegset   rohelist  mõtteviisi  väärtustava  eluhoonega.  ?Hoonete
projekteerimisel  oleme  rõhku  pannud  energiatõhususele,  mille kinnituseks on
väljastatud  ka kõrgeim  A energiaklassi  märgis. Projekti  ehituse alguseks  on
ligi  15% korteritest lepingutega kaetud, mis  annab meile kindla veendumuse, et
uute energiatõhusate korterite järele on turul nõudlus olemas, " ütles Laks.


Hepsoril  on  Lätis  lisaks  Jurmalas  Gatve  projektile ehituses ja müügis neli
elukondlikku  arendusprojekti  -  Kuld?gas  Parks  (116 korterit, millest 99% on
müüdud),  M?rupes D?rzs (92 korterit,  millest 99% on müüdud), Strelnieku 4b (54
korterit,  millest  80% on  müüdud)  ning  2023. aastal  ehitusse  läinud Nameja
Rezidence, kus on 38 korterit, millest eellepinguid on sõlmitud 29% ulatuses.

Rohkem       infot       Annenhof      Majas      projekti      kohta      leiab

Henri Laks
Juhatuse liige
Telefon: +372 5693 9114
e-post: henri@hepsor.ee (mailto:henri@hepsor.ee)


Hepsor                             AS                             (www.hepsor.ee
gtjGGuRLQiUCE5K1XUrLZ8biK-A-HDpE3bEXbytkAwMe0YEbReo05IPVMZszWqA==))    on    üks
kiiremini  kasvavaid elu- ja ärikondliku  kinnisvara arendajaid Eestis ja Lätis,
kes  tegutseb  alates  2023. aastast  ka  Kanada kinnisvaraturul. Kaheteistkümne
tegutsemisaasta   jooksul   oleme   loonud   üle   1600 kodu   ja  ligi  36 000
m2 äripindasid.  Hepsor on esimese arendajana  Balti riikides rakendanud mitmeid
uuenduslikke  insener-tehnilisi  lahendusi,  mis  muudavad  ettevõtte  rajatavad
hooned   energiasäästlikumaks   ja   seeläbi  keskkonnasõbralikumaks.  Ettevõtte
portfellis on kokku 25 arendusprojekti kogupindalaga 169 300 m2.


Hepsor JG SIA, Hepsor AS group company, signed construction agreement for the construction of Annenhof Majas project in Riga


Hepsor  JG SIA, a subsidiary of Hepsor AS Group, and Mitt&Perlebach SIA signed a
contract  on November  20, 2023, for the  construction of  a development project
named  Annenhof Majas  in Riga,  located at  Jurmalas Gatve 74. The construction
contract is approximately 4.3 million euros, plus value-added tax.

The  project sales  started in  the fourth  quarter of 2023, and the development
with 40 apartments is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2024.

According to Henri Laks, a member of Hepsor's board, Annenhof Majas represents a
modern,  environmentally conscious residential  building. "In the  design of the
buildings,  we have  emphasized energy  efficiency, confirmed  by the  highest A
energy class designation. At the start of the project construction, about 15% of
the  apartments are already covered  by contracts, giving us  a firm belief that
there is demand in the market for energy-efficient apartments," said Laks.

Additional info:

In  addition  to  the  Jurmalas  Gatve  project,  Hepsor  has  four  residential
development  projects in construction and sales  in Latvia - Kuld?gas Parks (116
apartments,  of which 99% are sold), M?rupes D?rzs (92 apartments, of which 99%
are  sold), Strelnieku  4b (54 apartments,  of which  80% are sold),  and Nameja
Rezidence, started in 2023, featuring 38 apartments with pre-contract agreements
made for 29% of them.

More information about Jurmalas Gatve project can be found

Henri Laks
Member of the Management Board
Phone: +372 5693 9114
e-mail: henri@hepsor.ee


Hepsor  AS  (www.hepsor.ee)  is  one  of  the  fastest  growing  residential and
commercial  real estate developers  in Estonia and  Latvia. Over the last twelve
years  Hepsor has  developed more  than 1,600 homes  and 36,000 m2 of commercial
space.  Hepsor  was  the  first  real  estate  developer in the Baltic States to
implement  a number of innovative engineering  solutions that make the buildings
we  construct more energy-efficient and  thus more environmentally friendly. The
company's  portfolio  is  comprised  of  25 development  projects  with  a total
sellable space of 169,300 m2.