
Bigbank AS


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


10.11.2023 16:30:00


Bigbank AS 2023. aasta oktoobri tulemused


2023. aasta oktoobri tulemused olid Bigbanki jaoks head. Kasvasid nii
hoiuseportfell kui ka laenuportfell.

Hoiustes tuli kasv säästuhoiuse portfellist, mille maht ületas oktoobris 900
milljoni euro piiri. Arvestatava panuse on selleks andnud ka lisaks ajalooliselt
tugevatele Hollandi, Saksa ja Austria turgudele Eesti ja Soome turud, kus
Bigbank alustas säästuhoiuse pakkumisega 2023. aasta jooksul. Tähtajaliste
hoiuste maht püsis oktoobris sisuliselt samal tasemel, samuti 900 miljoni euro

Bigbank hoiab hoiuseintresse jätkuvalt turu tipus, mis võimaldab Bigbanki
hoiuseklientidel järjest enam tõusnud intressikeskkonnast kasu lõigata.

Laenude osas püsis ärilaenude portfell septembri lõpuga võrreldes samal tasemel,
kasvunumbreid näitasid kodulaenude ja tarbimislaenude portfellid; suurimat kasvu
näitas sealjuures kodulaenude portfell.

Laenuportfelli kvaliteet on 2023. aasta 10 kuu lõikes endiselt rahuldav, kuid
oktoobri 3,0 miljoni euro suurune laenuallahindluste maht viis 10 kuu
laenuallahindluste mahu 17,0 miljoni euroni, mis näitab, et mõningane
laenuportfelli kvaliteedi langus on aasta jooksul siiski toimunud.

2,8 miljoni euro suurune oktoobri puhaskasum on soliidne kuine näitaja, mis
võimaldab 2023. aasta 10 kuu vaates kindlasti püüda tugevaimat aasta
koondtulemust Bigbanki ajaloos.

Bigbanki 2023. aasta oktoobri majandustulemused:

  * Klientide hoiused ja saadud laenud kasvasid aastaga 537 miljonit eurot 1,85
    miljardi euroni (+41%).
  * Nõuded klientidele kasvasid aastaga 349 miljonit eurot 1,63 miljardi euroni
  * Neto intressitulud olid oktoobris 9,6 miljonit eurot, aasta kümne esimese
    kuuga kokku 82,4 miljonit eurot. Kümne esimese kuu võrdluses aasta taguse
    sama perioodiga oli kasv 13,8 miljonit eurot (+20%).
  * Neto laenunõuete ja finantsinvesteeringute allahindluste maht oli aasta
    kümne esimese kuuga 17,0 miljonit eurot; võrreldes aasta taguse ajaga oli
    kasv 4,6 miljonit eurot ehk 38%.
  * Oktoobri puhaskasum oli 2,8 miljonit eurot. Kümne esimese kuu kasum kokku
    moodustas 32,2 miljonit eurot; kasv võrreldes 2022. aastaga oli 8,5 miljonit
    eurot ehk 36%.
  * Omakapitali tootlus oli kümne esimese kuu koondvaates 17,0%.

 Kasumiaruanne, tuhandetes                      10 kuud     10 kuud
 eurodes                      Oktoober 2023        2023        2022  Muutus, %
 Neto tegevustulud kokku, sh         10 263      92 459      74 904 17 555 +23%

 Neto intressitulu                    9 635      82 425      68 635 13 790 +20%

 Neto teenustasud                       366       6 837       6 155    682 +11%

 Tegevuskulud kokku, sh              -3 992     -38 080     -34 798 -3 282  +9%

 Palgakulud                          -2 038     -19 725     -17 866 -1 859 +10%

 Halduskulud                         -1 291     -12 448     -14 164  1 716 -12%

 Kasum enne allahindluste
 kulu                                 6 271      54 379      40 106 14 273 +36%

 Neto laenunõuete ja
 allahindlused                       -2 998     -16 984     -12 337 -4 646 +38%

 Tulumaks                              -436      -4 606      -4 048   -558 +14%

 Aruandeperioodi jätkuvate
 tegevuste kasum                      2 836      32 789      23 721  9 068 +38%

 Kahjum lõpetatud tegevustest             0        -557           0   -557
 Aruandeperioodi kasum                2 836      32 232      23 721  8 511 +36%

 Ärimahud, tuhandetes
 eurodes                   Oktoober 2023 10 kuud 2023 10 kuud 2022  Muutus, %
 Klientide hoiused ja
 saadud laenud                 1 853 600    1 853 600    1 316 121 537 479 +41%

 Nõuded klientidele            1 630 400    1 630 400    1 281 396 349 004 +27%

 Võtmenäitajad             Oktoober 2023 10 kuud 2023 10 kuud 2022    Muutus
 ROE                               14,3%        17,0%        14,8%  +2,1pp

 Kulu/ tulu suhe (C/I)             38,9%        41,2%        42,5%  -1,3pp

 Soovitusindeks (NPS)                 57           58           51      +7

Bigbank AS (www.bigbank.ee) on Eesti kapitalil põhinev era- ja äriklientide
laenudele ja hoiustele keskendunud pank, millel on lisaks tegevusele Eestis
filiaalid Soomes, Rootsis, Lätis, Leedus ja Bulgaarias ning mis pakub piiriülese
teenusena oma tooteid ka Austrias, Saksamaal ja Hollandis. Bigbanki bilansimaht
ületab 2 miljardit eurot.

Argo Kiltsmann
Juhatuse liige
Telefon: +372 5393 0833
E-mail: argo.kiltsmann@bigbank.ee


Bigbank's Financial Results for October 2023


October 2023 results were good for Bigbank. Both the deposit portfolio and the
loan portfolio grew.

In deposits, growth came from the savings deposit portfolio, the volume of which
exceeded the 900-million-euro mark in October. In addition to the historically
strong Dutch, German and Austrian markets, Estonian and Finnish markets, where
Bigbank started offering savings deposits in 2023, have made a significant
contribution to this. The volume of term deposits remained essentially at the
same level in October, also at EUR 900 million.

Bigbank continues to keep deposit rates at the top of the market, which allows
Bigbank's deposit customers to increasingly benefit from the rising interest
rate environment.

In terms of loans, the portfolio of business loans remained at the same level
compared to the end of September. Growth figures were shown by the portfolios of
home loans and consumer loans; the home loan portfolio showed the greatest

The quality of the loan portfolio is still satisfactory in terms of the 10
months of 2023. Regardless, the volume of loan discounts of 3.0 million euros in
October brought the volume of loan discounts for 10 months altogether to 17.0
million euros, which indicates that some decline in the quality of the loan
portfolio has still occurred during the year.

The October net profit of EUR 2.8 million is a solid monthly indicator, which
certainly allows us to aim for the strongest annual consolidated result in the
history of Bigbank in the 10-month view of 2023.

Bigbank's financial results for October 2023:

  * Customer deposits and loans received grew by 537 million euros to 1.85
    billion euros (+41%) in the year.
  * Receivables from customers increased by 349 million euros to 1.63 billion
    euros (+27%).
  * Net interest income was 9.6 million euros in October, a total of 82.4
    million euros in the first ten months of the year. In the comparison of the
    first ten months with the same period last year, the increase was 13.8
    million euros (+20%).
  * In the first ten months of the year, the volume of net loss allowances on
    loans and financial investments was 17.0 million euros; compared to a year
    ago, the increase was 4.6 million euros or 38%.
  * October's net profit was 2.8 million euros. The total profit of the first
    ten months was 32.2 million euros; the increase compared to 2022 was 8.5
    million euros, or 36%.
  * Return on equity was 17.0% in the first ten months.

 Income statement, in thousands of euros                            Difference
                                          Oct 2023   YTD23   YTD22     YoY
 Total net operating income, incl.          10,263  92,459  74,904 17,555  +23%

 Net interest income                         9,635  82,425  68,635 13,790  +20%

 Net fee and commission income                 366   6,837   6,155    682  +11%

 Total expenses, incl.                      -3,992 -38,080 -34,798 -3,282   +9%

 Salaries and associated charges            -2,038 -19,725 -17,866 -1,859  +10%

 Administrative expenses                    -1,291 -12,448 -14,164  1,716  -12%

 Profit before loss allowances               6,271  54,379  40,106 14,273  +36%

 Net loss allowances on loans and
 financial investments                      -2,998 -16,984 -12,337 -4,646  +38%

 Income tax expense                           -436  -4,606  -4,048   -558  +14%

 Profit for the period from continuing
 operations                                  2,836  32,789  23,721  9,068  +38%

 Loss before tax from discounted
 operations                                      0    -557       0   -557
 Profit for the period                       2,836  32,232  23,721  8,511  +36%

 Business volumes, in thousands of                                  Difference
 euros                                Oct 2023     YTD23     YTD22     YoY
 Customer deposits and loans
 received                            1,853,600 1,853,600 1,316,121 537,479 +41%

 Loans to customers                  1,630,400 1,630,400 1,281,396 349,004 +27%

 Key figures                                                        Difference
                                      Oct 2023     YTD23     YTD22     YoY
 ROE                                     14.3%     17.0%     14.8%  +2.1pp

 Cost / income ratio (C/I)               38.9%     41.2%     42.5%  -1.3pp

 Net promoter score (NPS)                   57        58        51      +7

Bigbank AS (www.bigbank.eu) is an Estonian capital-based bank specialising in
loans and deposits for private and business customers. In addition to operations
in Estonia, the bank has branches in Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania, and
Bulgaria and offers its products on a cross-border basis in Austria, Germany,
and the Netherlands. Bigbank's total assets exceed 2 billion euros.

Argo Kiltsmann
Member of the Management Board
Telephone: +372 5393 0833
Email: argo.kiltsmann@bigbank.ee