
Nordecon AS


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


03.11.2023 08:00:00


Ehituslepingu sõlmimine (Golden Gate büroohoone Tallinnas)


Nordecon  AS  ja  US  Real  Estate´i  poolt  arendatava  Golden  Gate büroohoone
omanikettevõte   Rotermann   Pluss   OÜ   sõlmisid  töövõtulepingu  Tallinnasse,
aadressile   Ahtri   6 rajatava   büroohoone   projekteerimis-   ja  ehitustööde
teostamiseks.  Kuue maapealse ja kahe maa-aluse korrusega Golden Gate büroohoone
brutopindala  on ca 19 500 m(2), sh 102 parkimiskohta. Hoone esimesele korrusele
on  kavandatud kaubanduspinnad  ja restoranid  koos väliterrassidega, ülemistele
korrustele  A-klassi büroopinnad. Parkimine on viidud maa alla ja hoone katusele
luuakse  roheterrass. Golden  Gate büroohoone  ehitatakse liginullenergiahoonena
ning vastavalt LEED Gold keskkonnasertifikaadile.

Lepinguliste  tööde kogumaksumuseks on 23,5 miljonit  eurot ilma käibemaksuta ja
tööd lõppevad 2025. aasta kevadel.

Nordeconi  kontsern  (www.nordecon.com)  hõlmab  ettevõtteid, mis on keskendunud
hoonete    ja   rajatiste   ehitamise   projektijuhtimisele   ja   peatöövõtule.
Geograafiliselt  tegutsevad  kontserni  ettevõtted  Eestis,  Soomes, Ukrainas ja
Rootsis.  Kontserni emaettevõte Nordecon AS on registreeritud ja asub Tallinnas,
Eestis.  Kontserni 2022. aasta konsolideeritud müügitulu oli 323 miljonit eurot.
Nordeconi  kontsern annab  hetkel tööd  ligi 570 inimesele. Alates 18.05.2006 on
emaettevõtte aktsiad noteeritud Nasdaq Tallinna Börsi põhinimekirjas.

Andri Hõbemägi
Nordecon AS
Investorsuhete juht
Tel: +372 6272 022
Email: andri.hobemagi@nordecon.com (mailto:andri.hobemagi@nordecon.com)
www.nordecon.com (http://www.nordecon.com)


Construction contract (Golden Gate office building in Tallinn)


Nordecon AS and Rotermann Pluss OÜ, the owner of the Golden Gate office building
being  developed by US Real  Estate, entered into a  contract for the design and
construction  of the office  building in Tallinn,  located at Ahtri 6. The gross
area  of  the  Golden  Gate  office  building  with  six  above-ground  and  two
underground   floors   is  approx.  19,500 sqm,  including  102 parking  spaces.
Commercial  spaces  and  restaurants  with  outdoor  terraces are planned on the
ground  floor of the building, Class A office space on the upper floors. Parking
has  been moved underground  and a green  terrace is created  on the roof of the
building.  The Golden Gate office  building will be built  as a near-zero energy
building and according to the LEED Gold environmental certificate.

The  total cost  of the  contract is  23.5 million euros  excluding VAT, and the
works will be completed in the spring of 2025.

Nordecon  (www.nordecon.com)  is  a  group  of construction companies whose core
business  is  construction  project  management  and  general contracting in the
buildings  and  infrastructures  segment.  Geographically  the Group operates in
Estonia,  Finland, Ukraine and Sweden. The parent of the Group is Nordecon AS, a
company  registered and located in Tallinn, Estonia. The consolidated revenue of
the  Group in 2022 was 323 million euros. Currently Nordecon Group employs close
to  570 people. Since 18 May  2006 the company's shares  have been quoted in the
main list of the Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange.

Andri Hõbemägi
Nordecon AS
Head of Investor Relations
Tel: +372 6272 022
E-mail: andri.hobemagi@nordecon.com (mailto:andri.hobemagi@nordecon.com)
www.nordecon.com (http://www.nordecon.com)