
Nordic Fibreboard AS


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


31.10.2023 15:08:29


Muudatused Nordic Fibreboard AS ja Nordic Fibreboard AS-i kontserni tütarühingute juhatuses ja nõukogus


Nordic Fibreboard AS nõukogu on teinud otsuse kutsuda Nordic Fibreboard AS (sh.
ka kõik kontserni tütarühingud) juhatusest tagasi Torfinn Losvik alates 6.
november 2023, seoses nõukogu otsusega rahuldada tema poolt esitatud
tagasiastumispalve. Torfinn Losvik jääb jätkuvalt ettevõttega seotuks nõukogu
tasemel ning jätkab nõukogu liikmena.
Seoses Torfinn Losvik taandumisega ettevõtte igapäevasest juhtimisest esialgsest
varem, teeb nõukogu üldkoosolekule ettepaneku kutsuda Nordic Fibreboard AS
nõukogust tagasi Aigar Kallas, kes jätkab kontserni tegevjuhi ja juhatuse
esimehe kohal.
Muudatuste eesmärk on toetada Nordic Fibreboard juhtimisstruktuuri ja lisada
valdkonnaga seotud kompententsi.

Ettevõte kutsub esimesel võimalusel kokku aktsionäride erakorralise koosoleku.


Joakim Helenius
Nõukogu esimees
Tel: +372 50 91 282

Aigar Kallas
Nõukogu liige
Tel: +372 528 1299

Enel Äkke
Juhatuse liige
group@nordicfibreboard.com (mailto:group@nordicfibreboard.com)
Tel: +372 55 52 5550


Changes in the Management Board and Supervisory board of Nordic Fibreboard AS and its Group Subsidiaries


The Supervisory Board of Nordic Fibreboard AS has made a decision to recall
Torfinn Losvik from the Management Board of Nordic Fibreboard AS (including all
subsidiaries of the group) as of November 6, 2023, due to the decision of the
Supervisory Board to approve his resignation.
Torfinn Losvik will continue to be associated with the company at the level of
the Supervisory Board and will continue as a member of the Supervisory Board.
In light of Torfinn Losvik´s early withdrawal from the day-to-day management of
the company, the Supervisory Board will propose to the General Meeting to recall
Aigar Kallas from the Supervisory Board of Nordic Fibreboard, who will continue
as the group's CEO and Chairman of the Board.
These changes are intended to support Nordic Fibreboard ledership structure and
enhance industry-specific compentense.

The company will convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders as
soon as possible.

Additional information:

Joakim Helenius
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Phone: +372 50 91 282

Aigar Kallas
Member of the Supervisory Board
Phone: +372 528 1299

Enel Äkke
Management Board member
group@nordicfibreboard.com (mailto:group@nordicfibreboard.com)
Tel: +372 55 52 5550