Transaction notification

General information

Publication time

02.08.2022 15:43:53

Notification type

Initial notification

Details of the issuer

Issuer name

Resbud SE

LEI code


Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities or person closely associated

Person who made the transaction

Alexey Petrov

Position/status with the issuer

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Resbud SE

Financial instrument description

Instrument type


Instrument code


Transaction type, place and date

Transaction type

Shares of Resbud SE admitted on Warsaw Stock Exchange were exchanged for shares not admitted on Warsaw Stock Exchange. Exchange ratio was 1:1 (one share admitted for one share not admitted).

Place of transaction

Väljapool kauplemiskohta

Transaction date


Transaction currency


Transaction times, volumes and prices

No. Time (UTC) Volume Price
1 00:00:00 784 0,000
Aggregated volume: 784 Price: 0,000