Market announcement



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24.03.2010 14:38:44


AS Norma nõukogu koosoleku otsused


Nõukogu kinnitas 2009.a. majandusaasta aruande. 

2009.a puhaskasum on 20 753 015 EEK (1 326 359 EUR). Nõukogu toetab juhatuse
ettepanekut mitte maksta dividende 2009 majandusaasta eest. 

AS Norma üldkoosoleku päevakord ja toimumise aeg otsustatakse nõukogu
22.aprilli 2010.a koosolekul. 

Peep Siimon
Juhatuse esimees
+ 372 6500 442


Resolutions of Supervisory Board meeting of AS Norma


The Supervisory Board approved the annual report 2009.

The net profit for 2009 amounted to EEK 20,753,015 (EUR 1,326,359). The
Supervisory Board seconded the Management Board proposal not to pay dividends
for the economic year 2009. 

The agenda and time of the shareholders´ meeting of AS Norma will be decided at
the Supervisory Board meeting on 22 April 2010. 

Peep Siimon
Chairman of the Management Board 
+ 372 6500 442