Market announcement

Arco Vara AS

This announcement has been corrected.

Corrected version

CORRECTION: Court did not commence bankruptcy proceedings of Arco Vara AS


Other price sensitive information


16.03.2010 14:07:47


Kohus jättis pankrotimenetluse Arco Vara AS vastu algatamata


Harju Maakohus tegi otsuse millega jättis alustamata pankrotimenetluse Arco
Vara AS vastu ning Indrek Porila pankrotiavalduse rahuldamata. 

Arco Vara hinnangul on Indrek Porila esitanud pankrotiavalduse pahatahtlikult,
eesmärgiga kahjustada ettevõtte mainet.  Indrek Porila on varasemalt nõudnud
Arco Varalt 37 943 000 krooni (2 425 000 eurot) tasumist. Arco Vara on Indrek
Porila nõude alusetust põhjendanud ja selle vaidlustanud. Vaatamata nõude
aluseks oleva tõendusmaterjali puudumisele ja ettevõtte maksejõulisusele,
esitas Indrek Porila kohtule pankrotiavalduse. 

Arco Vara AS juhatus on 2007 aastal Aktsiate Avaliku Müügi Prospektis
(Prospekt) öelnud, et Indrek Porilale kuulub preemia, mis moodustab 12,5%
Floriston Grupp OÜ (Floriston) omakapitalist ning mis kuulub tasumisele pärast
Floristoni kinnisvaraprojektide realiseerimist. Prospektis on vastavat
omakapitali osalust hinnatud 37 943 000 krooni (2 435 000 eurot) väärtusele. 
Möödunud aasta sügisest ei soovinud Indrek Porila enam esialgsest 2001 aastal
sõlmitud suulisest kokkuleppest  tulenevat 12,5% osalust Floriston Grupp OÜ-s,
vaid asus Arco Varalt nõudma nimetatud summa tasumist. Arco Vara ei ole
tunnistanud Indrek Porila esialgse kokkuleppega vastuolus olevat nõuet, sest ei
ole realiseerunud ükski kinnisvaraprojektidest, mille alusel osalus jagamisele

Vastavalt pankrotiseadusele ei alusta kohus menetlust kui nõue ei ole selge
ning selle üle käivad vaidlused. Kohus on oma otsuses leidnud, et nõue on
ebaselge ning vaieldav, samuti ei ole kohtu arvates Arco Vara maksejõuetu,
mistõttu puuduvad kohtul alused pankrotimenetluse alustamiseks. 

Arco Vara on Baltimaade üks juhtivaid kinnisvaraarenduse ettevõtteid, asutatud
1992. aastal. Ettevõtte põhitegevuseks on kinnisvaraarendus, mida toetavad enda
kinnisvaravahendus ja hindamine, ehitus ning kinnisvarahaldus. Firmal on 
esindused 17 linnas Eestis, Lätis, Ukrainas ja Bulgaarias. Kontsernis töötab ca
170 inimest. 

1 EUR=15,6466 EEK 

Lembit Tampere 
Juhatuse liige 
Arco Vara AS 
Tel: +372 614 4630


Court did not commenced bankruptcy proceedings of Arco Vara AS


Harju Country Court with its judgment decided not to commence bankruptcy
proceedings against Arco Vara AS and dismissed Indrek Proila bankruptcy

Arco Vara has considered from the beginning the bankruptcy petition by Indrek
Porila as a malicious act aimed at discrediting the reputation of the company
and deeming it as extortion. Indrek Porila has previously claimed pay out from
Arco Vara in amount of 37 943 000 kroons (2 425 000 euros). Arco Vara has
objected the unfounded claim and contested it. Despite the lack of proof about
the claim and solvency of the company, Indrek Porile filed the bankruptcy

The management board of Arco Vara AS stipulated in the 2007 in Initial Public
Offering prospectus (IPO prospectus) that Indrek Porila has right for the bonus
in amount of 12.5% from the equity capital of the Floriston Group, which is
subject of payment after realization of Floriston Group's real estate projects.
In IPO prospectus the partial equity capital is valued in amount of 37 943 000
(2 425 000 euros). Since last autumn Indrek Porila didn't wanted to obtain
12,5% equity of the Floriston Grupp OÜ as was agreed by oral agreement in 2001,
instead demanded Arco Vara to pay a sum mentioned prior. Arco Vara has not
acknowledged Indrek Porila´s such kind of claim contrary with the agreement,
since non one of the real estate projects on the basis of which the equity
considered to be divided, has been unrealized. 

According to the Bankruptcy Act, the court shall not initiate proceedings if a
claim is not clear and is being disputed. With its judgment the Court stroked
the vagueness and contestability of the claim and that Arco Vara is not
insolvent, therefore there will not existing any ground to start bankruptcy

Founded in 1992 Arco Vara is one of the leading property developers in the
Baltic States. The main business of the company is property development, which
is supported by the group's own property brokering, valuation, construction and
property management units. The company has representative offices in 17 towns
across Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine and Bulgaria. The Group has a staff of ca 170. 

1 EUR=15.6466 EEK 

Lembit Tampere 
Member of the management board 
Arco Vara AS 
Tel: +372 614 4630