Market announcement

AS Ekspress Grupp


Other price sensitive information


10.03.2010 14:33:44


Veebruari müügitulu


Perioodiliste väljaannete käive on endiselt suure surve all, kuigi võrreldes    
eelmise aastaga on mahajäämus vähenenud. Leedus on näha online-reklaami kasvu,  
Eestis on käive stabiliseerumas eelmise aasta tasemele. Läti online-meedia      
reklaamiturg on jätkuvalt surve all, kuid näitab samuti stabiliseerumise märke. 
Ka trükiteenuste käive näitab väikest kasvutrendi, seda peamiselt ekspordi toel.

Veebruari müügitulu segmentide lõikes, tuh EEK
| Segment                              |     2010 |        2009 |   Muutus %   |
| Online-meedia                        |    9 137 |       8 981 |      2%      |
| Perioodilised väljaanded             |   25 898 |      33 309 |     -22%     |
| Trükiteenused                        |   26 620 |      25 727 |      3%      |
| Määramata                            |      267 |         250 |      7%      |
| Segmentidevahelised elimineerimised  |  (3 970) |     (4 609) |     14%      |
| Kontserni müügitulu kokku            |   57 952 |      63 658 |     -9%      |

Gunnar Kobin                                                                    
Juhatuse esimees                                                                
GSM: +372 5188111                                                               


Sales in February


The turnover of periodical publications remains under a high pressure; however, 
compared to the previous year, the backlog has decreased. In Lithuania,         
online-advertising is increasing; in Estonia, turnover is stabilising at last   
year's level. The Latvian online-media advertising market is continuously under 
pressure, but is also showing signs of stabilisation. The turnover of printing  
services is showing a slight upwards trend, mainly due to export.               

Revenue by segment - February, th EEK                                           
| Segment                              |     2010 |        2009 |   Change %   |
| Online media                         |    9 137 |       8 981 |      2%      |
| Periodicals                          |   25 898 |      33 309 |     -22%     |
| Printing services                    |   26 620 |      25 727 |      3%      |
| Unallocated                          |      267 |         250 |      7%      |
| Inter-segment sales                  |  (3 970) |     (4 609) |     14%      |
| Sales to external customers          |   57 952 |      63 658 |     -9%      |

Additional information:                                                         
Gunnar Kobin                                                                    
Chairman of the Management Board                                                
GSM: +372 5188111                                                               