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02.02.2010 09:30:00


Riigihangete vaidlustuskomisjon jättis jõusse Merko Ehituse „E20 Loo-Maardu teelõigu ehitus“ hankevõidu


Reedel, 29. jaanuaril 2010. aastal luges Riigihangete vaidlustuskomisjon
Maanteeameti otsuse kvalifitseerida AS Merko Ehitus, Tallinna Teede AS ja SIA
Merksi ühispakkumine „E20 Loo-Maardu teelõigu ehitus“ hankel põhjendatuks ja
otsustas mitte rahuldada AS Nordecon Infra taotlust vastava käskkirja

Maanteeamet kuulutas 2009. aasta 13. oktoobri hankel parimaks AS Merko
Ehitus, Tallinna Teede AS ja SIA Merksi ühispakkumise summas 288,84 miljonit
krooni, AS Nordecon Infra pakkumine oli paremuselt teine 318,78 miljoni
krooniga. AS Nordecon Infra vaidlustas vastava käskkirja, viidates, et AS Merko
Ehitus on 1. augustil 2008 äriregistrisse kantud äriühing, kes ei saa vastata
kvalifitseerimistingimustele, milles nõutakse andmeid viimase kolme
majandusaasta netokäibe ja viimase viie aasta jooksul tehtud tööde osas ning et
nõutud referents ja käive puuduvad ka Tallinna Teede AS-il ja SIA Merksil.

Riigihangete vaidlustuskomisjon otsustas 23. novembril 2009, et Maanteeamet
peab kvalifitseerimisotsust paremini põhjendama, mida amet seepeale tegi, ning
mille Riigihangete vaidlustuskomisjon on lugenud ammendavaks. 

1 EUR = 15,6466 EEK

Alar Lagus
Juhatuse liige
6 805 109


The Public Procurement Dispute Committee did not Reverse the Decision to Declare Merko Ehitus the Winner of the “Construction of the E20 Highway between Loo and Maardu” Tender Competition


On Friday, 29 January 2010, the Public Procurement Dispute Committee ruled that
the decision made by the Estonian Road Administration - that the joint tender
submitted by AS Merko Ehitus, Tallinna Teede AS and SIA Merks qualified for the
“Construction of the E20 Highway Between Loo and Maardu” tender competition -
was justified and decided to reject AS Nordecon Infra's petition for the
reversal of the decision. 

On 13 October 2009, the Road Administration announced that the joint tender
(for EEK 288.84 million) submitted by AS Merko Ehitus, Tallinna Teede AS and
SIA Merks was the winning tender in the competition, followed by AS Nordecon
Infra's tender (EEK 318.78 million). AS Nordecon Infra challenged the Road
Administration's decision, claiming that the company AS Merko Ehitus was
registered in the Commercial Register only on 1 August 2008 and therefore did
not meet the qualification requirements, as tenderers had to provide
documentation about their annual net turnover in the three previous years and
references from the five previous years. In addition to that, AS Nordecon Infra
claimed that the companies Tallinna Teede AS and SIA Merks also lacked the
required references and turnover. 

On 23 November 2009, the Public Procurement Dispute Committee decided that the
Road Administration would have to explain their qualification decision more
thoroughly, which the Road Administration did, and the Dispute Committee
considered the explanation to be sufficient. 

1 EUR = 15,6466 EEK

Alar Lagus
Member of Management Board
+372 6 805 109