Market announcement

Arco Vara AS


Other price sensitive information


26.01.2010 09:54:02


Paldiski mnt 80 kinnistu detailplaneeringu jõustumine


Tallinna volikogu 26. novembri 2009 otsusega nr 239, kehtestati Paldiski mnt 80
lähiala detailplaneering. Paldiski mnt 80 kinnistu kuulub Arco Investeeringute
AS-i  100 %-lisele tütarettevõttele Wilson Kinnisvara OÜ. 

Kinnistu sihtotstarve on ärimaa, mille suuruseks on 8200 m².
Detailplaneeringuga lubatav maksimaalne suletud ehitatav brutopind: maapealne -
24 000 m², maaalune - 6 300 m². Parkimiskohti on planeeritud 257 tk. 

Detailplaneering oli juba kehtivat üldplaneeringut muutev üksnes hoone
kavandatava kõrguse osas, mis varasemaga võrreldes kasvas. Hoone maksimaalseks
kõrguseks kujuneb 44 meetrit ja kuni 12 korrust, kuid mitte kogu ehitise mahus. 
Detailplaneeringu kehtestamisest on möödunud enam kui 30 kalendripäeva. Selle
perioodi jooksul pole detailplaneeringut vaidlustatud. Nüüdseks on
pretensioonide esitamise tähtaeg lõppenud ja Paldiski mnt. 80 lähialale
kinnitatud detailplaneering jõustunud. 
Arco Vara on Baltimaade üks juhtivaid kinnisvaraarenduse ettevõtteid, asutatud
1992. aastal. Ettevõtte põhitegevuseks on kinnisvaraarendus, mida toetavad enda
kinnisvaravahendus ja hindamine, ehitus ning kinnisvarahaldus. Firmal on
esindused 17 linnas Eestis, Lätis, Ukrainas ja Bulgaarias. Kontsernis töötab ca
170 inimest. 
Arco Vara AS aktsiad on noteeritud Tallinna Börsil.

1 EUR = 15,6466 EEK

Lembit Tampere
Juhatuse liige
Arco Vara AS
phone: +372 614 4630


Detailed plan for the property at Paldiski Street 80 enforced


By the decision No. 239 of 26 November of the Tallinn City Council, the
detailed plan for the surroundings of the property at Paldiski Street 80 was
approved. The property at Paldiski Street 80 belongs to Wilson Kinnisvara OÜ, a
100% subsidiary of Arco Investeeringute AS. 

The intended purpose of the property of 8,200 m² is commercial land. The
maximum gross enclosed area allowed by the detailed plan is: on ground - 24,000
m², underground - 6,300 m². The number of planned parking places is 257. 

The only difference from the current comprehensive plan is an increase in the
planned height of the building. The maximum height of the building will be 44
meters and up to 12 storeys, however, this will not apply for the whole
building volume. 

The detailed plan was approved more than 30 calendar days ago. During this
period, the detailed plan has not been contested. Now the deadline for raising
claims is expired and the detailed plan approved for the surroundings of the
property at Paldiski Street 80 has entered into force. 

Arco Vara is a leading real estate developer in the Baltic's, established in
1992. The operations involve real estate development, brokerage, valuation,
construction and property maintenance arm. The company is located in 17 cities
in Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine and Bulgaria and employs ca 170 people. 

Arco Vara AS is listed on Tallinn Stock Exchange.

1 EUR = 15.6466 EEK

Lembit Tampere
Member of Management Board
Arco Vara AS
phone: +372 614 4630