Market announcement

AS Silvano Fashion Group


Notifications of major holdings


31.12.2009 09:20:00


Olulise osaluse muutus


Lähtudes väärtpaberituru seadusest teatas hr Toomas Tool AS-ile Silvano Fashion Group (SFG), et tema poolt omandatud häälte arv SFG-s ületab 20% künnise kõikidest SFG aktsiatega esindatud häältest.

Vastavalt edastatud teatele omab hr Toomas Tool 28. detsembri 2009. a seisuga 9 810 983 SFG aktsiat, mis moodustavad 24,52% kõikidest SFG aktsiatega esindatud häältest.

Sergei Kusonski
Juhatuse liige
AS Silvano Fashion Group
Tel +372 6 818 050


Change in Substantial Shareholding


In accordance with the Securities Market Act, Mr. Toomas Tool notified AS Silvano Fashion Group (SFG) that the votes acquired by him in SFG exceed the 20% threshold of the total amount of votes represented by all shares in SFG.                                                     

According to the notification, Mr. Toomas Tool owns 9,810,983 shares in SFG as at 28 December 2009, which represent 24,52% of the total amount of votes represented by all shares in SFG.

Sergei Kusonski
Member of the Management Board
AS Silvano Fashion Group
Tel +372 6 818 050