Market announcement

Arco Vara AS


Other price sensitive information


29.12.2009 13:24:32


29.12.2009: Arco Vara AS tütarettevõte Arco Ehitus OÜ võõrandas oma osaluse Arco Construction SIA-s


Arco Vara AS (edaspidi Kontsern) 100% tütarettevõte Arco Ehitus OÜ võõrandas oma
osaluse Arco Construction SIAs (55 % Arco Ehitus OÜ tütarettevõte), mille       
osakapital oli 4 000 Läti latti (ca 88 333 krooni, ca 5 646 eurot.  
Enamusosalus Arco Construction SIA-s soetati 2007. aasta alguses, eesmärgiga    
ehitada Kontserni  arendusprojekte ning teenida kasumit Läti ehitusturu kiirest 
kasvust. Läbi dividenditulu on kontsern saanud täies mahus tagasi oma varasemad,
ettevõtte soetamiseks tehtud investeeringud. Järgnevate aastat jooksul oleksid  
Kontserni omainvesteeringud enda Läti arendusprojektidesse olnud maksimaalselt  
15,0 mln krooni (ca 0,96 mln eurot), mis ei tagaks Arco Construction SIA        
jätkusuutlikku majandamist. Samas pole Arco Construction SIA olnud edukas uute  
kontserniväliste lepingute sõlmimisel. Lisaks on Läti ehitusturg 2007. aastaga  
võrreldes oluliselt ahenenud ja ei vasta enam Arco Vara AS-i strateegia         
põhimõtetele, mille oluliseks osaks on vähendada Kontserni kohustusi ja loobuda 
tegevustest, mida Kontsern ei saa täielikult kontrollida.
Arco Ehitus OÜ-le kuuluva Arco Construction SIA osaluse omandasid Arco          
Construction SIA kaasomanikud selliselt, et Viktors Savins omandas 27,3%        
võõrandatavast osalusest, Marti?š Bubens omandas 23,6% võõrandatavast osalusest,
Aivars Kacars omandas 23,6% võõrandatavast osalusest ning J?nis ?odars omandas  
25,5% võõrandatavast osalusest. Tegemist on tehinguga seotud isikuga NASDAQ OMX 
Tallinna Börsi reglemendi osa "Nõuded Emitentidele" tähenduses. Omandajad       
Marti?š Bubens ja Aivars Kacars on Arco Construction SIA juhatuse liikmed ning  
Viktors Savins on sama ettevõtte nõukogu liige.
Tehingu maksumus oli ca 1,1 mln krooni (0,07 mln eurot), millest Kontsernile    
laekub rahana 0,1 mln krooni (0,01 mln eurot), kuna ülejäänud osa ca 0.97 mln   
krooni (0,06 mln eurot) kulub Arco Costruction SIA soetusmaksumuse kohustuse    
tasaarvelduseks. Tehingu tulemusena vähenevad Kontserni konsolideeritud võlad   
hankijatele 28,8 mln krooni (ca 1,84 mln eurot), nõuded ostjate vastu vähenevad 
22,3 mln krooni (ca 1,43 mln eurot). Antud tehingu tulemusena Kontsern kahjumit 
ei saanud. Tehing ei avalda märkimisväärset mõju Arco Vara kontserni tegevusele 
ega ole käsitletav olulise osaluse võõrandamisena. Arco Vara AS nõukogu ja      
juhatuse liikmed ei ole tehingust muul viisil isiklikult huvitatud. 
Arco Vara on Baltimaade üks juhtivaid kinnisvaraarenduse ettevõtteid, asutatud  
1992. aastal. Ettevõtte põhitegevuseks on kinnisvaraarendus, mida toetavad enda 
kinnisvaravahendus ja hindamine, ehitus ning kinnisvarahaldus. Firmal on        
esindused 17 linnas Eestis, Lätis, Ukrainas ja Bulgaarias. Kontsernis töötab ca 
250 inimest. 
Arco Vara AS aktsiad on noteeritud Tallinna Börsil.
1 EUR = 15,6466 EEK 
Lembit Tampere                                                                  
Juhatuse liige                                                                  
Arco Vara AS                                                                    
phone: +372 614                                                                 


29.12.2009: Arco Vara AS subsidary Arco Ehitus OÜ sold its shares of Arco Construction SIA


Arco Vara AS (hereinafter the Group) 100% subsidiary Arco Ehitus OÜ sold its    
shares of Arco Construction SIA (55 % subsidiary of Arco Ehitus OÜ) with the    
share capital of 4 000 Latvian lats (approx. 88 333 kroons or approx. 5 646     
The majority of shares of Arco Construction SIA-s were bought on the beginning  
of 2007 with the goal to build Group development projects and to gain profit    
from the fast growth of construction market within Latvia. By the               
interest-earning the Group has fully retrieved its earlier investment made for  
acquiring the company. During next years self investments by the Group into the 
development projects in Latvia would not have exceeded of 15.0 mln kroons       
(approx. 0.96 mln euros), which would not ensure the sustainable managing of    
Arco Construction SIA. At the same time Arco Construction SIA has not been      
successful of signing the group-external agreements. Moreover the construction  
market in Latvia has substantially tightened comparing with the year 2007 and do
not comply any more with the strategic principles of Arco Vara AS whereof       
essential part is to reduce liabilities of the Group and to withdraw from the   
actions which the Group can't fully control.
The shares belonging to Arco Ehitus OÜ-le were acquired by co-owners of Arco    
Construction SIA in a way that Viktors Savins obtained 27,3% from the           
transferable shares, Marti?š Bubens obtained 23,6% from the transferable shares,
Aivars Kacars obtained 23,6% from the transferable shares and J?nis ?odars      
obtained 25,5% from the transferable shares. This transaction represents a      
transaction with a related person within the meaning of “Requirements for       
Issuers” of the NASDAQ OMX Tallinn Rules. The acquirers Marti?š Bubens and      
Aivars Kacars are the members of the board of Arco Construction SIA and Viktors 
Savins is the members of the council of the same company.
The value of the transaction was approx 1.1 mln kroons (0.07 mln euros)         
wherefrom the Group shall receive in cash 0.1 mln kroons (approx 0.01 mln euros)
whereas rest in amount of approx 0.97 mln kroons (0.06 mln euros) will be spent 
to balance the liabilities of the acquisition costs of Arco Costruction SIA.    
After the transaction the Group consolidated trade payables shall decrease in   
amount of 28.8 mln kroons (approx 1.84 mln euros), trade receivables shall      
decrease in amount of 22.3 mln kroons (ca 1.43 mln euros). With current         
transaction the Group shall not bare any loss. The transaction does not have    
remarkable material economical effect on the activities of Arco Vara Group and  
does not qualify as an acquisition of significant holding. The members of the   
supervisory board and the management board of Arco Vara AS have no other        
personal interest in the transaction. 
Arco Vara is a leading real estate developer in the Baltic's, established in    
1992. The operations involve real estate development, brokerage, valuation,     
construction and property maintenance arm. The company is located in 18 cities  
in Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine and Bulgaria and employs ca 250 people.             

Arco Vara AS is listed on Tallinn Stock Exchange.                               

1 EUR = 15.6466 EEK
Lembit Tampere                                                                  
Member of Management Board                                                      
Arco Vara                                                                       
phone: +372 614 4630