Market announcement



Results of General Meeting


12.11.2009 09:54:39


Aktsionäride erakorralise üldkoosoleku otsused


AS Tallinna Vesi aktsionäride erakorraline üldkoosolek toimus 12. novembril
2009.a kell 09.00-09.30 hotellis Radisson Blu, Tallinnas. Ettevõtte 20
miljonist häälest oli koosolekul esindatud 16 344 893   häält, ehk 81,72%  
häältest. Üldkoosolek oli otsustusvõimeline. 

Erakorralise üldkoosoleku päevakord, nõukogu ettepanekud ja vastuvõetud otsused
olid järgmised: 

1.	Valida hr. Valdur Laid nõukogu liikmeks
Nõukogu ettepanek: Valida hr. Valdur Laid AS-i Tallinna Vesi nõukogu liikmeks
alates 12. novembrist 2009.a 
OTSUS: Valida 16 341 093 ehk 99,98 %  koosolekul esindatud poolthäältega hr.
Valdur Laid AS Tallinna Vesi nõukogu liikmeks alates 12. novembrist 2009.a.
Vastu oli 3800 häält, erapooletuid ei olnud. 

2.	Valida hr. Mart Mägi nõukogu liikmeks
Nõukogu ettepanek: Valida hr. Mart Mägi AS-i Tallinna Vesi nõukogu liikmeks
alates 12. novembrist 2009.a 
OTSUS: Valida 16 341 065 ehk 99,98% koosolekul esindatud poolthäältega hr. Mart
Mägi AS Tallinna Vesi nõukogu liikmeks alates 12. novembrist 2009.a. Vastu oli
3800 häält, erapooletuid oli 28 häält. 

3.	Valida hr Rein Ratas nõukogu liikmeks 
Nõukogu ettepanek: Valida hr Rein Ratas AS-i Tallinna Vesi nõukogu liikmeks
alates 12. novembrist 2009.a. 
OTSUS: Valida 16 341 093 ehk 99,98%  koosolekul esindatud poolthäältega hr Rein
Ratas AS Tallinna Vesi nõukogu liikmeks alates 12. novembrist 2009.a. Vastu oli
3800 häält, erapooletuid ei olnud. 

Nõukogu liikmeks valitud kandidaatide CVd on kättesaadavad ka ettevõtte

Priit Koff
Tel: + 372 6262 209


The decisions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders of AS Tallinna Vesi


The Extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders of AS Tallinna Vesi was
held on the 12th November 2009 from 09.00-09.30am at the Radisson Blu hotel in
Tallinn. Out of the Company's 20 million votes 16 344 893 votes or 81,72% were
represented at the meeting. The meeting was empowered to pass resolutions. 

The agenda for the shareholders' extraordinary general meeting, the proposals
of the Supervisory Council and the resolutions passed were as follows: 

1.	Elect Mr Valdur Laid as a Supervisory Council member
	Supervisory Council proposal: Elect Mr Valdur Laid as a Supervisory Council
member of AS Tallinna Vesi starting from 12 November 2009. 
	RESOLUTION: With 16 341 093  or 99,98 % of votes in favour to elect Mr Valdur
Laid as a Supervisory Council member of AS Tallinna Vesi starting from 12
November 2009. 3800 votes were against the resolution with 0 votes remaining

2.	Elect Mr Mart Mägi as a Supervisory Council member
	Supervisory Council proposal: Elect Mr Mart Mägi as a Supervisory Council
member of AS Tallinna Vesi starting from 12 November 2009. 
	RESOLUTION: With 16 341 065  or 99,98 % of votes in favour to elect Mr Mart
Mägi as a Supervisory Council member of AS Tallinna Vesi starting from 12
November 2009. 3800 votes were against the resolution with 28 votes remaining

3.	Elect Mr Rein Ratas as a Supervisory Council member
	Supervisory Council proposal: Elect Mr Rein Ratas as a Supervisory Council
member of AS Tallinna Vesi starting from 12 November 2009. 
	RESOLUTION: With 16 341 093  or 99,98 % of votes in favour to elect Mr Rein
Ratas as a Supervisory Council member of AS Tallinna Vesi starting from 12
November 2009.3800 votes were against the resolution with 0 votes remaining

The CVs of the elected Supervisory Council members are available from 

Priit Koff
Head of Communications
Ph: + 372 6262 209