Market announcement

AS Trigon Property Development


Other price sensitive information


10.11.2009 16:05:00


TPD: Muudatused kontrolli omava aktsionäri omanike ringis


Käesolevaga teatab AS Trigon Property Development, et toimus muudatus OÜ Trigon
Wood (registrikood 11053100) omanike ringis. OÜ Trigon Wood omab 59,62 % AS-is
Trigon Property Development aktsiatega esindatud häältest. OÜ Trigon Wood
enamusosanik TDI Investments Ky restruktureerimise käigus jagati TDI
Investments Ky investorite (Skandinaavia investorid) vahel TDI Investments Ky
osalus OÜ-s Trigon Wood. Lisaks võõrandas üks TDI Investments Ky investor
endale kuuluva osaluse OÜ-s Trigon Wood AS-ile Trigon Capital. Suuremad OÜ
Trigon Wood omanikud pärast restruktureerimist on: AS Trigon Capital (20,75%),
Veikko Laine Oy (15,52%), BCB Baltic AB (14,07%), Hermitage Eesti OÜ (11,94%),
Thominvest Oy (11,94%) ja Assetman Oy (11,45%). 

OÜ Trigon Wood juhtkond jätkab samas koosseisus ning emitendi arengustrateegias
eelpool toodud restruktureerimise järgselt olulisi muudatusi ei planeerita ja
jätkatakse seni avaldatud arengukavade elluviimist. 

Ülo Adamson
Nõukogu esimees
Telefon 6 679 200


TPD: Changes in the shareholder structure of the majority shareholder


Hereby AS Trigon Property Development announces that changes were carried out
in the shareholders of OÜ Trigon Wood (registry code 11053100). OÜ Trigon Wood
has 59,62 % of votes represented by shares in AS Trigon Property Development.
Majority shareholder TDI Investments Ky has been restructured so that the
shareholding in OÜ Trigon Wood was distributed directly to the investors of TDI
Investment Ky (Scandinavian investors). In addition, one of the  investors of
TDI Investments Ky sold its shareholding to AS Trigon Capital. After
restructuring of OÜ Trigon Wood the biggest shareholders of OÜ Trigon Wood are:
AS Trigon Capital (20,75%), Veikko Laine Oy (15,52%), BCB Baltic AB (14,07%),
Hermitage Eesti OÜ (11,94%), Thominvest Oy (11,94%) and Assetman Oy (11,45%). 

The management board of OÜ Trigon Wood shall continue with the same members, no
significant changes in development strategies of AS Trigon Property Development
are planned due to the above described restructuring and the company shall
continue its business operations in accordance with development plans announced
so far. 

Ülo Adamson
Chairman of the Supervisory Board 
Phone 6 679 200