Market announcement

Eesti Telekom


Management interim statement or quarterly financial report


22.10.2009 09:00:00


AS-i Eesti Telekom 2009. aasta III kvartali ja 9 kuu konsolideeritud vahearuanne, EEK


TEGEVUSE VAHEARUANNE                                                            


Eesti Telekom Grupi, mille emaettevõtja on AS Eesti Telekom                     
(registreerimisnumber 10234957; aadress:                                        
Valge 16, 19095 Tallinn), peamiseks                                             
tegevusalaks on telekommunikatsiooniteenuste osutamine.                         

AS-i Eesti Telekom aktsiad on alates 1999. aastast noteeritud Tallinna ja       
Londoni väärtpaberibörsidel (OMX: ETLAT / LSE: EETD).                           

Muudatused Eesti Telekom Grupi struktuuris                                      
31.augustil 2009 Äriregistri poolt tehtud ühinemiskannete tulemusena jõustusid  
ühinemised, mille kohaselt ühendati AS-iga  EMT viimase 100% tütarettevõtjad EMT
Esindused AS ja AS Mobile Wholesale ning Elion Ettevõtted AS-iga viimase 100%   
tütarettevõtja AS Elion Esindus. Toimunud ühinemiste eesmärgiks on saavutada    
suuremat efektiivsust äriprotsessides. Börsile edastatavates andmetes toimunud  
ühinemised muutusi kaasa ei too, kuna börsile on EMT Grupi ja Elion Grupi       
tulemused esitatud konsolideerituna ka varem.                                   

AS-i Eesti Telekom omanike struktuur                                            
2009. aasta kolmanda kvartali lõpu seisuga omas TeliaSonera grupp 60,98% AS-i   
Eesti Telekom aktsiatest. Vabalt kaubeldavate aktsiate osakaal oli 11,85%       
aktsiate koguarvust. Neist 1,07% oli konverteeritud Londoni Börsil              
kaubeldavateks GDR-ideks.                                                       

AS-i Eesti Telekom 10 suuremat aktsionäri 30. september 2009. aasta seisuga     

|                                            |       30. september 2009        |
|                                            |  Väärtpaberite arv  |  Osalus   |
|                                                             |     Muutus     |
|                                                             | võrreldes 30.  |
|                                                             |   juuni 2009   |
| TeliaSonera grupp               |      84 119 239 |  60,98% |      1 182 940 |
| Rahandusministeerium            |      37 485 100 |  27,17% |      4 138 636 |
| SEB kliendid                    |       2 412 819 |   1,75% |         63 614 |
| ING Luxembourg S.A.             |       2 137 813 |   1,55% |              0 |
| State Street Bank and Trust     |         623 145 |   0,45% |        242 100 |
| Omnibus Account                 |                 |         |                |
| Mellon Treaty Omnibus           |         609 406 |   0,44% |        112 933 |
| UniCredit Bank Austria AG       |         494 398 |   0,36% |         54 480 |
| Clearstream Banking Luxembourg  |         472 201 |   0,34% |      (150 957) |
| S.A. kliendid                   |                 |         |                |
| Nordea Bank Finland PLC         |         427 020 |   0,31% |         49 130 |
| Evli Bank PLC kliendid          |         381 303 |   0,28% |        310 686 |

24. augustil 2009. aastal kuulutas TeliaSonera välja ülevõtmispakkumise Eesti   
Telekomi aktsiate omandamiseks. Ülevõtmispakkumise aktseptimise periood lõppes  
9. oktoobril 2009. aastal. TeliaSonera pakkus Eesti Telekomi iga aktsia eest 93 
Eesti krooni.  Peale ülevõtmispakkumise käigus aktsiate omandamist omab         
TeliaSonera otseselt ning kaudselt kokku 134 614 949 aktsiat, mis moodustab     
97,58% kõigist Eesti Telekomi aktsiatest.                                       

Võttes arvesse ülevõtmispakkumise tulemusi, otsustas TeliaSonera grupi juhtkond 
alustada toiminguid ülejäänud väikeaktsionäridele kuuluvate aktsiate            
ülevõtmiseks (squeeze-out) vastavalt väärtpaberituru seaduse §-le 182-1.        

Aktsionäride erakorraline üldkoosolek                                           
AS-i Eesti Telekom aktsionäride erakorraline üldkoosolek toimus 1. oktoobril    
2009. aastal. Üldkoosolek kinnitas täiendava kasumi jaotamise ettepaneku. AS-i  
Eesti Telekom aktsionäridele makstakse möödunud aasta eest täiendavalt dividende
6,99 krooni aktsia kohta ehk kokku 964 miljonit krooni. Dividendid makstakse    
välja 30. oktoobril 2009. aastal aktsionäride nimekirja alusel, mis fikseeriti  
15. oktoobril 2009. aastal kella 23.59 seisuga.                                 

Üldkoosolek kinnitas majandusaastateks 2009, 2010 ja 2011 AS-i Eesti Telekom    
senise praktikaga kooskõlas oleva dividendipoliitika, mille kohaselt aastatel   
2010, 2011, 2012 kooskõlas seadusega väljamakstavad dividendid moodustavad 100  
protsenti eelneva majandusaasta lõpuks kogunenud puhaskasumist.                 

AS-i Eesti Telekom aktsia                                                       
AS-i Eesti Telekom aktsia hind tõusis 2009. aasta kolmandas kvartalis 42,24%.   
Aktsia hind kvartali alguses oli                                                
69,63 krooni ning kvartali lõpus 99,04                                          
krooni. Kõrgeim ja madalaim aktsia hind aruandeperioodi jooksul olid vastavalt  
100,14 krooni ning 63,06 krooni. Aruandeperioodi käibeks kujunes 521 miljonit   


Juhatuse kommentaar: Grupi müügitulu kolmandas kvartalis oli peamiselt mõjutatud
regulatsioonidest (mobiilsektorile Euroopa Liidust) ning majanduse jahenemisest 
(kauba müügi vähenemine ja tarbijakäitumise muutumine).  Tänu kõikides Grupi    
segmentides käivitatud efektiivsusprojektidele on kulumieelse ärikasumi         
kahanemine olnud väiksem müügitulude kahanemisest ning kulumieelse ärikasumi    
marginaal on võrreldes eelmise aastaga kasvanud.                                

Olulisemad finantsnäitajad                                                      

Eesti Telekom grupp                                                             
|                        |    III |    III | Muutus | 9 kuud | 9 kuud | Muutus |
|                        |    kv. |    kv. |    , % |   2009 |   2008 |    , % |
|                        |   2009 |   2008 |        |        |        |        |
| Müügitulu, mln EEK     |  1 342 |  1 566 | (14,3) |  4 027 |  4 617 | (12,8) |
| Ärikasum enne kulumit, |    542 |    628 | (13,7) |  1 595 |  1 818 | (12,3) |
| mln EEK                |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| Marginaal, %           |   40,4 |   40,1 |        |   39,6 |   39,4 |        |
| Ärikasum, mln EEK      |    392 |    481 | (18,6) |  1 137 |  1 386 | (18,0) |
| Marginaal, %           |   29,2 |   30,7 |        |   28,2 |   30,0 |        |
| Kasum enne             |    392 |    485 | (19,3) |  1 173 |  1 424 | (17,6) |
| tulumaksustamist, mln  |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| EEK                    |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| Perioodi kasum, mln    |    392 |    485 | (19,3) |    774 |  1 039 | (25,5) |
| EEK                    |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| Tava kasum aktsia      |   2,84 |   3,51 | (19,1) |   5,61 |   7,51 | (25,3) |
| kohta, EEK             |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| Perioodi koondkasum,   |    392 |    485 | (19,3) |    774 |  1 039 | (25,5) |
| mln EEK                |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| Kapitalimahutused, mln |    112 |    171 | (34,4) |    359 |    474 | (24,1) |
| EEK                    |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| Netovõla suhe          |  (8,4) | (13,1) |        |  (8,4) | (13,1) |        |
| omakapitali, %         |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| ROA, %                 |    9,5 |   10,8 |        |   17,1 |   21,8 |        |
| ROE, %                 |   11,5 |   13,3 |        |   29,7 |   34,7 |        |

Mobiilside teenuste segment                                                     
|                        |    III |    III | Muutus | 9 kuud | 9 kuud | Muutus |
|                        |    kv. |    kv. |    , % |   2009 |   2008 |    , % |
|                        |   2009 |   2008 |        |        |        |        |
| Müügitulu, mln EEK     |    806 |    966 | (16,5) |  2 314 |  2 778 | (16,7) |
| Ärikasum enne kulumit, |    292 |    383 | (23,6) |    865 |  1 076 | (19,7) |
| mln EEK                |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| Marginaal, %           |   36,2 |   39,6 |        |   37,4 |   38,7 |        |
| Ärikasum, mln EEK      |    227 |    316 | (28,3) |    664 |    881 | (24,6) |
| Marginaal, %           |   28,1 |   32,7 |        |   28,7 |   31,7 |        |
| Kasum enne             |    228 |    318 | (28,4) |    689 |    900 | (23,4) |
| tulumaksustamist, mln  |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| EEK                    |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| Perioodi kasum, mln    |    228 |    318 | (28,4) |    454 |    678 | (33,0) |
| EEK                    |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| Perioodi koondkasum,   |    228 |    318 | (28,4) |    454 |    678 | (33,0) |
| mln EEK                |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| Kapitalimahutused, mln |     27 |     70 | (61,9) |    160 |    198 | (19,2) |
| EEK                    |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| ROA, %                 |   13,5 |    6,7 |        |   23,6 |   33,2 |        |
| ROE, %                 |   18,9 |    9,2 |        |   44,9 |   58,4 |        |

Lairiba teenuste segment                                                        
|                        |    III |    III | Muutus | 9 kuud | 9 kuud | Muutus |
|                        |    kv. |    kv. |    , % |   2009 |   2008 |    , % |
|                        |   2009 |   2008 |        |        |        |        |
| Müügitulu, mln EEK     |    781 |    886 | (11,9) |  2 245 |  2 454 |  (8,5) |
| Ärikasum enne kulumit, |    240 |    247 |  (2,8) |    722 |    740 |  (2,5) |
| mln EEK                |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| Marginaal, %           |   30,8 |   27,9 |        |   32,1 |   30,1 |        |
| Ärikasum, mln EEK      |    162 |    173 |  (6,5) |    490 |    523 |  (6,3) |
| Marginaal, %           |   20,8 |   19,6 |        |   21,8 |   21,3 |        |
| Kasum enne             |    156 |    170 |  (8,5) |    486 |    523 |  (7,2) |
| tulumaksustamist, mln  |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| EEK                    |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| Perioodi kasum, mln    |    156 |    170 |  (8,5) |    321 |    390 | (17,8) |
| EEK                    |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| Perioodi koondkasum,   |    156 |    170 |  (8,5) |    321 |    390 | (17,8) |
| mln EEK                |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| Kapitalimahutused, mln |     85 |     97 | (13,1) |    194 |    262 | (26,1) |
| EEK                    |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| ROA, %                 |    6,4 |    6,7 |        |   12,4 |   14,6 |        |
| ROE, %                 |    9,3 |    9,2 |        |   25,5 |   26,2 |        |

IT-teenuste segment                                                             
|                        |    III |    III | Muutus | 9 kuud | 9 kuud | Muutus |
|                        |    kv. |    kv. |    , % |   2009 |   2008 |    , % |
|                        |   2009 |   2008 |        |        |        |        |
| Müügitulu, mln EEK     |     56 |     73 | (22,7) |    188 |    239 | (21,6) |
| Ärikasum enne kulumit, |     12 |      2 |  534,7 |     17 |     13 |   29,6 |
| mln EEK                |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| Marginaal, %           |   20,8 |    2,5 |        |    8,8 |    5,3 |        |
| Ärikasum, mln EEK      |      6 |    (4) |    N/A |    (8) |    (5) | (44,6) |
| Marginaal, %           |    9,8 |  (5,9) |        |  (4,2) |  (2,3) |        |
| Kasum enne             |      6 |    (5) |    N/A |    (8) |    (6) | (26,5) |
| tulumaksustamist, mln  |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| EEK                    |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| Perioodi kasum, mln    |      6 |    (5) |    N/A |    (8) |    (6) | (26,5) |
| EEK                    |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| Perioodi koondkasum,   |      6 |    (5) |    N/A |    (8) |    (6) | (26,5) |
| mln EEK                |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| Kapitalimahutused, mln |      1 |      4 | (76,9) |      6 |     14 | (57,2) |
| EEK                    |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| ROA, %                 |    3,6 |  (3,2) |        |  (4,6) |  (4,0) |        |
| ROE, %                 |    5,1 |  (6,2) |        |  (7,0) |  (6,4) |        |

Müügitulud, tegevuskulud ja kasum                                               
Grupi müügitulu ulatus 2009. aasta kolmandas kvartalis 1342 miljoni kroonini (3.
kvartal 2008: 1566 miljonit krooni). Müügitulude langus tulenes peamiselt       
telekommunikatsiooni- ja IT-kaupade müügimahu vähenemisest ning kõneteenuste ja 
rahvusvaheliste sidumisteenuste tulude langusest.                               
Mobiilside teenuste segmendi 2009. aasta kolmanda kvartali konsolideeritud käive
ulatus 806 miljoni kroonini, kahanedes 2008. aasta kolmanda kvartaliga võrreldes
16% (3. kvartal 2008: 966 miljonit krooni). Kogutulude languse taga oli         
põhiliselt jaehindade langusest tingitud kõneteenuste tulude vähenemine, mida   
kompenseeris osaliselt mobiilse andmeside kasv ja allhanketeenuste mahu kasv.   
Samuti on kolmandas kvartalis võrreldes aastataguse ajaga vähenenud             
telekommunikatsioonikaupade jae- ja hulgimüügist saadavad tulud, mis on tingitud
muutunud tarbijakäitumisest. Lisaks jäi klientide poolt algatatud kõneminutite  
ja EMT võrku sisenevate vastuvõetud kõneminutite arv 4% võrra väiksemaks        
võrreldes 2008. aasta kolmanda kvartaliga, mis tuleneb klientide                
kokkuhoiusoovist tarbimist piirata.                                             
AS-i EMT kliendibaas oli 2009. aasta 3. kvartali lõpuks järgmine: aktiivsete    
lepinguliste klientide arv pole vähenenud, jäädes endiselt 484 tuhande tasemele 
ning kuna kogu turg on langenud, on vähenenud ettemaksega kaartide kasutajate   
arv 33 tuhande võrra, langedes 260 tuhande tasemele. EMT hindab oma turuosa     
aktiivsete SIM-kaartide põhjal stabiilseks 47%-le. Hinnanguline aktiivsete      
kaartide penetratsioon Eestis on 119%.                                          
EMT jätkas edukalt oma klientidele uudse MinuEMT mobiili- ja internetipaketi    
pakkumist, kus kliendil on võimalus valida ise millises mahus ta soovib kasutada
kolme mobiilside põhiteenust - kõnesid, sõnumeid ja internetti. MinuEMT paketis 
on ülisoodsad hinnad ning personaalsed ja kliendistaažipõhised soodustused.     
MinuEMT müük on sujunud hästi ning antud lahendusega on liitunud kokku 45 tuhat 
era- ja äriklienti.                                                             
Konkurentsiameti 26.03.2009. aasta otsuse alusel jõustus 01.07.2009. aasta AS-i 
EMT, Elisa Eesti AS-i ja Tele2 Eesti AS-i ning ProGroup Holding OÜ suhtes       
kehtestatud maksimaalse sidumistasu tariif 1,36 krooni minut seni kehtinud 1,37 
krooni minut asemel.  Perioodideks 01.07.2010-30.06.2011 ja 01.07.2011-2012     
kehtestatavad sidumistasu maksimaalmäärad teeb Konkurentsiamet teatavaks        
hiljemalt 2 kuud enne vastavate perioodide algust, kuid otsuse kohaselt ei tohi 
rakendatava sidumistasu langus või tõus olla suurem kui 10%.                    
01.07.2009.a. jõustusid ka Euroopa Parlamendi ja Nõukogu 18.06.2009.a. määrusega
nr 544/2009 (millega muudeti EÜ määrust nr 717/2007, milles käsitletakse        
rändlust üldkasutatavates mobiiltelefonivõrkudes ühenduse piires) Euroopa       
liikmesriikide mobiilsideoperaatoritele kehtestatud hinnakohustused Ühenduse    
sisestele rändlusteenustele (eurotariifid): langesid kõne minutihinnad nii      
hulgi- (0,26 eurot/minut) kui jaemüügitasandil (väljuv kõne 0,43 eurot/minut,   
sisenev kõne 0,19 eurot/minut), rakendusid piirhinnad saadetavale SMS´le        
(hulgihind 0,04 eurot ja jaehind 0,11 eurot) ning andmesideteenuste hulgihinnale
(1 euro/1MB). Lisaks muutus alates 01.07.2009.a. rändluskõnede maksustamissamm  
(v.a. kõnealustustasu osas esimese 30 sekundi jooksul).                         
Lairiba teenuste segmendi konsolideeritud käive ulatus kolmandas kvartalis 781  
miljoni kroonini.  Võrreldes eelmise aasta sama perioodiga vähenes              
lairibateenuste valdkonna käive kokku 12%. Käibe langus oli eelkõige seotud     
telekommunikatsiooni- ja IT-kaupade müügimahu vähenemisega ning kõneteenuste ja 
rahvusvaheliste sidumisteenuste minutimahu langusega. Jaekaupade müügikäive     
kahanes mahu langusest tulenevalt 36%  ning lõpp-klientidelt teenitavad         
riigisiseste kõneteenuste tulud vähenesid minutimahtude üldise languse tõttu    
Eesti turul 15%. Rahvusvaheliste kõneteenuste käive langes 24%, mis oli         
peamiselt seotud mobiilivõrkudest algatatud rahvusvaheliste kõnede minutimahu   
vähenemisega. Tulenevalt rahvusvahelise kõnetransiidi minutimahtude langusest   
vähenes rahvusvaheliste sidumisteenuste käive kolmandas kvartalis võrreldes     
eelmise aastaga 24%. Samas kasvasid terviklahenduste ja andmesidelahenduste     
kuutasudest teenitavad tulud, mis suurenesid eelmise aastaga võrreldes kokku 8%.
Edukate turunduskampaaniate tulemusena suurenes Elioni IP- ja kaabeltelevisiooni
klientide arv kolmandas kvartalis 6000 võrra, ulatudes 30. septembri seisuga    
94,4 tuhandeni (30. september 2008: 75,4 tuhat). Elioni hinnangul suurenes      
ettevõtja turuosa Eesti kaabelleviturul 3. kvartalis 1%, ulatudes septembri     
lõpuks 30%-ni (30. september 2008: 26%).                                        
Alates 1.oktoobrist täienesid Elioni digiTV nii Eesti kui ka Slaavi põhipaketid 
20 kanali võrra, millest 4 on täiesti uued kanalid (Discovery Investigation, Nat
Geo Music, Life TV, RTV). Ülejäänud 16 kanalit lisandusid põhipaketti           
populaarsete teemapakettide kanalite arvelt, mida sai varem tellida lisatasu    
Septembri lõpus tõi Elion turule hüperkiire interneti teenuse, mis on klientide 
hulgas kiiresti populaarsust kogunud. Esimese nädalaga liitus teenusega enam kui
200 kasutajat ning 25 000 inimest kontrollis teenuse kättesaadavust oma kodus.  
Elioni hüperkiire internet kuutasuga 99 krooni võimaldab kuni 100 Mbit/s        
allalaadimiskiirust ja kuni 20 Mbit/s üleslaadimiskiirust. Uus lisateenus on    
kättesaadav Kodulahenduse klientidele, kelle senine internetiühenduse           
allalaadimiskiirus oli kuni 12 Mbit/s ning kelle kortermajja on fiiberoptikavõrk
välja ehitatud. Hetkel on Elioni hüperkiire interneti tehniline võimalus olemas 
100 000 kortermajades asuval majapidamisel kõikides suuremates linnades üle     
Elioni interneti püsiühenduse klientide koguarv suurenes kvartaliga 1700        
ühenduse võrra, ulatudes septembri lõpuks 176,8 tuhandeni (30. september 2008:  
171,9 tuhat). Ettevõtja hinnangul Elioni turuosa Eesti interneti püsiühenduste  
turul ei muutunud, moodustades jätkuvalt 54%.                                   
Kolmanda kvartali lõpuks ulatus Elioni aktiivsete kõneliideste arv 460 tuhandeni
(30. september 2008:                                                            
471 tuhat liidest). Kõneliideste vähenemine tuleneb                             
telefoniühenduste arvu oodatud kahanemisest era- ja ärisegmendis ning           
taksofonide arvu vähendamisest üle Eesti.                                       
Elion hindab oma turuosa fikseeritud võrgus algatatud kõneminutitest 79%-liseks 
(september 2008: 80%). Turuosa kohalike kõnede minutitest on 81% (september     
2008: 82%), rahvusvaheliste kõnede minutitest 68% (september 2008: 67%) ning    
mobiiltelefonidele tehtavate kõnede minutitest 70% (september 2008: 71%).       
Telekommunikatsiooni- ja IT kaupade jaemüügiturul suurendas Elion kolmandas     
kvartalis oma turuosa audio-video kaupade valdkonnas 12,5%-lt 16,8%-le.         
Vaatamata väga tihedale hinnakonkurentsile suutis Elion ka säilitada oma        
turuliidripositsiooni IT kaupade valdkonnas (turuosa koos sõsarettevõtte AS     
EMT-ga 29%).                                                                    
Augustis lõpetas Konkurentsiamet menetlused Elioni püsiliiniteenuse ja vaskpaari
rendi kehtivate tasude osas, tunnistades need seaduspäraseks.                   
IT-teenuste segmendi müügitulu ulatus 2009. aasta kolmandas kvartalis 56 miljoni
kroonini (3. kvartal 2008: 73 miljonit krooni). Võrreldes eelmise aasta sama    
perioodiga vähenes müügitulu 23%, seejuures IT-kaupade osas langes müügitulu    
58%, projektimüügi teenuste osas tõusis 48% ja  püsiteenuste osas langes        
müügitulu 6% võrra. Projektimüügi tulude kasv võrrelduna eelmise aastaga on     
mõjutatud IT Koolituskeskuse OÜ grupi andmete kajastumisest 2009. aastal        
IT-teenuste segmendi konsolideeritud müügituludes, teiselt poolt vähenesid      
projektimüügi tulud seoses tarkvaraarenduse ja majandustarkvara ärivaldkondade  
müügiga AS-ile Helmes 2009. aasta juuni lõpus. Kui vaadata valdkondi eraldi,    
siis dokumendihalduse ja arhiveerimislahenduste valdkonnas kasvasid teenuste    
müügitulud 8% ning IT koolituse ja konsultatsiooni valdkonnas vähenesid         
müügitulud 21% võrreldes eelmise aasta 3. kvartaliga.                           
Kolmandas kvartalis jätkus üldine langustrend IT-turul. Paljud hanked on edasi  
lükatud või juba toimunud hangete tulemused tühistatud. Tunda on mõningast      
positiivset mõju EL struktuurifondide finantseerimise aktiviseerimisest. Samas  
võtab ettevõtete pankrotistumise ja likvideerimislaine järjest hoogu. Klientide 
ebatõenäoliselt laekuvate võlgnevuste maht on IT-teenuste segmendis siiski      
püsinud samal tasemel võrreldes käesoleva aasta teise kvartali lõpuga.          
Infrastruktuurilahenduste kaubamüügi käive oli teises kvartalis oluliselt       
väiksem kui eelmisel aasta samal perioodil (11 miljonit krooni vs 28 miljonit   
krooni). Põhjuseks on üldine langus IT-turul. Samasugust langustrendi täheldavad
hetkel kõik IT-haru ettevõtted, kes tegelevad kaubamüügiga. Oma mõju avaldas ka 
suveperiood, mis tõi kaasa käibe languse võrreldes teise kvartaliga (23%).      
Projektiäris on kolmandas kvartalis sõlmitud mitu olulist lepingut ITIL-i       
(Information Technology Infrastructure Library) ja ISKE (infosüsteemide         
kolmeastmeline etalonturbe süsteem) valdkonnas, s.h. ka IncidentMonitori        
tarkvara juurutamise projektid. Dokumendihalduse projektide jätkutööd käivad    
mitmete klientide juures. Sõlmiti mitmed olulised teenuslepingud                
dokumendihalduse valdkonnas (ERGO Kindlustus, Piirivalveamet jne).              
Püsiteenuste valdkonnas on ettevõtte kolmandas kvartalis fokuseeritult tegelenud
ekspordiga Venemaa suunas, mille tulemusena sõlmiti mitu uut püsiteenuse        
lepingut Venemaal. Kolmandas kvartalis sai sõlmitud ka Telefonica Wholesale     
Services seadmemajutuse leping. Lisaks on AS MicroLink Eesti taotlenud EAS-ist  
eksporditoetust ja saanud nüüdseks taotlusele positiivse vastuse.               
Eesti Telekom Grupi tegevuskulud vähenesid 2009. aasta kolmandas kvartalis 2008.
aasta sama perioodiga võrreldes 15%, ulatudes 803 miljoni kroonini (3. kvartal  
2008: 941 miljonit krooni).                                                     
Mobiilside teenuste segmendi tegevuskulud vähenesid 2008. aasta kolmanda        
kvartaliga võrreldes 12%, kahanedes 516 miljoni kroonini tasemele (3. kvartal   
2008: 586 miljonit krooni). Enim on vähenenud jae- ja hulgikaubandusega seotud  
tegevuskulud, mis on kooskõlas kaubanduse müügikäibe langusega. Samuti on       
vähenenud sidumiskulud tulenevalt veidi langenud kõnemahtudest ja väikesest     
hinnalangusest ning tegevuskulud tänu efektiivsusprogrammidele.                 
Lairiba teenuste segmendi tegevuskulud kahanesid lõppenud kvartalis 2008. aasta 
sama perioodiga võrreldes 15%, ulatudes 542 miljoni kroonini (3. kvartal 2008:  
639 miljonit krooni). Põhiosa tegevuskulude vähenemisest tulenes kaupade        
jaemüügimahtude, rahvusvaheliste sidumisteenuste ning kõneteenuste minutimahtude
kahanemisega seotud otsemüügikulude langusest. Olulist mõju tegevuskulude       
langusele avaldasid ka eelmisel aastal algatatud efektiivsusprojektid, mis olid 
seotud personalikulude, hoonete ja võrguressursi hoolduskulude,                 
transpordikulude, bürookulude ning turunduskulude vähendamisega.                
IT-teenuste segmendi tegevuskulud vähenesid kolmandas kvartalis võrreldes       
eelmise aasta sama perioodiga 37%, ulatudes 45 miljoni kroonini (3. kvartal     
2008: 72 miljonit krooni). Kvartali tegevuskulusid mõjutas ühelt poolt IT       
Koolituskeskuse konsolideerimisega kaasnenud kulude lisandumine 4 miljonit      
krooni ulatuses, teiselt poolt ei sisaldu käesoleva aasta kolmandas kvartalis   
enam juuni lõpus müüdud tarkvaraarenduse ja majandustarkvara ärivaldkondade     
kulusid. Samuti kaasnesid väiksema kaubamüügikäibega ka oluliselt väiksemad     
kaubaostukulud ning lisaks on mõlemad grupi ettevõtted suutnud vähendada muid   
tegevuskulusid (sh. vähenesid MicroLink Eesti muud tegevuskulud eraldiseisva    
ettevõttena 37% ja IT Koolituskeskuse grupil vastavalt 61% võrra).              
Eesti Telekom Grupi ärikasum enne kulumit kahanes 2009. aasta kolmandas         
kvartalis eelmise aasta sama perioodiga võrreldes 14%, ulatudes 542 miljoni     
kroonini (3. kvartal 2008: 628 miljonit krooni). Mobiilside teenuste segmendi   
ärikasum enne kulumit vähenes kolmandas kvartalis võrreldes eelmise aasta sama  
perioodiga 24% võrra. Lairiba teenuste segmendi ärikasum enne kulumit kahanes   
kolmandas kvartalis eelmise aasta sama perioodiga võrreldes 3%, ulatudes 240    
miljoni kroonini (3. kvartal 2008: 247 miljonit krooni). IT-teenuste segmendi   
ärikasum enne kulumit oli 2009. aasta kolmandas kvartalis 12 miljonit krooni (3.
kvartal 2008:                                                                   
2 miljonit krooni). Grupi ärikasumi enne kulumit marginaal oli                  
2009. aasta kolmandas kvartalis 40,4%, olles veidi tõusnud  eelmise aasta sama  
perioodi vastava marginaaliga.                                                  
Grupi amortisatsioonikulu ulatus 2009. aasta kolmandas kvartalis 150 miljoni    
kroonini, suurenedes                                                            
2008. aasta sama perioodiga võrreldes 2% (3. kvartal 2008:                      
147 miljonit krooni).                                                           
Eesti Telekom Grupp teenis kolmandas kvartalis ärikasumit 392 miljonit krooni,  
kahanedes eelmise aasta sama perioodiga võrreldes 19% (3. kvartal 2008: 481     
miljonit krooni) ning maksustamiseelset kasumit                                 
392 miljonit krooni (3. kvartal                                                 
2008: 485 miljonit krooni).                                                     
Eesti Telekom Grupi 2009. aasta kolmanda kvartali kasum oli 392 miljonit krooni 
(3. kvartal 2008:                                                               
485 miljonit krooni). Tulu aktsia kohta teeniti 2,84 krooni                     
(3. kvartal 2008: 3,51 krooni). Grupi 2009. aasta kolmanda kvartali koondkasum  
oli 392 miljonit krooni (3. kvartal 2008: 485 miljonit krooni).                 

Finantsseisundi aruanne ja rahavood                                             
Eesti Telekom Grupi bilansimaht oli 30. septembri 2009. aasta seisuga 4062      
miljonit krooni (31. detsember 2008: 4999 miljonit krooni). Aasta algusega      
võrreldes on 121 miljoni krooni võrra kahanenud põhivara, mille jääk kolmanda   
kvartali lõpus ulatus 2804 miljoni kroonini. Grupi käibevara on üheksa kuuga    
816 miljoni krooni võrra, ulatudes septembrikuu lõpus 1259 miljoni              
kroonini (31. detsember 2008:                                                   
2075 miljonit krooni). Raha ja raha ekvivalentide                               
ning lühiajaliste finantsinvesteeringute jääk on kahanenud                      
553 miljoni krooni                                                              
võrra ja seda seoses juunikuus väljamakstud dividendidega ja juulikuus tasutud  
Eesti Telekom Grupi omakapital oli 30. septembri 2009. aasta seisuga 3615       
miljonit krooni, mis on 681 miljonit krooni vähem kui 2008. aasta lõpus (31.    
detsember 2008: 4295 miljonit krooni). Omakapital on vähenenud seoses           
dividendide väljamaksmisega.                                                    
Grupil oli septembri lõpu seisuga pikaajalisi kohustusi 30 miljonit krooni (31. 
detsember 2008: 33 miljonit krooni) ja lühiajalisi võlakohustusi 417 miljonit   
krooni (31. detsember 2008: 671 miljonit krooni).                               
Eesti Telekom Grupi netovõlg oli kolmanda kvartali lõpus -303 miljonit krooni ja
netovõla suhe omakapitali                                                       
-8% (31. detsember 2008: -853 miljonit krooni ja                                
Eesti Telekom Grupi äritegevuse rahavoog oli 2009. aasta üheksa kuuga 1192      
miljonit krooni                                                                 
(9 kuud 2008: 1338 miljonit krooni). Grupi                                      
investeerimistegevuse rahavoog oli 211 miljonit krooni                          
(9 kuud 2008: -67                                                               
miljonit krooni). Rahavoog materiaalse ja immateriaalse põhivara soetamisse oli 
esimesel üheksal kuul 359 miljonit krooni (9 kuud 2008: 474 miljonit krooni).   
Mobiilside teenuste segment on                                                  
2009. aasta esimese üheksa kuuga investeerinud                                  
160 miljonit krooni (9 kuud 2008: 198 miljonit krooni). Mobiilsides oli lisaks  
pidevale GSM-võrgu arendusele arenguprioriteediks kiiret mobiilset andmesidet   
toetavate tehnoloogiate rakendamine. Enamus EMT klientide andmeside kasutusest  
tehakse 3G võrgus, mis võimaldab kasutada kvaliteetset ja kiiret ADSLi lähedase 
kiirusega internetiühendust mugavalt kontrollitavate kuludega. Kuna EMT-l töötab
ainsana Eestis EDGE andmeside kogu GSM levialas, siis uued tugijaamade          
investeeringud on suunatud põhiliselt 3G välis- ja siselevi laiendamiseks       
linnades ja asulates. Samas endiselt jätkus pidev GSM võrgu täiustamine. Lairiba
teenuste segmendi investeeringud põhivarasse ulatusid 194 miljoni kroonini      
kuud 2008: 262 miljonit krooni). Põhiosa kapitalimahutustest olid seotud        
võrguressursi (tuumik- ja valguskaablivõrgu) arendamisega,  kolmikteenuse       
kättesaadavuse laiendamisega ning regulatsioonist tulenevate nõuete täitmisega. 
IT-teenuste segment investeeris 2009. aasta esimesel üheksal kuul põhivarasse   
miljonit krooni (9 kuud 2008: 14 miljonit krooni).                              
Majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniministeerium ja telekomiettevõtted leppisid Eesti  
Infotehnoloogia ja Telekommunikatsiooniliidu (ITL) eestvedamisel kokku kuni 100 
Mbit/s internetivõrgu arendamises aastaks 2015. Uue põlvkonna internetiühenduse 
arendamise projekti nimi on EstWin. Projekti EstWin esimese etapina plaanitakse 
ehitada 6640 kilomeetrit fiiberoptilist kaablit ja 1400 võrguühenduskohta hõlmav
side alusvõrk (baasvõrk). Projekti teises etapis ehitavad operaatorid           
alusvõrgule juurdepääsuvõrgu tarbijate jaoks. Kogu projekti hinnanguline        
maksumus on kuni 6 miljardit, millest riigi kohustused alusvõrgu arendamiseks   
plaanitakse katta Euroopa erinevatest struktuurifondidest 1,5 miljardi krooni   
ulatuses. EstWin projekti realiseerimiseks asutasid suurimad infotehnoloogia- ja
telekommunikatsioonisektori ettevõtted kolmandas kvartalis Eesti Lairiba        
Arenduse Sihtasutuse ehk ELA SA, kelle ülesandeks on 2015. aasta lõpuks Eesti   
maapiirkondades välja arendada uue põlvkonna lairibavõrgu baasinfrastruktuur.   
ELA SA asutajad on Elion, EMT, Elisa, Tele2, Televõrk, Levira, Eltel, ja        
Ericsson. ELA SA nõukogu esimeheks valiti Elioni tehnoloogiadirektor Kalev      
Eesti Telekom Grupi rahavoog finantseerimistegevusse oli üheksa kuuga 1457      
miljonit krooni, sellest dividendide maksmiseks AS-i Eesti Telekom              
aktsionäridele kasutati 1449 miljonit krooni (9 kuud 2008 vastavalt 1450        
miljonit krooni ja 1449 miljonit krooni) ning vähemusosa osanikele (Serenda     
Invest OÜ vähemusosanikud) 6 miljonit krooni (9 kuud 2008: 8 miljonit krooni).  


Kulumieelse ärikasumi marginaal = põhivara kulumieelne ärikasum / müügitulu x   
Ärikasumi marginaal = ärikasum / müügitulu x 100%                               
Netovõlg = pika- ja lühiajalised intressikandvad laenud ja võlakohustused - raha
ja raha ekvivalendid -lühiajalised investeeringud                               
Netovõla suhe omakapitali = netovõlg / omakapital x 100%                        
ROA = aruandeperioodi kasum / keskmine varade väärtus x 100%                    
ROE = kasum enne maksustamist /keskmine omakapital x 100%                       
Tava kasum aktsia kohta = aruandeperioodi kasum / keskmine aktsiate arv         


|                                  |   Lisad    | III kvartal  |  III kvartal  |
|                                  |            |         2009 |         2008  |
| Müügitulu                        |  2.1 (a)   |   1 341 620  |    1 566 042  |
| Müüdud toodangu kulud            |  2.1 (a)   |    (768 235) |     (876 653) |
| Brutokasum                       |  2.1 (a)   |     573 385  |      689 389  |
| Turustus-, üldhalduskulud ning   |  2.1 (a)   |    (185 416) |     (211 328) |
| uurimis- ja arendusväljaminekud  |            |              |               |
| Muud äritulud                    |  2.1 (a)   |       4 186  |        5 389  |
| Muud ärikulud                    |  2.1 (a)   |        (467) |       (2 084) |
| Ärikasum                         |  2.1 (a)   |     391 688  |      481 366  |
| Finantstulud                     |            |       2 090  |        4 435  |
| Finantskulud                     |            |      (2 449) |         (384) |
| Finantstulud, neto               |  2.1 (a)   |        (359) |        4 051  |
| Finantstulud / (-kulud)          |  2.1 (a)   |         321  |         (273) |
| sidusettevõtjate aktsiatelt ja   |            |              |               |
| osadelt, neto                    |            |              |               |
| Kasum enne tulumaksustamist      |  2.1 (a)   |     391 650  |      485 144  |
| Dividendide tulumaks             |  2.1 (a)   |           -  |           (1) |
| Perioodi kasum                   |  2.1 (a)   |     391 650  |      485 143  |
| Muu koondkasum                   |            |              |               |
| Valuutakursi vahed               |  2.1 (a)   |         (18) |            -  |
| välisettevõtete ümberarvestusel  |            |              |               |
| Perioodi muu koondkasum          |  2.1 (a)   |         (18) |            -  |
| Perioodi koondkasum kokku        |  2.1 (a)   |     391 632  |      485 143  |
| Perioodi kasumi jaotus:          |            |              |               |
|      Emaettevõtja osalus kasumis |  2.1 (a)   |     391 518  |      483 791  |
|      Vähemusosa osalus kasumis   |  2.1 (a)   |         132  |        1 352  |
|                                  |            |     391 650  |      485 143  |
| Perioodi koondkasumi jaotus:     |            |              |               |
| Emaettevõtja osalus koondkasumis |  2.1 (a)   |     391 503  |      483 791  |
|   Vähemusosa osalus koondkasumis |  2.1 (a)   |         129  |        1 352  |
|                                  |            |     391 632  |      485 143  |
|                                  |            |              |               |
| Aktsia puhaskasum,  arvestatud   |   7 (f)    |              |               |
| emaettevõtja osalusest           |            |              |               |
| aruandeperioodi kasumis          |            |              |               |
| (kroonides)                      |            |              |               |
|      Tava kasum aktsia kohta     |            |        2,84  |         3,51  |
|    Lahustatud kasum aktsia kohta |            |        2,84  |         3,51  |
|                                  |            |              |               |
| Ärikasum enne kulumit            |  2.1 (a)   |     541 903  |      628 225  |
| Kulum ja väärtuse langus         |  2.1 (a)   |    (150 215) |     (146 859) |

9 KUU  KONSOLIDEERITUD  KOONDKASUMIARUANNE                                      

|                            |  Lisad   |     9 kuud |     9 kuud |      2008  |
|                            |          |       2009 |      2008  |            |
| Müügitulu                  | 2.1 (b), | 4 027 259  | 4 616 931  | 6 189 597  |
|                            |   2.3    |            |            |            |
| Müüdud toodangu kulud      | 2.1 (b)  |     (2 275 |     (2 588 |     (3 532 |
|                            |          |       061) |       390) |       648) |
| Brutokasum                 | 2.1 (b)  | 1 752 198  | 2 028 541  | 2 656 949  |
| Turustus-, üldhalduskulud  | 2.1 (b)  |  (630 936) |  (657 575) |  (907 058) |
| ning uurimis- ja           |          |            |            |            |
| arendusväljaminekud        |          |            |            |            |
| Muud äritulud              | 2.1 (b)  |    18 988  |    19 674  |    31 317  |
| Muud ärikulud              | 2.1 (b)  |    (3 731) |    (4 905) |    (8 498) |
| Ärikasum                   | 2.1 (b)  | 1 136 519  | 1 385 735  | 1 772 710  |
| Finantstulud               |          |    39 089  |    42 813  |    55 185  |
| Finantskulud               |          |    (3 096) |    (1 556) |      (871) |
| Finantstulud, neto         | 2.1 (b)  |    35 993  |    41 257  |    54 314  |
| Finantstulud / (-kulud)    | 2.1 (b)  |       947  |    (2 753) |    (2 847) |
| sidusettevõtjate           |          |            |            |            |
| aktsiatelt ja osadelt,     |          |            |            |            |
| neto                       |          |            |            |            |
| Kasum enne                 | 2.1 (b)  | 1 173 459  | 1 424 239  | 1 824 177  |
| tulumaksustamist           |          |            |            |            |
| Dividendide tulumaks       | 2.1 (b)  |  (399 746) |  (385 722) |  (385 912) |
| Perioodi kasum             | 2.1 (b)  |   773 713  | 1 038 517  | 1 438 265  |
| Muu koondkasum             |          |            |            |            |
| Valuutakursi vahed         | 2.1 (b)  |         7  |         -  |        17  |
| välisettevõtete            |          |            |            |            |
| ümberarvestusel            |          |            |            |            |
| Perioodi muu koondkasum    | 2.1 (b)  |         7  |         -  |        17  |
| Perioodi koondkasum kokku  | 2.1 (b)  |   773 720  | 1 038 517  | 1 438 282  |
| Perioodi kasumi jaotus:    |          |            |            |            |
| Emaettevõtja osalus        | 2.1 (b)  |   774 093  | 1 035 757  | 1 434 835  |
| kasumis                    |          |            |            |            |
|  Vähemusosa osalus kasumis | 2.1 (b)  |      (380) |     2 760  |     3 430  |
|                            |          |   773 713  | 1 038 517  | 1 438 265  |
| Perioodi koondkasumi       |          |            |            |            |
| jaotus:                    |          |            |            |            |
| Emaettevõtja osalus        | 2.1 (b)  |   774 099  | 1 035 757  | 1 434 849  |
| koondkasumis               |          |            |            |            |
| Vähemusosa osalus          | 2.1 (b)  |      (379) |     2 760  |     3 433  |
| koondkasumis               |          |            |            |            |
|                            |          |   773 720  | 1 038 517  | 1 438 282  |
|                            |          |            |            |            |
| Aktsia puhaskasum,         |  7 (f)   |            |            |            |
| arvestatud emaettevõtja    |          |            |            |            |
| osalusest aruandeperioodi  |          |            |            |            |
| kasumis (kroonides)        |          |            |            |            |
|    Tava kasum aktsia kohta |          |      5,61  |      7,51  |     10,40  |
| Lahustatud kasum aktsia    |          |      5,61  |      7,51  |     10,40  |
| kohta                      |          |            |            |            |
|                            |          |            |            |            |
| Ärikasum enne kulumit      | 2.1 (b)  | 1 594 664  | 1 817 655  | 2 348 360  |
| Kulum ja väärtuse langus   | 2.1 (b), |  (458 145) |  (431 920) |  (575 650) |
|                            |    3     |            |            |            |

KONSOLIDEERITUD  FINANTSSEISUNDI  ARUANNE                                       

|                            | Lisad  |   30. sept. |   31. dets. |  30. sept. |
|                            |        |        2009 |        2008 |      2008  |
| AKTIVA                     |        |             |             |            |
| Põhivara                   |        |             |             |            |
| Materiaalne põhivara       |   3    |  2 516 026  |  2 590 170  | 2 464 966  |
| Immateriaalne põhivara     |   3    |    201 971  |    228 312  |   196 671  |
| Investeeringud             | 2.2, 5 |     11 522  |     10 575  |    10 669  |
| sidusettevõtjatesse        |        |             |             |            |
| Mitmesugused pikaajalised  |        |     74 166  |     95 680  |    95 834  |
| nõuded                     |        |             |             |            |
| Põhivara kokku             |  2.2   |  2 803 685  |  2 924 737  | 2 768 140  |
| Käbevara                   |        |             |             |            |
| Varud                      |   6    |    146 383  |    169 943  |   195 986  |
| Nõuded ostjate vastu ja    |        |    802 579  |  1 041 685  | 1 025 389  |
| muud lühiajalised nõuded   |        |             |             |            |
| Lühiajalised               |        |          -  |    500 000  |   300 000  |
| finantsinvesteeringud      |        |             |             |            |
| Raha ja raha ekvivalendid  |        |    309 708  |    363 099  |   210 533  |
| Käibevara kokku            |  2.2   |  1 258 670  |  2 074 727  | 1 731 908  |
| AKTIVA KOKKU               |  2.2   |  4 062 355  |  4 999 464  | 4 500 048  |
| OMAKAPITAL JA KOHUSTUSED   |        |             |             |            |
| Omakapital                 |        |             |             |            |
| Emaettevõtja osalus        |   7    |             |             |            |
| omakapitalis               |        |             |             |            |
| Aktsiakapital              |        |  1 379 545  |  1 379 545  | 1 379 545  |
| Ülekurss                   |        |    356 018  |    356 018  |   356 018  |
| Kohustuslik reserv         |        |    137 955  |    137 955  |   137 955  |
| Realiseerimata kursivahed  |        |         20  |         14  |         -  |
| Jaotamata kasum            |        |  1 739 413  |  2 413 843  | 2 016 595  |
| Emaettevõtja osalus        |        |  3 612 951  |  4 287 375  | 3 890 113  |
| omakapitalis kokku         |        |             |             |            |
| Vähemusosa                 | 2.2, 7 |      1 949  |      8 035  |     6 709  |
| Omakapital kokku           |        |  3 614 900  |  4 295 410  | 3 896 822  |
| Pikaajalised kohustused    |        |             |             |            |
| Intressikandvad laenud ja  |   8    |      4 020  |      5 872  |        37  |
| võlakohustused             |        |             |             |            |
| Pensionikohustused         |   9    |      1 386  |      2 158  |     2 445  |
| Eraldised                  |   10   |     22 571  |     22 571  |    22 472  |
| Intressi mittekandvad      |        |      2 283  |      1 989  |     1 921  |
| võlakohustused             |        |             |             |            |
| Pikaajalised kohustused    |  2.2   |     30 260  |     32 590  |    26 875  |
| kokku                      |        |             |             |            |
| Lühiajalised kohustused    |        |             |             |            |
| Võlad tarnijatele ja muud  |        |    413 021  |    663 396  |   568 732  |
| lühiajalised kohustused    |        |             |             |            |
| Intressikandvad laenud ja  |   8    |      3 098  |      4 061  |     1 828  |
| võlakohustused             |        |             |             |            |
| Pensionikohustused         |   9    |      1 032  |      1 032  |     1 001  |
| Eraldised                  |   10   |         44  |      2 975  |     4 790  |
| Lühiajalised kohustused    |  2.2   |    417 195  |    671 464  |   576 351  |
| kokku                      |        |             |             |            |
| Kohustused kokku           |        |    447 455  |    704 054  |   603 226  |
| OMAKAPITAL JA KOHUSTUSED   |  2.2   |  4 062 355  |  4 999 464  | 4 500 048  |
| KOKKU                      |        |             |             |            |

KONSOLIDEERITUD RAHAVOOGUDE ARUANNE                                             

|                                      | Lisad  |        9 kuud |       9 kuud |
|                                      |        |          2009 |         2008 |
| Rahavoog äritegevusest               |        |               |              |
| Aruandeperioodi kasum                |        |      773 713  |   1 038 517  |
| Korrigeerimised:                     |        |               |              |
| Põhivara kulum ja väärtuse langus    |  2.1   |      458 145  |     431 920  |
|                                      | (b), 3 |               |              |
| (Kasum) / kahjum  põhivara müügist   |        |       (4 166) |      (6 107) |
| Neto (tulud) / kulud                 |        |         (947) |       2 753  |
| sidusettevõtjatelt                   |        |               |              |
| Eraldised                            |        |       (2 924) |      (2 511) |
| (Finantstulud) / kulud               |        |      (38 958) |     (38 182) |
| Muud mitterahalised korrigeerimised  |        |        1 413  |        (289) |
| Rahavoog äritegevusest enne          |        |    1 186 276  |   1 426 101  |
| käibekapitali muutusi                |        |               |              |
| Äritegevusega seotud nõuete ja       |        |      186 179  |     (21 265) |
| ettemaksete muutus                   |        |               |              |
| Varude muutus                        |        |       23 561  |     (15 291) |
| Äritegevusega seotud kohustuste ja   |        |     (247 799) |    (100 650) |
| ettemaksete muutus                   |        |               |              |
| Käibekapitali muutus                 |        |      (38 059) |    (137 206) |
| Rahavood äritegevusest peale         |        |    1 148 217  |   1 288 895  |
| käibekapitali muutusi                |        |               |              |
| Saadud intressid                     |        |       47 007  |      52 764  |
| Makstud intressid                    |        |       (2 758) |      (3 845) |
| Rahavoog äritegevusest kokku         |  2.2   |    1 192 466  |   1 337 814  |
| Rahavood investeerimistegevusest     |        |               |              |
| Materiaalse ning immateriaalse       | 2.2, 3 |     (358 592) |    (473 740) |
| põhivara soetamine                   |        |               |              |
| Materiaalse ja immateriaalse         |        |        6 492  |       9 612  |
| põhivara müük                        |        |               |              |
| Muude finantsinvesteeringute         |        |       (1 600) |           -  |
| soetamine                            |        |               |              |
| Lühiajaliste finantsinvesteeringute  |        |      500 000  |     394 040  |
| muutus, neto                         |        |               |              |
| Muude pikaajaliste nõuete muutus,    |        |       64 651  |       3 189  |
| neto                                 |        |               |              |
| Rahavoog investeerimistegevusest     |  2.2   |      210 951  |     (66 899) |
| kokku                                |        |               |              |
| Rahavood enne finantseerimistegevust |        |    1 403 417  |   1 270 915  |
| Rahavood finantseerimistegevusest    |        |               |              |
| Makstud dividendid                   | 7 (e)  |   (1 454 230) |  (1 456 054) |
| Saadud kapitalirent                  |   8    |          751  |           -  |
| Kapitalirendi põhiosa tagasimaksed   |   8    |       (3 285) |      (1 325) |
| Rahavood finantseerimistegevusest    |  2.2   |   (1 456 764) |  (1 457 379) |
| kokku                                |        |               |              |
| Raha ja raha ekvivalentide muutus    |  2.2   |      (53 347) |    (186 464) |
|                                      |        |               |              |
| Raha ja raha ekvivalendid aasta      |  2.2   |      363 099  |     396 778  |
| alguses                              |        |               |              |
| Raha ja rahaekvivalentide muutus     |  2.2   |      (53 347) |    (186 464) |
| Valuutakursi muutuste mõju           |  2.2   |          (44) |         219  |
| Raha ja raha ekvivalendid perioodi   |  2.2   |      309 708  |     210 533  |
| lõpus                                |        |               |              |


Consolidated Interim Report of AS Eesti Telekom III Quarter and the first nine months 2009, EEK


MANAGEMENT REPORT                                                               

GENERAL INFORMATION                                                             

The principal activity of Eesti Telekom Group, the parent company of which is AS
Eesti Telekom (registration number 10234957; address: Valge 16, 19095 Tallinn), 
is the provision of telecommunications services.                                

Since 1999, the shares of AS Eesti Telekom have been listed on the Tallinn and  
London securities markets (OMX: ETLAT / LSE: EETD).                             

Changes in the Eesti Telekom Group structure                                    
On August 31, 2009, with merger entries of Äriregister (Estonian Business       
Register) the merger came into effect, merging 100% subsidiaries EMT Esindused  
AS and AS Mobile Wholesale with AS EMT, and 100% subsidiary AS Elion Esindus    
with Elion Ettevõtted AS. The aim of mergers is to achieve greater efficiency in
business processes. The mergers will not cause any changes in information       
disclosed to stock exchange as the results of EMT Group and Elion Group are     
already consolidated.                                                           

Ownership structure of AS Eesti Telekom                                         
As of the third quarter of 2009, the TeliaSonera Group owned 60.98% of the AS   
Eesti Telekom shares. The percentage of freely traded shares is 11.85% of the   
total number of shares. 1.07% of these have been converted into GDRs traded on  
the London Stock Exchange.                                                      

As of 30 September 2009, the 10 largest AS Eesti Telekom shareholders were:     

|                                             |       30 September 2009        |
|                                             | No of shares  | Participation  |
|                                                             | Changes since  |
|                                                             |   30 June 2009 |
| TeliaSonera group                 | 84,119,23 |      60.98% |      1,182,940 |
|                                   |         9 |             |                |
| Ministry of Finance               | 37,485,10 |      27.17% |      4,138,636 |
|                                   |         0 |             |                |
| SEB clients                       | 2,412,819 |       1.75% |         63,614 |
| ING Luxembourg S.A.               | 2,137,813 |       1.55% |              0 |
| State Street Bank and Trust       |   623,145 |       0.45% |        242,100 |
| Omnibus Account                   |           |             |                |
| Mellon Treaty Omnibus             |   609,406 |       0.44% |        112,933 |
| UniCredit Bank Austria AG         |   494,398 |       0.36% |         54,480 |
| Clearstream Banking Luxembourg    |   472,201 |       0.34% |      (150,957) |
| S.A. clients                      |           |             |                |
| Nordea Bank Finland PLC           |   427,020 |       0.31% |         49,130 |
| Evli Bank PLC customers           |   381,303 |       0.28% |        310,686 |

On August 24, 2009, TeliaSonera announced a cash offer for the shares of Eesti  
Telekom. The acceptance period of the cash offer ended on October 9, 2009.      
TeliaSonera was offering 93 EEK for each share of Eesti Telekom. Following the  
acquisition of shares in the cash offer, Teliasonera will own, directly and     
indirectly, a total of 134,614,949 shares, constituting 97.58% of all shares of 
Eesti Telekom.                                                                  
Taking into consideration the results of the cash offer, TeliaSonera's Group    
Management has decided to initiate actions for the squeeze-out of remaining     
minority shareholders in accordance with Article 182-1 of the Securities Market 
Act of Estonia.                                                                 

Shareholders' extraordinary general meeting                                     
The extraordinary AS Eesti Telekom general shareholders' meeting took place on 1
October 2009. The general meeting approved a supplementary proposal for the     
distribution of profits. The AS Eesti Telekom shareholders will be paid         
supplementary dividends of 6.99 EEK per share or a total of 964 million EEK.    
The dividends will be paid on 30 October 2009, based on the list of shareholders
that was fixed as of 15 October 2009 at 11.59 pm.                               

The general meeting confirmed a dividend policy for the financial years of 2009,
2010 and 2011 that conforms to current AS Eesti Telekom practices, whereby      
dividends that are paid out in 2010, 2011, and 2012 according to the law, will  
comprise 100 percent of the net profits accumulated by the end of the financial 

AS Eesti Telekom shares                                                         
In the third quarter of 2009, the price of AS Eesti Telekom shares increased by 
42.24%. The share price at the beginning of the quarter was 69.63 EEK and 99.04 
EEK at the end of the quarter. The highest and lowest share prices during the   
reporting period were 100.14 EEK and 63.06 EEK respectively. The turnover for   
the reporting period was 521 million EEK.                                       

BUSINESS ACTIVITIES                                                             

Management commentary: The Group's sales revenues in the second quarter were    
primarily impacted by regulations (European Union regulations applied on the    
mobile sector) and the economic downturn (reduction of sales of goods and       
changes in consumer behavior). Due to the efficiency plans in all subsidiaries  
the decrease in EBITDA is smaller than in Sales and EBITDA margin has increased 

Significant financial indicators                                                

Eesti Telekom Group                                                             
|                            |    Q3 |    Q3 | Chang |     9 | 9 mos. | Change |
|                            |  2009 |  2008 |  e, % |  mos. |   2008 |    , % |
|                            |       |       |       |  2009 |        |        |
| Total revenues, million    | 1,342 | 1,566 | (14.3 | 4,027 |  4,617 | (12.8) |
| EEK                        |       |       |     ) |       |        |        |
| EBITDA, million EEK        |   542 |   628 | (13.7 | 1,595 |  1,818 | (12.3) |
|                            |       |       |     ) |       |        |        |
| Margin, %                  |  40.4 |  40.1 |       |  39.6 |   39.4 |        |
| EBIT, million EEK          |   392 |   481 | (18.6 | 1,137 |  1,386 | (18.0) |
|                            |       |       |     ) |       |        |        |
| Margin, %                  |  29.2 |  30.7 |       |  28.2 |   30.0 |        |
| EBT, million EEK           |   392 |   485 | (19.3 | 1,173 |  1,424 | (17.6) |
|                            |       |       |     ) |       |        |        |
| Profit for the period,     |   392 |   485 | (19.3 |   774 |  1,039 | (25.5) |
| million EEK                |       |       |     ) |       |        |        |
| Basic earnings per share,  |  2.84 |  3.51 | (19.1 |  5.61 |   7.51 | (25.3) |
| EEK                        |       |       |     ) |       |        |        |
| Comprehensive income for   |   392 |   485 | (19.3 |   774 |  1,039 | (25.5) |
| the period,                |       |       |     ) |       |        |        |
| million EEK                |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| CAPEX, million EEK         |   112 |   171 | (34.4 |   359 |    474 | (24.1) |
|                            |       |       |     ) |       |        |        |
| Net gearing, %             | (8.4) | (13.1 |       | (8.4) | (13.1) |        |
|                            |       |     ) |       |       |        |        |
| ROA, %                     |   9.5 |  10.8 |       |  17.1 |   21.8 |        |
| ROE, %                     |  11.5 |  13.3 |       |  29.7 |   34.7 |        |

Mobile communications segment                                                   
|                            |    Q3 |    Q3 | Chang |     9 | 9 mos. | Change |
|                            |  2009 |  2008 |  e, % |  mos. |   2008 |    , % |
|                            |       |       |       |  2009 |        |        |
| Total revenues, million    |   806 |   966 | (16.5 | 2,314 |  2,778 | (16.7) |
| EEK                        |       |       |     ) |       |        |        |
| EBITDA, million EEK        |   292 |   383 | (23.6 |   865 |  1,076 | (19.7) |
|                            |       |       |     ) |       |        |        |
| Margin, %                  |  36.2 |  39.6 |       |  37.4 |   38.7 |        |
| EBIT, million EEK          |   227 |   316 | (28.3 |   664 |    881 | (24.6) |
|                            |       |       |     ) |       |        |        |
| Margin, %                  |  28.1 |  32.7 |       |  28.7 |   31.7 |        |
| EBT, million EEK           |   228 |   318 | (28.4 |   689 |    900 | (23.4) |
|                            |       |       |     ) |       |        |        |
| Profit for the period,     |   228 |   318 | (28.4 |   454 |    678 | (33.0) |
| million EEK                |       |       |     ) |       |        |        |
| Comprehensive income for   |   228 |   318 | (28.4 |   454 |    678 | (33.0) |
| the period,                |       |       |     ) |       |        |        |
| million EEK                |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| CAPEX, million EEK         |    27 |    70 | (61.9 |   160 |    198 | (19.2) |
|                            |       |       |     ) |       |        |        |
| ROA, %                     |  13.5 |   6.7 |       |  23.6 |   33.2 |        |
| ROE, %                     |  18.9 |   9.2 |       |  44.9 |   58.4 |        |

Broadband services segment                                                      
|                            |    Q3 |    Q3 | Chang |     9 | 9 mos. | Change |
|                            |  2009 |  2008 |  e, % |  mos. |   2008 |    , % |
|                            |       |       |       |  2009 |        |        |
| Total revenues, million    |   781 |   886 | (11.9 | 2,245 |  2,454 |  (8.5) |
| EEK                        |       |       |     ) |       |        |        |
| EBITDA, million EEK        |   240 |   247 | (2.8) |   722 |    740 |  (2.5) |
| Margin, %                  |  30.8 |  27.9 |       |  32.1 |   30.1 |        |
| EBIT, million EEK          |   162 |   173 | (6.5) |   490 |    523 |  (6.3) |
| Margin, %                  |  20.8 |  19.6 |       |  21.8 |   21.3 |        |
| EBT, million EEK           |   156 |   170 | (8.5) |   486 |    523 |  (7.2) |
| Profit for the period,     |   156 |   170 | (8.5) |   321 |    390 | (17.8) |
| million EEK                |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| Comprehensive income for   |   156 |   170 | (8.5) |   321 |    390 | (17.8) |
| the period,                |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| million EEK                |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| CAPEX, million EEK         |    85 |    97 | (13.1 |   194 |    262 | (26.1) |
|                            |       |       |     ) |       |        |        |
| ROA, %                     |   6.4 |   6.7 |       |  12.4 |   14.6 |        |
| ROE, %                     |   9.3 |   9.2 |       |  25.5 |   26.2 |        |

IT services segment                                                             
|                            |    Q3 |    Q3 | Chang |     9 | 9 mos. | Change |
|                            |  2009 |  2008 |  e, % |  mos. |   2008 |    , % |
|                            |       |       |       |  2009 |        |        |
| Total revenues, million    |    56 |    73 | (22.7 |   188 |    239 | (21.6) |
| EEK                        |       |       |     ) |       |        |        |
| EBITDA, million EEK        |    12 |     2 | 534.7 |    17 |     13 |   29.6 |
| Margin, %                  |  20.8 |   2.5 |       |   8.8 |    5.3 |        |
| EBIT, million EEK          |     6 |   (4) |   N/A |   (8) |    (5) | (44.6) |
| Margin, %                  |   9.8 | (5.9) |       | (4.2) |  (2.3) |        |
| EBT, million EEK           |     6 |   (5) |   N/A |   (8) |    (6) | (26.5) |
| Profit for the period,     |     6 |   (5) |   N/A |   (8) |    (6) | (26.5) |
| million EEK                |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| Comprehensive income for   |     6 |   (5) |   N/A |   (8) |    (6) | (26.5) |
| the period,                |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| million EEK                |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| CAPEX, million EEK         |     1 |     4 | (76.9 |     6 |     14 | (57.2) |
|                            |       |       |     ) |       |        |        |
| ROA, %                     |   3.6 | (3.2) |       | (4.6) |  (4.0) |        |
| ROE, %                     |   5.1 | (6.2) |       | (7.0) |  (6.4) |        |

Sales revenues, operating costs, and profit                                     
The Group's sales revenues in the third quarter of 2009 reached 1,342 million   
EEK (3rd quarter 2008:                                                          
1,566 million EEK). The decrease in sales revenues                              
resulted primarily from the reduction in the sales volumes of telecommunications
and IT merchandise and a drop in revenues from call services and international  
interconnection services.                                                       
The mobile communications segment's consolidated turnover for the third quarter 
was 806 million EEK, decreasing 16% compared to the third quarter of 2008 (3rd  
quarter 2008: 966 million EEK). The reason for the decrease in total revenues   
was basically a reduction in revenues from call services caused by a drop in    
retail prices, which was partially compensated by the growth of volumes for     
mobile data communications and subcontracting services. During the third        
quarter, a decrease was also experienced in revenues received from the retailing
and wholesaling of telecommunications merchandise compared to a year ago, which 
was caused by changes in consumer behavior. In addition, the call minutes       
initiated by the customers and the number of call minutes entering the EMT      
network decreased by 4% compared to the third quarter of 2008, which resulted   
from the customers' wish to limit consumption.                                  
By the end of the third quarter of 2009, the following applied to the EMT client
base: the number of contractual clients had not decreased and remained at 484   
thousand; since the entire market had contracted, the number of pre-paid card   
users decreased by 33 thousand, declining to 260 thousand. EMT assesses its     
market share of active SIM cards to be 47%. The estimated penetration of active 
cards in Estonia is 119%.                                                       
EMT successfully continued to offer its new MinuEMT (MyEMT) mobile and Internet 
package, whereby customers can choose the volumes of the three basic mobile     
communications - calls, text messages, and Internet - that he or she wishes to  
use. The MinuEMT package includes very favorable prices and personalized        
discounts based on the customers' history with EMT. The sale of MinuEMT services
has progressed well and a total of 45 thousand private and business clients have
Based on a 26 March 2009 decision by the Competition Board, as of 1 July 2009, a
maximum interconnection tariff of 1.36 EEK per minute, instead of 1.37 EEK per  
minute, came into force for AS EMT, Elisa Eesti AS and Tele2 Eesti AS, as well  
as ProGroup Holding OÜ. The maximum rate for interconnection fees to be         
established for the periods 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011 and 1 July 2011 to 30   
June 2012 will be announced by the Competition Board at least 2 months before   
the beginning of the corresponding period, but pursuant to the decision, the    
decrease or increase in the interconnection fees to be applied shall not be more
than 10%.                                                                       
As of 1 July 2009, the following price obligations, which apply to the          
Community's internal roaming services (euro tariffs), came into force for mobile
communications operators in the European member states based on  Regulation no. 
544/2009 of the European Parliament and Council dated 18 June 2009 (which       
EU Regulation no. 717/2007 that deals with roaming in public mobile             
phone networks within the borders of the Community): the call minute prices     
decreased at both the wholesale (0.26 EUR per minute) and retail level          
(outgoing calls 0.43 EUR per minute, incoming calls 0.19 EUR per minute);       
maximum fees were implemented for SMS texting (wholesale 0.04 EUR and retail    
0.11 EUR), as well as wholesale prices for data communications services (1      
EUR/1MB). In addition, as of 1 July 2009, the fees for roaming calls will be    
calculated by the second (except during the first 30 seconds of the call        
initiation fee).                                                                
The broadband services segment's consolidated turnover reached 781 million EEK  
in the third quarter. Compared to the same period of the previous year, the     
decrease of revenues in the broadband services segment totaled 12%. The decrease
in turnover was related primarily to a reduction in the sales volumes of        
telecommunications and IT goods as well as a reduction in minute volumes of call
services and international interconnections services. As a result of the drop in
volumes, retail sales revenues decreased by 36%, and the revenues earned from   
end consumers for domestic call services decreased by 15%, due to the general   
drop in minute volumes in the Estonian market. The turnover for international   
call services decreased by 24%, which is primarily related to a reduction in the
minute volumes for international calls initiated from mobile networks. Due to   
the drop in the minute volumes for international call transit, the turnover for 
international interconnection services decreased in the third quarter by 24%    
compared to the previous year.  At the same time, the revenues earned from the  
monthly fees for triple-play and data communications solutions increased by 8%  
compared to the previous year.                                                  
As the result of successful marketing campaigns, the number of Elion IP and     
cable-TV customers increased by 6,000 in the third quarter reaching 94.4        
thousand as of 30 September (30 September 2008: 75.4 thousand). Elion assesses  
that the company's market share in the cable broadcast market increased by 1% in
the third quarter to 30% at the end of September (30 September 2008: 26%).      
As of 1 October, Elion digital TV's basic Estonian and Slavic packages were     
supplemented by 20 channels, of which four are totally new channels (Discovery  
Investigation, Nat Geo Music, Life TV, and RTV). The other 16 channels that were
added to the basic packages are popular channels transferred from theme         
packages, which were previously available for an additional fee.                
At the end of September, Elion introduced a hyper-fast Internet service, which  
has quickly become popular among the customers. During the first week, more than
200 users subscribed to the service and 25,000 people checked on the            
availability of the service in their homes. Elion's hyper-fast Internet, with a 
monthly fee of                                                                  
99 EEK, provides download speeds of up to 100 Mbit/s and upload                 
speeds of up to 20 Mbit/s. This additional                                      
service is available to                                                         
Kodulahenduse customers, whose current Internet download speeds are up to 12    
and in whose apartment buildings a fiber-optic network has been                 
installed. Currently, there are 100,000 households in apartment buildings with  
the technical requirements for Elion's hyper-fast Internet in all of Estonia's  
largest cities.                                                                 
The total number of Elion's customers with permanent Internet connection        
increased by 1,700 connections during the quarter, reaching 176.8 thousand by   
the end of September (30 September 2008: 171.9 thousand). The company's         
assessment is that Elion's market share of the permanent Internet connection    
market in Estonia has not changed, and continues to be 54%.                     
By the end of the third quarter, the number of Elion's total means of           
communication totaled 460 thousand                                              
(30 September 2008: 471 thousand                                                
interfaces). The reduction in the number of total means on communication        
resulted from an expected reduction in the number of telephone connections in   
the private and business segments, as well as a reduction in the number of pay  
phones throughout Estonia.                                                      
Elion assesses its market share for call minutes initiated in the fixed network 
to be 79% (September 2008: 80%). The market share for local call minutes is 81% 
(September 2008: 82%), 68% for international calls (September) 2008: 67%) and   
70% for call minutes made to mobile phones (September 2008: 71%).               
In the telecommunications and IT goods market, Elion increased its market share 
in the third quarter in the field of audio-video goods from 12.5% to 16.8%.     
Despite very competitive prices, Elion was able to maintain its position as the 
market leader in the field of IT goods (a market share along with AS EMT, its   
affiliated company, of 29%).                                                    
In August, the Competition Board completed its proceeding regarding the fees    
established for Elion's fixed line services and rental of copper pairs, by      
acknowledging their legality.                                                   
The IT services segment's sales revenues in the third quarter of 2009 reached 56
million EEK (3rd quarter 2008: 73 million EEK). Compared to the same period in  
the previous year, the sales revenues decreased by 23%, whereas the sales       
revenues for IT merchandise decreased by 58%; the sales revenues for            
project-based services increased by 48%; and the sales revenues for permanent   
services decreased by 6%. The increase in revenues from project sales compared  
to last year was affected by the IT Koolituskeskuse OÜ Group's data being       
recognized in the consolidated sales revenues of the IT services segment in     
2009, while on the other hand, project sales revenues decreased in connection   
with the sale of the software development and financial software business to AS 
Helmes at the end of June 2009. If we examine this field of activity separately,
the sales revenues for services in the field of document management and         
archiving increased by 8% and the sales revenues for IT training and            
consultation decreased by 21% compared to the third quarter of last year.       
In the third quarter, the general downward trend continued in the IT market.    
Numerous procurements have been postponed and the results of completed          
procurements have been cancelled. A certain positive impact can be felt from the
activation of EU Structural Fund financing. At the same time, the wave of       
company bankruptcies and liquidations is gathering speed. Yet, the volume of    
doubtful receivables in the IT services segment has remained at the same level  
compared to the end of the second quarter of this year.                         
The turnover of merchandise sales for infrastructure solutions was significantly
lower for the third quarter than for the same period of the previous year (11   
million EEK vs. 28 million EEK). The reason is the general decline in the IT    
market. Currently, all companies in the IT sector that deal with the sale of    
merchandise are noticing the same downward trend. The summer period, which was  
accompanied by a decrease in turnover (23%) compared to the second quarter, also
had an impact.                                                                  
In the project business, several important contracts were signed in the third   
quarter with the ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) and ISKE  
(a three-level baseline protection system for information systems) fields of    
activity, including projects to introduce IncidentMonitor software. Continuing  
work on document management projects is progressing with several customers.     
Several important service contracts were concluded in the field of document     
management (ERGO Insurance, Border Guard Administration, etc.).                 
In the field of permanent services, the company has focused on export to Russia 
in the third quarter, which resulted in several new contracts for permanent     
services being signed. In the third quarter, an equipment                       
hosting contact was                                                             
also concluded with Telefonica Wholesale Services. In addition AS MicroLink     
Eesti applied for export supports from Enterprise Estonia and received a        
positive answer.                                                                
The operating costs of the Eesti Telekom Group decreased by 15% in the third    
quarter of 2009 compared to the same period in 2008, reaching 803 million EEK   
(3rd quarter 2008: 941 million EEK).                                            
The operating costs in the mobile communications segment decreased by 12%       
compared to the third quarter of 2008, reaching 516 million EEK (3rd quarter    
2008: 586 million EEK). The greatest decrease was in operating costs related to 
retailing and wholesaling, which corresponds to the drop in the turnover from   
merchandise sales. A decrease was also experienced in interconnection costs     
based on a slight drop in call volumes and a small price decrease and also in   
operating costs resulted from the efficiency projects.                          
The operating costs in the broadband services segment decreased during the last 
quarter by 15% compared to the same period in 2008, reaching 542 million EEK    
(3rd quarter 2008: 639 million EEK). Most of the reduction in operating costs   
resulted from a drop in direct sales costs, which was related to decreases in   
retail sales volumes, international interconnection services, and call minute   
volumes. A significant impact on the decrease in operating costs also resulted  
from the efficiency projects initiated last year, which are related to          
reductions in personnel costs, maintenance costs of buildings and network       
resources, transport costs, office costs and marketing costs.                   
The operating costs in the IT services segment decreased in the third quarter by
37% reaching 45 million EEK (3rd quarter 2008: 72 million EEK). The operating   
costs for the quarter were affected on the one hand by almost 4 million EEK of  
increased costs that accompanied the consolidation of the IT Koolituskeskus     
(Training Center), and on the other hand, by the fact that the costs related to 
the software development and financial software business that was sold at the   
end of June are not included in this year's third quarter. Also, the lower sales
turnovers were accompanied by significantly lower purchasing costs for          
merchandise and both of the Group's companies have succeeded in reducing other  
operating costs (including a reduction of 37% in the other operating costs of   
MicroLink Eesti as an independent company and 61% by the IT Koolituskeskus).    
The Eesti Telekom Group EBITDA decreased in the third quarter of 2009 by 14%    
compared to the same period in the previous year, reaching 542 million EEK (3rd 
quarter 2008: 628 million EEK). The EBITDA in the mobile communications services
segment decreased by 24% in the third quarter compared to the same period of    
last year. In the third quarter, the EBITDA for the broadband segment has       
decreased by 3% compared to the same period of last year, reaching 240 million  
EEK (3rd quarter 2008: 247 million EEK). The EBITDA for the IT services segment 
in the third quarter of 2009 was 12 million EEK (3rd quarter 2008: 2 million    
EEK). The Group's EBITDA margin in the third quarter of 2009 was 40.4%, which   
was slightly higher from the corresponding margin for the same period of the    
previous year.                                                                  
The Group's depreciation costs reached 150 million EEK in the third quarter of  
2008, increasing 2% compared to the same period in 2008 (3rd quarter 2008: 147  
million EEK).                                                                   
In the third quarter, the Eesti Telekom Group earned EBIT of 392 million EEK,   
which was a decrease of 19% compared to the same period in the previous year    
(3rd quarter 2008: 481 million EEK) and pre-tax profits of                      
392 million EEK (3rd                                                            
quarter 2008: 485 million EEK).                                                 
The profit for the Eesti Telekom Group for the third quarter of 2009 totaled 392
million EEK                                                                     
(3rd quarter 2008: 485 million EEK). The earnings per share were                
2.84 EEK (3rd quarter 2008: 3.51 EEK).                                          
The comprehensive income of the Group                                           
for the third quarter of 2009 was 392 million EEK (3rd quarter 2008: 485 million

Statement of financial position and cash flows                                  
As of 30 September 2009, the Eesti Telekom Group balance sheet totaled 4,062    
million EEK (31 December 2008: 4,999 million EEK). Compared to the beginning of 
the year, the non-current assets have decreased by 121 million EEK, the balance 
of which reached 2,804 million EEK by the end of the quarter. The Group's       
current assets decreased by 816 million EEK during the first nine months,       
reaching 1,259 million EEK by the                                               
end of September (31 December 2008: 2,075                                       
million EEK). Cash and cash equivalents, as well as the balance of short-term   
financial investments, decreased by 553 million EEK in connection with the      
dividends paid out in June and the income tax paid in July.                     
As of 30 September 2009, the Eesti Telekom Group equity was 3,615 million EEK,  
which is 681 million EEK less than at the end of 2008 (31 December 2008: 4,295  
million EEK). The reduction in equity is related to the payment of dividends.   
As of the end of September non-current liabilities totaled 30 million EEK (31   
December 2008: 33 million EEK) and current liabilities totaled 417 million EEK  
(31 December 2008: 671 million EEK).                                            
The net debt of the Eesti Telekom Group at the end of the third quarter was -303
million EEK and the net gearing ratio was -8% (31 December 2008: -853 million   
EEK and -20%).                                                                  
The Eesti Telekom Group cash flow from operating activities during the first    
nine months of 2009 was                                                         
1,192 million EEK (9 months of 2008: 1,338 million                              
EEK). The Group's cash flow from investing activities was 211 million EEK (9    
months of 2008: -67 million EEK). The cash flow into the acquisition of tangible
and intangible fixed assets during the first nine months was 359 million EEK (9 
months of 2008: 474 million EEK). During the first nine months of 2009, the     
mobile communications segment invested 160 million EEK (9 months of 2008: 198   
million EEK). In mobile communications, in addition to the constant development 
of the GSM network, a developmental priority was the implementation of          
technologies to support high-speed mobile data communications. The majority of  
data communications usage by EMT customers occurs in the 3G network, which      
enables the use of high-quality and rapid Internet connections at speeds        
approaching those of ADSL at conveniently manageable prices. Since EMT is the   
only operator in Estonia that provides EDGE data communications throughout its  
GSM coverage area, then investments in new base stations is primarily directed  
at expanding external and internal 3G coverage in cities and towns. At the same 
time, the constant improvement of the GSM network continued. Investments into   
fixed assets in the broadband services segment totaled 194 million EEK (9 months
of 2008: 262 million EEK). The principal part of the capital investments was    
related to the development of network resources (core and fiber-optic cable     
networks), the improvement and expansion of the availability of the             
triple-service packages, and the fulfillment of regulation-based requirements.  
In the first nine months of 2009, the IT services segment invested 6 million EEK
into fixed assets (9 months of 2008: 14 million EEK).                           
Under the leadership of the Estonian Association of Information Technology and  
Telecommunications Companies (ITL), the Ministry of Economic Affairs and        
Communication and the telecommunications companies have agreed to develop a 100 
Mbit/s capacity Internet network by 2015. The name of the project for the       
development of a new generation Internet network is EstWin. During the first    
stage of the EstWin project, a basic communications network comprising 6,640    
kilometers of fiber-optic cable and 1,400 network connection locations will be  
installed. In the second stage of the project, the operators will connect an    
access network for consumers to the basic network. The estimated cost of the    
entire project is up to 6 billion EEK, with the government planning to use 1.5  
billion EEK from various European structural funds to cover the government's    
obligations for the development of the basic network. In order to realize the   
EstWin project, the largest companies in the information technology and         
telecommunications sector founded the Estonian Broadband Development Foundation 
or ELA Foundation in the third quarter, for the purpose of developing the basic 
infrastructure required for the installation of a new generation broadband      
network in Estonia's rural areas by end of 2015. The founders of the ELA        
Foundation include Elion, EMT, Elisa, Tele2, Televõrk, Levira, Eltel, and       
Ericsson. Kalev Reiljan, Elion's Technology Director, was elected Chairman of   
the ELA Foundation Supervisory Board.                                           
The Eesti Telekom Group cash flow used in financing activities totaled 1,457    
million EEK in the first nine months, of which 1,449 million EEK was used to pay
dividends to the AS Eesti Telekom shareholders                                  
(9 months of 2008: 1,450 million                                                
EEK and 1,449 million EEK respectively) and 6 million EEK was paid to minority  
shareholders (Serenda Invest OÜ minority shareholders) (9 months of 2008: 8     
million EEK).                                                                   


EBITDA margin = EBITDA / Net sales x 100%                                       
EBIT margin = EBIT / Net sales x 100%                                           
Net debt = Interest bearing liabilities - cash and cash equivalents - short term
Net gearing = Net debt / Owner's equity x 100%                                  
ROA = Profit for the period / Average total assets x 100%                       
ROE = Profit before tax / Average equity x 100%                                 
Basic earnings per share = Profit for the period / Average number of shares     


|                                  |  Notes   | III Quarter |      III Quarter |
|                                  |          |        2009 |             2008 |
| Net sales                        | 2.1 (a)  |  1,341,620  |       1,566,042  |
| Cost of production               | 2.1 (a)  |   (768,235) |        (876,653) |
| Gross profit                     | 2.1 (a)  |    573,385  |         689,389  |
| Sales, administrative, and       | 2.1 (a)  |   (185,416) |        (211,328) |
| research & development expenses  |          |             |                  |
| Other operating revenues         | 2.1 (a)  |      4,186  |           5,389  |
| Other operating expenses         | 2.1 (a)  |       (467) |          (2,084) |
| Operating profit                 | 2.1 (a)  |    391,688  |         481,366  |
| Finance income                   |          |      2,090  |           4,435  |
| Finance costs                    |          |     (2,449) |            (384) |
| Finance income, net              | 2.1 (a)  |       (359) |           4,051  |
| Net income / (expenses) from     | 2.1 (a)  |        321  |            (273) |
| associated companies             |          |             |                  |
| Profit before tax                | 2.1 (a)  |    391,650  |         485,144  |
| Income tax on dividends          | 2.1 (a)  |          -  |              (1) |
| Profit for the period            | 2.1 (a)  |    391,650  |         485,143  |
| Other comprehensive income       |          |             |                  |
| Exchange differences on          | 2.1 (a)  |        (18) |               -  |
| translating foreign subsidiaries |          |             |                  |
| Other comprehensive income for   | 2.1 (a)  |        (18) |               -  |
| the period                       |          |             |                  |
| Total comprehensive income       | 2.1 (a)  |    391,632  |         485,143  |
| Profit attributable to:          |          |             |              |   |
| Equity holders of the parent     | 2.1 (a)  |    391,518  |     483,791  |   |
| Minority interest                | 2.1 (a)  |        132  |       1,352  |   |
|                                  |          |    391,650  |     485,143  |   |
| Comprehensive income             |          |             |              |   |
| attributable to:                 |          |             |              |   |
| Equity holders of the parent     | 2.1 (a)  |    391,503  |     483,791  |   |
| Minority interest                | 2.1 (a)  |        129  |       1,352  |   |
|                                  |          |    391,632  |     485,143  |   |
|                                  |          |             |              |   |
| Earnings per share for profit    |  7 (f)   |             |              |   |
| attributable to the equity       |          |             |              |   |
| holders of the parent during the |          |             |              |   |
| reporting period (expressed in   |          |             |              |   |
| EEK)                             |          |             |              |   |
| Basic earnings per share         |          |       2.84  |        3.51  |   |
| Diluted earnings per share       |          |       2.84  |        3.51  |   |
|                                  |          |             |              |   |
| EBITDA                           | 2.1 (a)  |    541,903  |     628,225  |   |
| Depreciation, amortization and   | 2.1 (a)  |   (150,215) |    (146,859) |   |
| write-downs                      |          |             |              |   |


|                              |   Notes |   9 months |   9 months |      2008 |
|                              |         |        to  |        to  |           |
|                              |         |         30 |         30 |           |
|                              |         | September  | September  |           |
|                              |         |       2009 |       2008 |           |
| Net sales                    |   2.1   | 4,027,259  | 4,616,931  | 6,189,597 |
|                              |  (b),   |            |            |           |
|                              |   2.3   |            |            |           |
| Cost of production           | 2.1 (b) | (2,275,061 | (2,588,390 | (3,532,64 |
|                              |         |          ) |          ) |        8) |
| Gross profit                 | 2.1 (b) | 1,752,198  | 2,028,541  | 2,656,949 |
| Sales, administrative, and   | 2.1 (b) |  (630,936) |  (657,575) | (907,058) |
| research & development       |         |            |            |           |
| expenses                     |         |            |            |           |
| Other operating revenues     | 2.1 (b) |    18,988  |    19,674  |   31,317  |
| Other operating expenses     | 2.1 (b) |    (3,731) |    (4,905) |   (8,498) |
| Operating profit             | 2.1 (b) | 1,136,519  | 1,385,735  | 1,772,710 |
| Finance income               |         |    39,089  |    42,813  |   55,185  |
| Finance costs                |         |    (3,096) |    (1,556) |     (871) |
| Finance income, net          | 2.1 (b) |    35,993  |    41,257  |   54,314  |
| Net income / (expenses) from | 2.1 (b) |       947  |    (2,753) |   (2,847) |
| associated companies         |         |            |            |           |
| Profit before tax            | 2.1 (b) | 1,173,459  | 1,424,239  | 1,824,177 |
| Income tax on dividends      | 2.1 (b) |  (399,746) |  (385,722) | (385,912) |
| Profit for the period        | 2.1 (b) |   773,713  | 1,038,517  | 1,438,265 |
| Other comprehensive income   |         |            |            |           |
| Exchange differences on      | 2.1 (b) |         7  |         -  |       17  |
| translating foreign          |         |            |            |           |
| subsidiaries                 |         |            |            |           |
| Other comprehensive income   | 2.1 (b) |         7  |         -  |       17  |
| for the period               |         |            |            |           |
| Total comprehensive income   | 2.1 (b) |   773,720  | 1,038,517  | 1,438,282 |
| Profit attributable to:      |         |            |            |           |
| Equity holders of the parent | 2.1 (b) |   774,093  | 1,035,757  | 1,434,835 |
| Minority interest            | 2.1 (b) |      (380) |     2,760  |    3,430  |
|                              |         |   773,713  | 1,038,517  | 1,438,265 |
| Comprehensive income         |         |            |            |           |
| attributable to:             |         |            |            |           |
| Equity holders of the parent | 2.1 (b) |   774,099  | 1,035,757  | 1,434,849 |
| Minority interest            | 2.1 (b) |      (379) |     2,760  |    3,433  |
|                              |         |   773,720  | 1,038,517  | 1,438,282 |
|                              |         |            |            |           |
| Earnings per share for       |  7 (f)  |            |            |           |
| profit attributable to the   |         |            |            |           |
| equity holders of the parent |         |            |            |           |
| during the reporting period  |         |            |            |           |
| (expressed in EEK)           |         |            |            |           |
| Basic earnings per share     |         |      5.61  |      7.51  |    10.40  |
| Diluted earnings per share   |         |      5.61  |      7.51  |    10.40  |
|                              |         |            |            |           |
| EBITDA                       | 2.1 (b) | 1,594,664  | 1,817,655  | 2,348,360 |
| Depreciation, amortization   |   2.1   |  (458.145) |  (431,920) | (575,650) |
| and write-downs              | (b), 3  |            |            |           |

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION                                    

|                            |  Notes  |        30  | 31 December |         30 |
|                            |         | September  |        2008 |  September |
|                            |         |       2009 |             |       2008 |
| ASSETS                     |         |            |             |            |
| Non-current assets         |         |            |             |            |
| Property, plant and        |    3    | 2,516,026  |  2,590,170  | 2,464,966  |
| equipment                  |         |            |             |            |
| Intangible fixed assets    |    3    |   201,971  |    228,312  |   196,671  |
| Investments in associates  | 2.2, 5  |    11,522  |     10,575  |    10,669  |
| Other financial fixed      |         |    74,166  |     95,680  |    95,834  |
| assets                     |         |            |             |            |
| Total non-current assets   |   2.2   | 2,803,685  |  2,924,737  | 2,768,140  |
| Current assets             |         |            |             |            |
| Inventories                |    6    |   146,383  |    169,943  |   195,986  |
| Trade and other            |         |   802,579  |  1,041,685  | 1,025,389  |
| receivables                |         |            |             |            |
| Short-term investments     |         |         -  |    500,000  |   300,000  |
| Cash and cash equivalents  |         |   309,708  |    363,099  |   210,533  |
| Total current assets       |   2.2   | 1,258,670  |  2,074,727  | 1,731,908  |
| TOTAL ASSETS               |   2.2   | 4,062,355  |  4,999,464  | 4,500,048  |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES     |         |            |             |            |
| Equity                     |         |            |             |            |
| Capital and reserves       |    7    |            |             |            |
| attributable to equity     |         |            |             |            |
| holders of the parent      |         |            |             |            |
| Share capital              |         | 1,379,545  |  1,379,545  | 1,379,545  |
| Share premium              |         |   356,018  |    356,018  |   356,018  |
| Statutory legal reserve    |         |   137,955  |    137,955  |   137,955  |
| Translation reserve        |         |        20  |         14  |         -  |
| Retained earnings          |         | 1,739,413  |  2,413,843  | 2,016,595  |
| Total capital and reserves |         | 3,612,951  |  4,287,375  | 3,890,113  |
| attributable to equity     |         |            |             |            |
| holders of the parent      |         |            |             |            |
| Minority interest          | 2.2, 7  |     1,949  |      8,035  |     6,709  |
| Total equity               |         | 3,614,900  |  4,295,410  | 3,896,822  |
| Non-current liabilities    |         |            |             |            |
| Interest bearing loans and |    8    |     4,020  |      5,872  |        37  |
| borrowings                 |         |            |             |            |
| Retirement benefit         |    9    |     1,386  |      2,158  |     2,445  |
| obligations                |         |            |             |            |
| Provisions                 |   10    |    22,571  |     22,571  |    22,472  |
| Non-interest bearing       |         |     2,283  |      1,989  |     1,921  |
| liabilities                |         |            |             |            |
| Total non-current          |   2.2   |    30,260  |     32,590  |    26,875  |
| liabilities                |         |            |             |            |
| Current liabilities        |         |            |             |            |
| Trade and other payables   |         |   413,021  |    663,396  |   568,732  |
| Interest bearing loans and |    8    |     3,098  |      4,061  |     1,828  |
| borrowings                 |         |            |             |            |
| Retirement benefit         |    9    |     1,032  |      1,032  |     1,001  |
| obligations                |         |            |             |            |
| Provisions                 |   10    |        44  |      2,975  |     4,790  |
| Total current liabilities  |   2.2   |   417,195  |    671,464  |   576,351  |
| Total liabilities          |         |   447,455  |    704,054  |   603,226  |
| TOTAL EQUITY AND           |   2.2   | 4,062,355  |  4,999,464  | 4,500,048  |
| LIABILITIES                |         |            |             |            |

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                

|                                      | Notes  |  9 months to  | 9 months to  |
|                                      |        | 30 September  | 30 September |
|                                      |        |          2009 |         2008 |
| Operating activities                 |        |               |              |
| Profit for the period                |        |      773,713  |   1,038,517  |
| Adjustments for:                     |        |               |              |
| Depreciation, amortisation and       | 2.1, 3 |      458,145  |     431,920  |
| impairment of fixed and intangible   |        |               |              |
| assets                               |        |               |              |
| (Profit) / loss from sales and       |        |       (4,166) |      (6,107) |
| discards of fixed assets             |        |               |              |
| Net (income) / expenses  from        |        |         (947) |       2,753  |
| associated companies                 |        |               |              |
| Provisions                           |        |       (2,924) |      (2,511) |
| Financial items                      |        |      (38,958) |     (38,182) |
| Miscellaneous non-cash items         |        |        1,413  |        (289) |
| Cash flow before change in working   |        |    1,186,276  |   1,426,101  |
| capital                              |        |               |              |
| Change in current receivables        |        |      186,179  |     (21,265) |
| Change in inventories                |        |       23,561  |     (15,291) |
| Change in current liabilities        |        |     (247,799) |    (100,650) |
| Change in working capital            |        |      (38,059) |    (137,206) |
| Cash flow after changes in working   |        |    1,148,217  |   1,288,895  |
| capital                              |        |               |              |
| Interest received                    |        |       47,007  |      52,764  |
| Interest paid                        |        |       (2,758) |      (3,845) |
| Cash flow from operating activities  |  2.2   |    1,192,466  |   1,337,814  |
| Investing activities                 |        |               |              |
| Intangible and tangible fixed assets | 2.2, 3 |     (358,592) |    (473,740) |
| acquired                             |        |               |              |
| Intangible and tangible fixed assets |        |        6,492  |       9,612  |
| divested                             |        |               |              |
| Other financial investments acquired |        |       (1,600) |           -  |
| Net change in interest-receivables   |        |      500,000  |     394,040  |
| short maturities                     |        |               |              |
| Net cash changes of other long-term  |        |       64,651  |       3,189  |
| receivables                          |        |               |              |
| Cash flow from investing activities  |  2.2   |      210,951  |     (66,899) |
| Cash flow before financing           |        |    1,403,417  |   1,270,915  |
| activities                           |        |               |              |
| Financing activities                 |        |               |              |
| Dividends paid                       | 7 (e)  |   (1,454,230) |  (1,456,054) |
| Proceeds from finance lease          |   8    |          751  |           -  |
| Repayment of finance lease           |   8    |       (3,285) |      (1,325) |
| liabilities                          |        |               |              |
| Cash flow used in financing          |  2.2   |   (1,456,764) |  (1,457,379) |
| activities                           |        |               |              |
| Cash flow for the year               |  2.2   |      (53,347) |    (186,464) |
|                                      |        |               |              |
| Cash and cash equivalents at         |  2.2   |      363,099  |     396,778  |
| beginning of year                    |        |               |              |
| Cash flow for the year               |  2.2   |      (53,347) |    (186,464) |
| Effect of foreign exchange rate      |  2.2   |          (44) |         219  |
| changes                              |        |               |              |
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of  |  2.2   |      309,708  |     210,533  |
| period                               |        |               |              |