Market announcement

Nordecon AS


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16.10.2009 08:25:00


Muudatus Nordecon International AS juhatuses ja oluliste tütarettevõtete juhtorganites


15. oktoobril 2009 toimunud Nordecon International AS nõukogu kutsus ettevõtte
juhatuse liikme kohalt tagasi finantsdirektor Sulev Luiga, kes töötas Nordecon
International kontsernis alates 09. juulist 2007. Nõukogu otsuse kohaselt
lõpevad juhatuse liikme volitused 16. oktoobril 2009. Samaaegselt lõpevad Sulev
Luiga volitused kontserni oluliste tütarettevõtete (Nordecon Ehitus, Nordecon
Infra ja Eston Ehitus) nõukogu liikmena. 

Nordecon International AS nõukogu otsuse kohaselt jätkab juhatus esialgu
kaheliikmelisena. Kontserni finantsjuhtimise eest vastutab edaspidi juhatuse
tasandil juhatuse esimees Jaano Vink ning igapäevaselt hakkab kontserni
finantsjuhtimist korraldama Nordecon International AS finants-ja investorsuhete
juht Raimo Talviste. 

Raimo Talviste CV

2007-       Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, MSc finantsarvestus, omandamisel
1999-2003   EBS, BBA rahvusvaheline ärijuhtimine (spets. finantsarvestus)

4.2008-     Nordecon International AS, investorsuhete- ja finantsvarade juht 
2002-2007   KPMG Baltics AS, audiitor (alates 2006 vannutatud audiitor)
6-8.2002    Tallinna Sadam AS, finantsosakonna assistent

Seisuga 16. oktoober 2009 ei oma Raimo Talviste nimeliselt ega läbi endaga
seotud äriühingute ühtegi Nordecon International AS aktsiat. 

Nordecon International kontsern hõlmab ettevõtteid, mis on keskendunud hoonete
ja rajatiste ehitamise projektijuhtimisele ja peatöövõtule. Geograafiliselt
tegutsevad kontserni ettevõtted Eestis, Lätis, Leedus ja Ukrainas. Eestis on
täiendavateks tegevusvaldkondadeks lisaks teedeehituse ja -hoolduse ning
keskkonnaehituse ja betoonitööde otsetöövõtt. Kontserni emaettevõte on Nordecon
International AS, mis on registreeritud ja asub Tallinnas, Eestis. Kontserni
kuulub lisaks emaettevõttele üle 20 tütarettevõtte. Kontserni 2008. aasta
konsolideeritud müügitulu oli 3,9 miljardit krooni (247 miljonit eurot) ja
konsolideeritud puhaskasum 171 miljonit krooni (11 miljonit eurot). Nordecon
International kontsern annab tööd rohkem kui 1 000 inimesele. Alates 18.05.2006
on emaettevõtte aktsiad noteeritud NASDAQ OMX Tallinna Börsi põhinimekirjas. 

1 euro = 15,6466 krooni

Raimo Talviste
Nordecon International AS
Finants- ja investorsuhete juht
Tel: +372 615 4445


Changes in management in Nordecon International and key subsidiaries


The council of Nordecon International AS decided in its 15 October 2009 meeting
to recall financial director Mr. Sulev Luiga from the management board of the
company. Mr. Luiga worked in Nordecon International starting from 9 July 2007.
As per council's decision the responsibilities of the board member expire on 16
October 2009. At the same time Mr. Luiga's responsibilities as the member of
council of group key subsidiaries (Nordecon Ehitus, Nordecon Infra, Eston
Ehitus) will also end. 

The council has decided that the management board of Nordecon International
will continue with two current members for the time being. Chairman of the
board Mr. Jaano Vink will be responsible for group financial management
decisions on the board level. Day-to-day group financial activities will be
managed by Mr. Raimo Talviste, Nordecon International AS head of finance and
investor relations. 

Raimo Talviste CV

2007-       Tallinn University of Technology, MSc Finance and Accounting
1999-2003   Estonian Business School, BBA International Business Administration
            (major in Accounting and Finance) 

Work experience:
4.2008-     Nordecon International AS, head of investor relations and group
            asset management 
2002-2007   KPMG Baltics AS, auditor (certified public accountant from 2006)
6-8.2002    Port of Tallinn, financial department assistant

As of 16 October Mr. Raimo Talviste does not own privately or though associated
companies any shares of Nordecon International AS. 

Nordecon International is a group of construction companies whose core business
is general contracting and construction management in the construction of
buildings and infrastructures in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine. In
addition, in Estonia our companies act as independent contractors in road
construction and maintenance, environmental engineering, the assembly of
reinforced concrete elements, and the performance of cast-on-site concrete
works. The parent of the Group is Nordecon International AS, a company
registered and located in Tallinn, Estonia. In addition to the parent company,
there are more than 20 subsidiaries in the Group. The consolidated revenue of
the Group in 2008 was 3.9 billion kroons (247 million euros) and the
consolidated net profit was 171 million kroons (11 million euros). Nordecon
International Group employs more than 1,000 people. Since 18 May 2006, the
company's shares have been quoted in the main list of the NASDAQ OMX Tallinn
Stock Exchange. 

1 euro = 15.6466 kroons

Raimo Talviste
Nordecon International AS
Head of Finance and Investor Relations
Tel: +372 615 4445