Market announcement

ABC Grupp


Other price sensitive information


21.08.2009 16:48:29


Muudatused ABC Grupi kontserni oluliste tütarettevõtete juhtorganites


AbeStock AS ja Agora Logistika AS nõukogud nimetasid alates jaanuarist
nimetatud ettevõtete tegevjuhina töötava Ago Raudsepp'a AbeStock AS ja Agora
Logistika AS juhatuste liikmeks. Ago Raudsepp'a kõrval kuulub AbeStock AS ja
Agora Logistika AS juhatustesse ka Sirje Meringo, kes vastutab ettevõtete
raamatupidamise eest. 
Ago Raudsepp'al on 12-aastane müügi- ja logistikaalaste ettevõtete arendamise
ja tippjuhtimise kogemus. Ago Raudsepp'a juhtimisel toimus VIA 3L
organisatsiooni loomine ja arendamine, ta on töötanud ka 6 aastat Jungent OÜ
müügijuhi ja müügidirektorina. 
Jüri Vips, kes oli alates ettevõtte asutamisest 1991.a. AbeStock AS juhatuse
liige, jätkab AbeStock AS nõukogu esimehena. 
Senine Agora Logistika AS-i juhatuse liige Ando Nõupuu, kes juhtis kontserni
logistikafirmat 6 aastat, jätkab oma tööd kontserni jaekaubandusettevõtte AS
Comarket juhatuse esimehe ametikohal. 
Muudatused juhatustes on tehtud vajadusega muuta tõhusamaks tütarettevõtete
igapäevast juhtimist. 

Jüri Vips
ABC Grupi AS
Juhatuse esimees
Tel: +372 6505555


Changes in management bodies of important subsidiaries of the ABC Group


The supervisory boards of AbeStock AS and Agora Logistika AS appointed Ago
Raudsepp, who had been working as the effective manager of the aforementioned
companies since January, member of the management boards of AbeStock AS and
Agora Logistika AS. In addition to Ago Raudsepp the management boards of
AbeStock AS and Agora Logistika AS also include Sirje Meringo, who is
responsible for the accounting of the companies. 
Ago Raudsepp has 12 years of experience in the development and executive
management of sales and logistics companies. Under the management of Ago
Raudsepp the VIA 3L organisation was established and developed; he has also
worked as the sales manager and sales director of Jungent OÜ for 6 years. 
Jüri Vips, who was a member of the management board of AbeStock AS since the
establishment of the company in 1991, continues as the chairman of the
supervisory board of AbeStock AS. 
Former member of the management board of Agora Logistika AS Ando Nõupuu, who
was the manager of the logistics company of the group for 6 years, continues
his work at the position of the chairman of the management board of AS
Comarket, the retail company of the group. 
The changes in the management boards have been made due to the need for making
the everyday management of the subsidiaries more effective. 

Jüri Vips
ABC Grupi AS
Chairman of Management Board
Phone: +372 6505555