Market announcement

Nordecon AS


Other price sensitive information


05.08.2009 12:37:38


Tehingud AS Eston Ehitus vähemusaktsionäridega


Nordecon International AS soetas 19.10.2007 sõlmitud lepinguga 52% AS Eston
Ehitus aktsiatest
AS Eston Ehitus on regionaalselt peamiselt Lääne-Eestis tegutsev ehituse
peatöövõtule keskendunud ettevõte. Pärast 2007. aastal tehtud tehingut on
nimetatud ettevõte olnud Nordecon International kontserni tütarettevõte. 

Perioodil 24.07-03.08.2009 on Nordecon International AS ja AS Eston Ehitus
vähemusaktsionärid (13 eraisikut ja 1 juriidiline isik) sõlminud aktsiate
ostu-müügi lepinguid, mille tulemusena on Nordecon International AS otsene
osalus AS Eston Ehitus aktsiakapitalis suurenenud 97,7%-ni (aktsiakapitali
suurus 1 000 400 krooni / 63 937 eurot). 
Nordecon International AS on investeeringute tegemisel tütarettevõtetesse
lähtunud järjepidevalt strateegiast, kus enamusosaluse soetamisele on järgnenud
järk-järguline osaluse suurendamine, kui see on olnud äritegevuse seisukohast
mõistlik. Hetkel valitsevas turuolukorras peavad kõik ehitusettevõtted ning
nende omanikud kriitiliselt hindama oma võimekust ja valmisolekut muutusteks
tingimustes, kus ehitusmahtude järsk vähenemine nõuab ka juhtimisalaselt
keerukaid otsuseid. Omanike ühtsema tegutsemise tähtsus väljendub samuti
vajadusest tegeleda aktiivsemalt ehitussektoris probleemsete klientidega (AS
Eston Ehitus puhul Peterburi Ärikvartaliga seonduv. Börsiteade 16.07.2009

Nordecon International AS leidis, et AS-le Eston Ehitus on kasulikum jätkata
Nordecon International AS-i 100% tütarettevõttena. See ühtis ka enamuse seniste
AS Eston Ehitus vähemusaktsionäride arvamusega AS Eston Ehituse võimalikust
arengust tänastes turutingimustes. Läbirääkimised ülejäänud 2,3% aktsiate
omandamise üle jätkuvad. 

Vastavalt sellekohasele konfidentsiaalsuskokkuleppele ei avalikusta osapooled
hetkel tehingu hinda. Tehingu eest tasuti rahas ning tasumine toimus aktsiate
üleandmise perioodil. 

Tehing ei avalda olulist mõju Nordecon International kontserni tegevusele ega
ole käsitletav olulise osaluse omandamisena kuna AS Eston Ehitus oli juba
eelnevalt Nordecon International kontserni tütarettevõte. Samuti ei ole
tegemist tehinguna seotud isikuga NASDAQ OMX Tallinna Börsi reglemendi osa
"Nõuded Emitentidele" tähenduses, v.a. AS Eston Ehitus nõukogu liikme Hr Ivo
Aulikuga, kes on ühtlasi vähemusaktsionär. Nimetatud isikuga tehti tehing
samadel tingimustel teiste vähemusaktsionäridega. Nordecon International AS
nõukogu ja juhatuse liikmed ei ole tehingust muul viisil isiklikult huvitatud. 

Nordecon International kontsern hõlmab ettevõtteid, mis on keskendunud hoonete
ja rajatiste ehitamise projektijuhtimisele ja peatöövõtule. Geograafiliselt
tegutsevad kontserni ettevõtted Eestis, Lätis, Leedus ja Ukrainas. Eestis on
täiendavateks tegevusvaldkondadeks lisaks teedeehituse ja -hoolduse ning
keskkonnaehituse ja betoonitööde otsetöövõtt. Kontserni emaettevõte on Nordecon
International AS, mis on registreeritud ja asub Tallinnas, Eestis. Kontserni
kuulub lisaks emaettevõttele üle 20 tütarettevõtte. Kontserni 2008. aasta
konsolideeritud müügitulu oli 3,9 miljardit krooni (247 miljonit eurot) ja
konsolideeritud puhaskasum 171 miljonit krooni (11 miljonit eurot). Nordecon
International kontsern annab tööd rohkem kui 1 100 inimesele. Alates 18.05.2006
on emaettevõtte aktsiad noteeritud NASDAQ OMX Tallinna Börsi põhinimekirjas. 

1 euro = 15,6466 krooni

Raimo Talviste
Nordecon International AS
Investorsuhete juht
Tel: +372 615 4445


Transactions with AS Eston Ehitus minority shareholders


Nordecon International AS acquired in 19 October 2007 52 per cent of AS Eston
Ehitus shares
AS Eston Ehitus is a construction company operating mainly in Western Estonia
with core competence in general contracting. AS Eston Ehitus has been a Group
subsidiary after the acquisition in 2007. 

Nordecon International AS and AS Eston Ehitus minority shareholders (13 private
persons and 1 legal entity) have been signing share purchase agreements during
the period between 24 July and 3 August 2009. As of these agreements the direct
participation of Nordecon International AS in AS Eston Ehitus share capital has
risen to 97.7 per cent (share capital in total is 1,000,400 kroons / 63,937

Nordecon International AS has consistently held an investment strategy
regarding its subsidiaries by which initially a majority shareholding has been
acquired, followed by a step-by-step increase in participation if this has been
economically sensible. In the current market situation all construction
companies and their owners must critically assess their capability to adapt and
readiness to changes ahead. It is clear that declining construction volumes
demand complicated executive decisions. Shareholders more united participation
also becomes important from the need to be more actively involved with
problematic clients in construction market (in AS Eston Ehitus case so-called
Peterburi Ärikvartal. Company announcement 16 July 2009

Nordecon International AS came to a conclusion that it is best for AS Eston
Ehitus to continue as a wholly owned subsidiary to Nordecon International
Group. This point of view also coincided with minority shareholders in light of
AS Eston Ehitus future development in current market situation. The
negotiations for the acquisition of the remaining 2.3 per cent of shares are

As per confidentiality agreement the parties do not disclose the price of the
share purchase agreements. The price was paid in cash and during the period of
the transfer of shares. 

The transaction does not have material economical effect on the activities of
Nordecon International Group and does not qualify as an acquisition of
significant holding because AS Eston Ehitus was already a subsidiary to the
Group. With the exception of Mr Ivo Aulik this is not a related party
transaction within the meaning of “Requirements for Issuers” of the NASDAQ OMX
Tallinn Stock Exchange regulations. Mr Aulik is a member of the supervisory
board of AS Eston Ehitus, but entered into agreement with identical conditions
to other shareholders. The members of the supervisory board and management
board of Nordecon International AS do not have any personal interests in the
incorporation of the company. 

Nordecon International is a group of construction companies whose core business
is general contracting and construction management in the construction of
buildings and infrastructures in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine. In
addition, in Estonia our companies act as independent contractors in road
construction and maintenance, environmental engineering, the assembly of
reinforced concrete elements, and the performance of cast-on-site concrete
works. The parent of the Group is Nordecon International AS, a company
registered and located in Tallinn, Estonia. In addition to the parent company,
there are more than 20 subsidiaries in the Group. The consolidated revenue of
the Group in 2008 was 3.9 billion kroons (247 million euros) and the
consolidated net profit was 171 million kroons (11 million euros). Nordecon
International Group employs more than 1,100 people. Since 18 May 2006, the
company's shares have been quoted in the main list of the NASDAQ OMX Tallinn
Stock Exchange. 

1 euro = 15.6466 kroons

Raimo Talviste
Nordecon International AS
Head of Investor Relations
Tel: +372 615 4445