Market announcement

AS Silvano Fashion Group


Other price sensitive information


01.07.2009 17:40:00


PTA Grupp AS osaluse võõrandamine


AS Silvano Fashion Group (“SFG”) sõlmis müügilepingu, millega võõrandas kõik
SFG omandis olevad PTA Grupp AS (“PTA”) aktsiad (mis moodustavad kokku 100% PTA
aktsiakapitalist) PTA Holding OÜ-le ligikaudu 1 miljoni euro eest. Tehing viidi
lõpule koheselt pärast allkirjastamist. 
Ligikaudu pool PTA ostuhinnast tasuti käesoleva teate kuupäeval teatud SFG
kohustuste ülevõtmise teel. Teine pool ostuhinnast makstakse rahas hiljemalt
31. detsembriks 2011. a ja see kannab intressi kuni tasumiseni. Ostuhinna
tasumise kohustuse tagamiseks panditakse SFG kasuks kõik PTA aktsiad. 
PTA tegevusalaks on „PTA“ kaubamärki kandvate naisterõivaste tootmine, jae- ja
hulgimüük. Rõivaäri müümine võimaldab SFG-l keskenduda oma peamisele ärile,
milleks on pesutoodete tootmine ja müük. Samuti võimaldab müük suunata
põhitegevusala arendamisele finants- ja juhtimisressursid, vähendada
administratiivkulusid ja parendada juhtimise efektiivsust. Müügitehingu mõju
SFG grupi kasumile ja käibele ei saa olema oluline. Oodatav raamatupidamislik
kahjum SFG konsolideeritud aruannetes jääb vahemikku 1,2 kuni 1,7 miljonit
eurot, sõltuvalt PTA 2009. a teise kvartali tulemustest. Tehingust tulenev
raamatupidamislik kahjum SFG konsolideerimata aruannetes saab olema ligikaudu
3,2 miljonit eurot. Pikaajaline mõju SFG puhaskasumile saab tõenäoliselt olema
positiivne, kuna 2008. a oli PTA kahjum 501 tuhat eurot ning PTA jäi
kahjumlikuks ka 2009. a esimeses kvartalis. 

PTA viimase kahe aasta majandustegevuse tulemused ja majandusaasta aruannete
andmed võrdleva tabeli kujul on esitatud käesoleva börsiteate lisas. Pärast
viimase majandusaasta lõppu ei ole PTA majandustegevuses toimunud olulisi

25. juuni 2009. a seisuga oli PTA-l kaks laenu- ja üks käibekrediidileping
Danske Bank A/S Eesti filiaaliga kokku summas ligikaudu 2,2 miljonit eurot ning
laen SFG-lt summas ligikaudu 0,1 miljonit eurot. Danske Bank A/S Eesti
filiaalilt saadud laenud on tagatud SFG käendusega. SFG vastutus Danske Bank
A/S Eesti filiaali ees on omakorda tagatud PTA varadele seatud kommertspandiga.
PTA-l on ärilisi suhteid SFG gruppi kuuluvate äriühingutega ka tavalise
majandustegevuse raames. PTA-ga ei ole seotud kohtu- või vahekohtumenetlusi,
mis võiksid oluliselt mõjutada PTA majandustegevust. 

Enne müügitehingut kuulusid kõik PTA aktsiad (100%) SFG-le. PTA aktsiakapital
on 20 000 010 Eesti krooni, aktsiate nominaalväärtus on 10 Eesti krooni aktsia
kohta. PTA ainus juhatuse liige on Peeter Larin, PTA nõukogu liikmed on Indrek
Rahumaa, Jaak Raid ja Dmitry Ditchkovski. 

PTA Holding OÜ on seotud Peeter Lariniga (PTA juhatuse liige), kes on PTA
Holding OÜ juhatuse liige ja osanik. Seega on müügitehingu näol tehinguga
seotud isikuga Tallinna Börsi reeglite tähenduses. Tehing ei ole oluline tehing
seotud isikuga Tallinna Börsi reeglite tähenduses. SFG juhatuse ja nõukogu
liikmetel ei ole tehingu suhtes isiklikku huvi. 

Dmitry Ditchkovski
Juhatuse esimees
AS Silvano Fashion Group
Tel +372 6 710 700


Sale of shares in PTA Grupp AS


AS Silvano Fashion Group (“SFG”) entered into an agreement for the sale of all
shares in PTA Grupp AS (“PTA”) held by SFG (which represent 100% of the share
capital of PTA) to PTA Holding OÜ for approximately EUR 1 million. The
transaction was performed immediately upon signing. 

Approximately half of the purchase price of PTA was paid on the date of this
release by way of taking over certain liabilities of SFG. The remaining half of
the purchase price will be paid in cash by 31 December 2011 at the latest,
carrying interest until full payment. The obligation to pay the purchase price
will be secured by a share pledge over 100% of all shares in PTA in favour of

PTA operates in the field of manufacture, retail and wholesale of women's
apparel under the „PTA“ trademark. With the sale of the apparel business, SFG
will focus on its core business - manufacturing and sale of lingerie. The sale
will enable SFG to reallocate financial and managerial resources to its core
operations, decreasing overheads and improving the efficiency of management.
The effect of the sale with respect to the profit and revenue of the SFG group
is not expected to be significant. The estimated accounting loss from the
transaction in the consolidated financial statements of SFG will be in the
range of EUR 1.2 - 1.7 million, depending on the results of PTA's operations
the second quarter of 2009. The accounting loss from the transaction in the
stand-alone financial statements of SFG will be approximately EUR 3.2 million
However, in the long term the effect on SFG's net profit is expected to be
positive, as PTA made a net loss of EUR 501 thousand in 2008 and continued to
incur losses in the first quarter of 2009. 

The results of PTA's operations and the data from the annual reports of PTA
over the two last years, in the form of comparative table, are presented in the
appendix to this release. There have been no significant changes in the
economic activities after the end of last financial year. 

As at 25 June 2009, PTA had two loans and an overdraft from Danske Bank A/S
Estonian branch in the aggregate amount of approximately EUR 2.2 million, and a
loan from SFG in the amount of approximately EUR 0.1 million. The loans by
Danske Bank A/S Estonian branch are secured by a surety provided by SFG. The
liability of SFG to Danske Bank A/S Estonian branch is in turn secured by a
commercial pledge over PTA's assets. PTA also trades with SFG's affiliates in
the ordinary course of business. There are no active court or arbitration
procedures in respect of PTA, which could substantially influence its economic

Prior to the sale, 100% of all shares in PTA belonged to SFG. The share capital
of PTA is EEK 20,000,010, the nominal value of shares is EEK 10 per share. The
sole member of the management board of PTA is Mr. Peeter Larin; the members of
the supervisory council of PTA are Indrek Rahumaa, Jaak Raid and Dmitri

PTA Holding OÜ is related to Peeter Larin (a member of the management board in
PTA), who is a member of the management board and a shareholder in PTA Holding
OÜ. Therefore, the transaction is made with a related party within the meaning
of the Tallinn Stock Exchange rules. The transaction is not a material
transaction with a related party within the meaning of the Tallinn Stock
Exchange rules. Other members of the management board and the supervisory
council of SFG do not have personal interest in the transaction. 

Dmitry Ditchkovsky
Chairman of the Management Board
AS Silvano Fashion Group
Tel +372 6 710 700