Market announcement

AS Trigon Property Development


Results of General Meeting


16.06.2009 11:50:49


Aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku otsused


AS Trigon Property Development (registrikood 10106774) aktsionäride korraline   
üldkoosolek toimus 16. juunil 2009.a. kell 11:00 AS Trigon Property Development 
asukohas aadressil Viru Väljak 2, Tallinn.                                      

Üldkoosoleku otsused:                                                           

1. 2008. a. majandusaasta aruande kinnitamine                                   

AS Trigon Property Development aktsionäride üldkoosolek otsustas kinnitada      
2008. a. majandusaasta  aruande, mille kohaselt on AS Trigon Property           
Development konsolideeritud bilansimaht seisuga 31.12.2008. a. 124 474 tuhat    
krooni (7 955 tuhat eurot) ning aruandeaasta puhaskahjum -13 180 tuhat krooni   
(-842 tuhat eurot).                                                             

2. 2008. a. kahjumi katmine                                                     

AS Trigon Property Development aktsionäride üldkoosolek otsustas katta 2008.a   
puhaskahjumi summas -13 180 tuhat krooni (-842 tuhat eurot) eelmiste perioodide 
jaotamata kasumi arvelt.                                                        

3. 2009. majandusaasta audiitori valimine ja tasustamise korra määramine        

AS Trigon Property Development aktsionäride üldkoosolek otsustas valida 2009. a.
majandusaasta audiitoriks AS PricewaterhouseCoopers (registrikood: 10142876;    
aadress: Pärnu mnt. 15, 10141 Tallinn). Audiitori tasustamine toimub            
audiitorühinguga sõlmitava lepingu ja esitatavate arvete alusel.                

Ülo Adamson                                                                     
Nõukogu esimees                                                                 
+372 66 79 200                                                         


Resolutions of Annual General Meeting


The Annual General Meeting of shareholders of AS Trigon Property Development was
held on June 16, 2009 at 11:00 in the location of AS Trigon Property Development
at Viru Väljak 2, Tallinn.                                                      

Resolutions of the General Meeting:                                             

1. Approval of the Annual Report for 2008                                       

The shareholders of AS Trigon Property Development decided to approve the Annual
Report of AS Trigon Property Development for 2008, which exposes as of          
31.12.2008the consolidated balance sheet value of 124 474 thousand (7 955       
thousand euros) and the financial loss for 2008 of -13 180 thousand kroons (-842
thousand euros).                                                                

2. Cover of loss for 2008                                                       

The shareholders of AS Trigon Property Development decided to cover the loss in 
the amount of -13 180thousand kroons (-842 thousand euros) from the account of  
undistributed profit of the previous periods.                                   

3. Election and remuneration principles of auditor for financial year 2009      

It was decided to elect AS PricewaterhouseCoopers (registry code: 10142876,     
address: Pärnu rd. 15, 10141 Tallinn) as an auditor for financial year 2009.    
Auditor will be remunerated according to the contract concluded with and        
invoices issued by the auditor.                                                 

Ülo Adamson                                                                     
Chairman of the Supervisory Council                                             
Investor Relations                                                              
+372 66 79 200