Market announcement

AS Ekspress Grupp


Results of General Meeting


02.06.2009 16:30:00


Korralise üldkoosoleku otsused


AS Ekspress Grupp (registrikood 10004677, aadress Narva mnt 11e, 10151 Tallinn) 
aktsionäride korraline üldkoosolek  02. juunil 2009.a võttis vastu järgmised    

1. Majandusaasta aruande kinnitamine                                            

Kinnitada AS Ekspress Grupp 2008.a majandusaasta aruanne ja nõukogu poolt       
majandusaasta aruande kohta koostatud kirjalik aruanne.                         

2. Kasumijaotusettepaneku kinnitamine                                           
Kinnitada AS Ekspress Grupp 2008. a kasumijaotusettepanek, mille kohaselt kasum 
summas 45 962 tuhat krooni suunata eelmiste perioodide jaotamata kasumi hulka.  

3. Tehingu tegemine nõukogu liikmega                                            

Anda juhatusele nõusolek tehingu tegemiseks nõukogu liikme Hans Luigega         
järgmistel tingimustel:                                                         

Hans Luige poolt AS Ekspress Grupp ja SEB Panga, Danske Bank A/S Eesti filiaali 
ja Nordea Bank Finland Plc Eesti filiaali vahel sõlmitud arvelduslaenulepingute 
ja laenulepingu käendamise eest 4 miljoni euro ulatuses tasuda Hans Luigele     
tagatise seadmise tasu 1,5% aastas tagatise summast kuni tagatise kehtivuse     

Priit Leito                                                                     
Juhatuse esimees                                                                
AS Ekspress Grupp                                                               
Tel:  +372 669 8340                                                             


Resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders


The general meeting of shareholders of AS Ekspress Grupp (registry code
10004677, address Narva Hwy 11e, 10151 Tallinn) was held on 02 June 2009, and
the following resolutions were adopted: 

1.	Approval of the 2008 annual report 
To approve the 2008 annual report of AS Ekspress Grupp and the written report
on 2008 annual report prepared by the supervisory board. 

2.	Approval of the profit allocation recommendation                             

To approve the management recommendation of  profit allocation and transfer the
net profit 45962 thousands kroons to the retained earnings of previous periods. 

3.	Approval of the agreement with member of the supervisory board               

To approve the agreement with Hans Luik on following conditions:                
To pay Hans Luik a guarantee fee of 1,5% p.a. on the guarantee amount for the  
personal guarantee of EUR 4 000 000 on  loan agreement and overdraft agreements 
concluded  between AS Ekspress Grupp and SEB Bank, Danske Bank AS Eesti branch  
and Nordea Bank Finland Plc Eesti branch. The fee is payable until the maturity
date of the guarantee. 

Priit Leito                                                                     
AS Ekspress Grupp                                                               
Tel: +372 669 8340         