Market announcement



Results of General Meeting


01.06.2009 16:15:00


Üldkoosoleku otsused


01.06.2009.a. toimunud AS Merko Ehitus aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku

1. 2008.a. majandusaasta aruande kinnitamine
Otsustati kinnitada 2008.a. majandusaasta aruanne.

2. Kasumi jaotamise otsustamine
Otsustati kinnitada kasumi jaotamise ettepanek järgnevalt:

(i)   kinnitada 2008.a. majandusaasta puhaskasum 299 139 513 Eesti krooni.

(ii)  maksta 2008.a. puhaskasumist aktsionäridele dividendidena välja kokku
      61 950 000 krooni mis on 3,5 krooni ühe aktsia kohta;

      õigus dividendidele on 17. juuni 2009.a. kell 23.59 seisuga AS Merko
      Ehitus aktsiaraamatusse kantud aktsionäridel; 

      dividendid makstakse aktsionäridele välja 1. juulil 2009.a., kandes
      vastava summa aktsionäri väärtpaberikontoga seotud arvelduskontole; 

(iii) jätta ülejäänud puhaskasum jaotamata.

3. 2009.a. majandusaastaks audiitori kinnitamine
Otsustati kinnitada aktsiaseltsi audiitoriks 2009.a. majandusaastaks
audiitorbüroo AS PricewaterhouseCoopers ning tasuda neile vastavalt lepingule. 

1 EUR = 15,6466 EEK

Alar Lagus
Juhatuse liige
6 805 109


Resolutions of the annual general meeting


Resolutions of the annual general meeting of AS Merko Ehitus held on 1 June

1. Approval of the 2008 Annual Report
To approve the annual report of AS Merko Ehitus for the financial year 2008.

2. Deciding on the distribution of profits
To approve the profit distribution as follows:

(i)   to approve the net profit for the financial year 2008 in the amount of
      299 139 513 Estonian kroons; 

(ii)  to pay 61 950 000 Estonian kroons of the net profit 2008 as dividends to
      shareholders constituting 3.5 kroons as dividend per share; 

      all shareholders entered in the share ledger of AS Merko Ehitus as of 17
      June 2009 at 23.59 are entitled to dividends; 

      dividends shall be paid to shareholders on 1 July 2009 by remitting the
      respective amount to the current account tied to the shareholder's
      securities account; 

(iii) to maintain the rest of the net profit undistributed.

3. Approval of the auditor for the financial year 2009
To approve AS PricewaterhouseCoopers as the auditor of AS Merko Ehitus for the
financial year 2009 and to pay to the auditor according to the contract. 

1 EUR = 15.6466 EEK

Alar Lagus
Member of the Board
+372 6 805 109