Market announcement



Results of General Meeting


01.06.2009 14:00:00


Üldkoosoleku otsused


01.06.2009.a. toimunud AS Järvevana aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku otsused:

1. 2008.a. majandusaasta aruande kinnitamine
Otsustati kinnitada 2008.a. majandusaasta aruanne.

2. Kasumi jaotamise otsustamine
Otsustati kinnitada 2008.a. majandusaasta puhaskasum 335,5 miljonit krooni ja
jagunemisjärgne jaotamata kasum 39,7 miljonit krooni ning jätta kasum

3. 2009.a. majandusaastaks audiitori kinnitamine
Otsustati kinnitada AS-i JÄRVEVANA audiitoriks 2009.a. majandusaastaks
audiitorbüroo AS PricewaterhouseCoopers ning tasuda neile vastavalt lepingule. 

1 EUR = 15,6466 EEK

Toomas Annus
Juhatuse liige
6 805 400


Resolutions of the annual general meeting


Resolutions of the annual general meeting of AS Järvevana held on 1 June 2009:

1. Approval of the 2008 Annual Report
To approve the annual report of AS Järvevana for the financial year 2008.

2. Deciding on the distribution of profits
To approve the net profit for the financial year 2008 totalling 335.5 million
kroons and after demerger retained profit totalling 39.7 million kroons and not
to distribute the profit among the shareholders. 

3. Approval of the auditor for the financial year 2009
To approve AS PricewaterhouseCoopers as the auditor of AS Järvevana for the
financial year 2009 and to pay to the auditor according to the contract. 

1 EUR = 15,6466 EEK
Toomas Annus
Member of Board
+372 6 805 400