Market announcement



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08.05.2009 10:30:15


Baltika avas Tallinnas neli uut brändipoodi


Baltika avas eile Tallinnas Rocca al Mare kaubanduskeskuse uues arenduses       
Montoni, Mosaici, Ivo Nikkolo ja Baltmani kauplused. Enam kui 1000-ruutmeetrisel
müügipinnal on esindatud Baltika brändid uute jaekontseptsioonidega ning Eesti  
suurimate poodidega.                                                            

Hetkel on Baltika Grupil seitsmel turul kokku 139 kauplust ja 28 000 ruutmeetrit
müügipinda. Teises kvartalis avab Baltika veel ligi 800 ruutmeetrit             
kaubanduspinda Tallinnas Veerenni tänaval valmivas Baltika Kvartalis ning võtab 
oma Venemaa hulgipartnerilt üle Uurali piirkonnas asuva seitsme poe             
opereerimise. Poolaasta lõpuks ulatub Baltika Grupi poolt opereeritav jaepind   
ligikaudu 30 000 ruutmeetrini.                                                  

Ülle Järv                                                                       
Finantsdirektor, Juhatuse liige                                                 
+372 630 2741


Baltika opened four new brand stores in Estonia


Baltika opened yesterday Monton, Mosaic, Ivo Nikkolo and Baltman stores in Rocca
al Mare shopping centre in Tallinn, Estonia. In total, Baltika's brands cover   
more than 1,000 square metres of area in the shopping centre and are represented
with their newest retail concepts.                                              

At the present moment, Baltika Group has 139 stores with a total sales area of  
28,000 square metres in seven countries. In the second quarter Baltika will open
800 square metres of retail space in the Baltika Quarter business centre in     
Tallinn, Estonia and will take over the operation of seven stores belonging to  
its Russian wholesale partner in the Ural region. By the end of the first       
half-year, the sales area operated by Baltika Group will grow to approximately  
30,000 square metres.                                                           

Ülle Järv                                                                       
CFO, Member of the Management Board                                             
+372 630 2741