Market announcement

AS Tallink Grupp


Half-yearly financial report


16.04.2009 08:28:51


2008/2009 majandusaasta I poolaasta majandustulemused


Nõrk globaalne makromajandus avaldas jätkuvalt mõju AS-i Tallink Grupp ja tema  
tütarettevõtete (Kontsern) esimese poolaasta tulemusele.                        

Hoolimata muutunud majanduskeskkonnast ulatus Kontserni müügitulu 2008/2009     
majandusaasta esimesel poolaastal 361 miljoni euroni (5 650 miljoni kroonini),  
mis on samal tasemel eelmise majandusaasta esimese poolaasta müügituluga.       
Positiivset mõju esimese poolaasta käibele avaldas suurenenud reisijate arv,    
mille tulemusena kasvasid reisijateveost tulenevad müügitulud 18 miljoni euro   
(282 miljoni krooni) võrra. Üldisest majanduslangusest tulenevalt vähenesid     
kaubaveotulud ligi 23 miljoni euro (357 miljoni krooni) võrra käesoleva         
majandusaasta esimesel poolaastal.                                              

Kontserni tegevusele iseloomulikult on majandusaasta teine kvartal madalhooaeg  
reisijateveos. Vähenenud kaubaveo mahud mõjutavad seetõttu enim teise kvartali  
tulemust, mil kaubaveotulude osakaal ettevõte käibes on olnud ajalooliselt      

Reisijateveo tuludele avaldas mõju ka nõrgenenud Rootsi krooni kurss, mille     
väärtus euro vastu vähenes majandusaasta esimese poolaasta jooksul ligi 17%.    
Rootsi krooni languse negatiivne mõju müügituludele esimesel poolaastal oli ligi
7 miljonit eurot (109 miljonit krooni).                                         

ESIMESE POOLAASTA PÕHINÄITAJAD                                                  
|                       |      01.09.2008       |    01.09.2007     | Muutus % |
|                       |      -28.02.2009      |      -29.02.2008  |          |
|                       |   EEK   |     EUR     |   EEK    |  EUR   |          |
| Müügitulu (miljon)    |   5,650 |       361.1 |    5,663 |  361.9 |    -0.2% |
| Brutokasum (miljon)   |     958 |        61.3 |    1,148 |   73.4 |   -16.5% |
| Brutokasumi marginaal |   16.9% |             |    20.3% |        |          |
| %                     |         |             |          |        |          |
| EBITDA (miljon)       |     707 |        45.2 |      781 |   49.9 |    -9.5% |
| EBITDA marginaal (%)  |   12.5% |             |    13.8% |        |          |
| Puhaskasum/-kahjum    |    -354 |       -22.6 |     -108 |   -7.0 |    -226% |
| (miljon)              |         |             |          |        |          |
| Puhaskasumi marginaal |   -6.2% |             |    -1.9% |        |          |
| (%)                   |         |             |          |        |          |
| Amortisatsioon        |     519 |        33.2 |      464 |   29.7 |    11.7% |
| (miljon)              |         |             |          |        |          |
| Investeeringud        |     224 |        14.3 |      494 |   31.6 |   -54.6% |
| (miljon)              |         |             |          |        |          |
| Aktsiate kaalutud     |           669,882,040 |       672,623,111 |    -0.4% |
| keskmine arv esimese  |                       |                   |          |
| poolaasta jooksul*    |                       |                   |          |
| Aktsiakasum           |   -0.53 |       -0.03 |    -0.16 |  -0.01 |    -231% |
|                       |                       |                   |          |
| Reisijate arv         |             3,593,619 |         3,080,334 |    16.7% |
| Kaubaveo ühikud       |               132,915 |           171,271 |   -22.4% |
| Keskmine töötajate    |                 6,808 |             6,309 |     7.9% |
| arv                   |                       |                   |          |
|                       |      28.02.2008       |    31.08.2008     |          |
|                       |    EEK     |   EUR    |   EEK    |  EUR   |          |
| Varad kokku (miljon)  |     28,436 |    1,817 |   29,702 |  1,898 |    -4.3% |
| Kohustused kokku      |     18,505 |    1,183 |   19,308 |  1,234 |    -4.2% |
| (miljon)              |            |          |          |        |          |
| Intressi kandvad      |     16,940 |    1,083 |   17,525 |  1,120 |    -3.3% |
| kohustused (miljon)   |            |          |          |        |          |
| Omakapital kokku      |      9,930 |      635 |   10,394 |    664 |    -4.5% |
| (miljon)              |            |          |          |        |          |
| Omakapitali määr (%)  |      34.9% |          |    35.0% |        |          |
| Aktsiate arv*         |           669,882,040 |       669,882,040 |          |
| Omakapital aktsia     |       14.8 |     0.95 |     15.5 |   0.99 |    -4.5% |
| kohta                 |            |          |          |        |          |
Puhaskasumi marginaal - puhaskasum / müügitulu;                                 
EBITDA - finantskulude  sidusettevõtjate kasumiosade  maksude  intresside       
kulumi ja negatiivse firmaväärtuse eelne kasum;                                 
EBITDA marginaal - EBITDA / müügitulu;                                          
Brutokasumi marginaal - brutokasum / müügitulu                                  
Omakapitali määr - omakapital/ varad kokku;                                     
Aktsiakasum - puhaskasum / kaalutud keskmine aktsiate arv;                      
Omakapital aktsia kohta - omakapital / aktsiate arv.                            
* Aktsiate arv ei sisalda oma aktsiaid.                                         

Peamised tegevuses toimunud muutused  esimesel poolaastal olid alljärgnevad:    
reisijateveost tulenevate müügitulude kasv 18 miljoni euro (282 miljoni krooni) 
kaubaveotulude vähenemine 23 miljoni euro (357 miljoni krooni) võrra;           
kütusekulude vähenemine 15 miljoni euro (234 miljoni krooni) võrra;             
kaubakulude kasv 11 miljoni euro (172 miljoni krooni) võrra, mis tuleneb        
hiljutisest inflatsioonist ja samas ka suuremast restoranide, baaride ja        
kaupluste müügist;                                                              
personalikulude suurenemine 4,6 miljoni euro (72 miljoni krooni) ehk 8,5% võrra,
mis on mõjutatud peamiselt varasematest palgatõusu kokkulepetest;               

Saksa liini restruktureerimine ja laevade arvu vähendamine liinil on avaldanud  
mõju mitmetele muutustele opereerimises. Suur osa kütusekulude vähenemisest     
tuleneb Saksa liinilt. Kuna kaubaveod on Saksa liinil olulise osakaaluga on see 
liin ka rohkem mõjutatud muutustest üldises majanduskeskkonnas. Langenud        
kaubavedude nõudlus Soome ja Saksamaa vahel ning reiside arvu vähendamine on    
toonud kaasa Saksa liini müügitulude vähenemise 19 miljoni euro (304 miljoni    
krooni) võrra käesoleva majandusaasta esimesel poolaastal võrreldes eelmise     
aasta sama perioodiga. Samas on tänu varasemale restruktureerimisele ja sellest 
tulenevalt väiksemast kulubaasist Saksa liini segmendi tulemuse kahanemine vähem

Arvestades asjaolu, et kütusehinnad olid oluliselt kõrgematel tasemetel eelmise 
majandusaasta teisel poolaastal ja eeldades tänaste hinnatasemete püsimist on   
oodatav kütusehindade langusest tulenev kulude vähenemine veelgi suurem         
käesoleva majandusaasta teises pooles.                                          

Kontserni administratiivkulu vähenes esimesel poolaastal 6,4 miljoni euro (100  
miljoni krooni) ehk 21.3% võrra. Kontserni juhtkond töötab intensiivselt        
leidmaks täiendavaid kulude kokkuhoiu võimalusi, et Kontserni tegevus oleks     
jätkusuutlik muutuvas majanduskeskkonnas. Mitmete opereerimiskulude kõrval on   
kõrgendatud tähelepanu ka personalikulude kokkuhoiul.                           

Kontserni finantskulude, maksude ja kulumieelne kasum EBITDA 2008/2009          
majandusaasta esimesel poolaastal oli 45,2 miljonit eurot (707 miljonit krooni) 
mis on 9,5% vähem võrreldes möödunud majandusaasta esimese poolaastaga.         

Võrreldes eelmise majandusaasta esimese poolaastaga on suurenenud ka kulum 3,5  
miljoni euro (55 miljoni krooni) võrra peamiselt uute laevade, Superstar ja     
Baltic Princess arvel.                                                          
Finantskulude netosuurenemine oli 7.5 miljonit eurot (117 miljonit krooni)      
käesoleva majandusaasta esimesel poolaastal, mis oli peamiselt mõjutatud 4,4    
miljoni euro (69 miljoni krooni) ehk 14,7% võrra suurematest intressikuludest.  
Inressikulude kasv oli tingitud 18% võrra suuremast intressikandvate kohustuste 
mahust käesoleva majandusaasta esimesel poolaastal ja kõrgetest                 
intressimääradest esimeses kvartalis võrreldes eelmise majandusaasta vastavate  

Madalamast opereerimistulemusest, kasvanud amortisatsioonikuludest ning         
suurematest finantskuludest tingituna oli käesoleva majandusaasta esimese       
poolaasta kahjum 22,6 miljonit eurot (354 miljonit krooni) võrreldes 7 miljoni  
euro (109 miljoni krooni) suuruse kahjumiga eelmise majandusaasta esimese       

Kontserni esimese poolaasta tulemus ei vastanud juhtkonna ootustele. Hoolimata  
märkimisväärsest reisijate arvu suurenemisest taandus selle positiivne efekt    
juba müügitulude tasandil mõjutatuna kaubaveotulude langusest, Rootsi krooni    
nõrgenemisest ja tarbijate käitumise muutustest. Kuigi majandusaasta teine      
poolaasta on reisijateveos kõrghooaeg ja tavaliselt on siis kaubaveotulude mõju 
tulemustele väiksem, on Kontserni juhtkond ettevaatlik käesoleva majandusaasta  
eesmärkide prognoosimise osas. Arvestades seniseid arenguid ja väliste faktorite
kõrget volatiilsust, mis lisavad teadmatust tuleviku osas, võib arvata, et      
Kontsern ei saavuta käesolevaks majandusaastaks seatud eesmärke. Siiski usub    
juhtkond, et käesoleva majandusaasta tulemuseks on kasum.                       

KONSOLIDEERITUD KASUMIARUANNE                                                   
(auditeerimata, tuhandetes kroonides)                                           
|                          | 01.12.2008 | 01.12.2007 | 01.09.2008 | 01.09.2007 |
|                          |-28.02.2009 |-29.02.2008 |-28.02.2009 |-29.02.2008 |
| Müügitulu                |  2,619,011 |  2,743,058 |  5,650,360 |  5,663,160 |
| Müüdud kauba ja teenuse  | -2,264,213 | -2,244,210 | -4,691,564 | -4,514,834 |
| kulu                     |            |            |            |            |
| Brutokasum               |    354,798 |    498,848 |    958,796 |  1,148,326 |
| Turustuskulud            |   -186,978 |   -186,758 |   -402,634 |   -380,240 |
| Üldhalduskulud           |   -193,410 |   -229,877 |   -369,004 |   -469,177 |
| Muud äritulud            |        589 |     15,292 |      3,745 |     18,391 |
| Muud ärikulud            |     -2,856 |       -592 |     -3,127 |       -874 |
| Finantstulud             |     10,261 |     23,724 |     97,772 |     30,612 |
| Finantskulud             |   -305,714 |   -231,928 |   -639,521 |   -455,702 |
| Kasum/-kahjum enne       |   -323,310 |   -111,291 |   -353,973 |   -108,664 |
| tulumaksu                |            |            |            |            |
| Tulumaks                 |        -18 |       -107 |        -18 |       -110 |
| Aruandeperioodi          |   -323,328 |   -111,398 |   -353,991 |   -108,774 |
| puhaskasum/-kahjum       |            |            |            |            |
| Sh.                      |            |            |            |            |
|  | Emaettevõtte omanike  |   -323,328 |   -111,398 |   -353,991 |   -108,774 |
|  | osa                   |            |            |            |            |
|  | puhaskasumist/-kahjum |            |            |            |            |
|  | ist                   |            |            |            |            |
| Kasum aktsia kohta       |            |            |            |            |
| (EEK-ides ühe aktsia     |            |            |            |            |
| kohta)                   |            |            |            |            |
|  | - tava                |      -0.48 |      -0.17 |      -0.53 |      -0.16 |
|  | - lahustatud          |      -0.48 |      -0.17 |      -0.53 |      -0.16 |

(auditeerimata, tuhandetes eurodes)                                             
|                          | 01.12.2008 | 01.12.2007 | 01.09.2008 | 01.09.2007 |
|                          |-28.02.2009 |-29.02.2008 |-28.02.2009 |-29.02.2008 |
| Müügitulu                |    167,385 |    175,313 |    361,124 |    361,942 |
| Müüdud kauba ja teenuse  |   -144,710 |   -143,431 |   -299,846 |   -288,550 |
| kulu                     |            |            |            |            |
| Brutokasum               |     22,675 |     31,882 |     61,278 |     73,392 |
| Turustuskulud            |    -11,950 |    -11,936 |    -25,733 |    -24,302 |
| Üldhalduskulud           |    -12,361 |    -14,692 |    -23,584 |    -29,986 |
| Muud äritulud            |         39 |        977 |        240 |      1,175 |
| Muud ärikulud            |       -183 |        -37 |       -200 |        -55 |
| Finantstulud             |        656 |      1,516 |      6,249 |      1,956 |
| Finantskulud             |    -19,539 |    -14,823 |    -40,873 |    -29,125 |
| Kasum/-kahjum enne       |    -20,663 |     -7,113 |    -22,623 |     -6,945 |
| tulumaksu                |            |            |            |            |
| Tulumaks                 |         -1 |         -7 |         -1 |         -7 |
| Aruandeperioodi          |    -20,664 |     -7,120 |    -22,624 |     -6,952 |
| puhaskasum/-kahjum       |            |            |            |            |
| Sh.                      |            |            |            |            |
|  | Emaettevõtte omanike  |    -20,664 |     -7,120 |    -22,624 |     -6,952 |
|  | osa                   |            |            |            |            |
|  | puhaskasumist/-kahjum |            |            |            |            |
|  | ist                   |            |            |            |            |
| Kasum aktsia kohta       |            |            |            |            |
| (EUR-ides ühe aktsia     |            |            |            |            |
| kohta)                   |            |            |            |            |
|  | - tava                |      -0.03 |      -0.01 |      -0.03 |      -0.01 |
|  | - lahustatud          |      -0.03 |      -0.01 |      -0.03 |      -0.01 |
KONSOLIDEERITUD BILANSS                                                         
(auditeerimata, tuhandetes kroonides)                                           
| VARAD                                       |    28.02.2009 |     31.08.2008 |
| Käibevara                                   |               |                |
| Raha ja raha ekvivalendid                   |       462,572 |      1,043,785 |
| Nõuded                                      |       818,963 |      1,177,342 |
| Ettemaksed                                  |        88,986 |        111,522 |
| Derivatiivid                                |       115,863 |         51,884 |
| Varud                                       |       297,149 |        358,480 |
| Käibevara kokku                             |     1,783,533 |      2,743,013 |
| Põhivara                                    |               |                |
| Investeeringud sidusettevõtetesse           |         8,342 |          2,222 |
| Muud finantsvarad ja ettemaksed             |         7,602 |          7,700 |
| Edasilükkunud tulumaksuvara                 |       199,849 |        199,851 |
| Kinnisvarainvesteering                      |         4,694 |          4,694 |
| Materiaalne põhivara                        |    25,245,868 |     25,518,298 |
| Immateriaalne põhivara                      |     1,186,097 |      1,226,023 |
| Põhivara kokku                              |    26,652,452 |     26,958,788 |
| VARAD KOKKU                                 |    28,435,985 |     29,701,801 |
| KOHUSTUSED JA OMAKAPITAL                    |               |                |
| Lühiajalised kohustused                     |               |                |
| Intressikandvad võlakohustused              |     2,298,086 |      2,200,220 |
| Võlad                                       |     1,235,741 |      1,621,711 |
| Ettemakstud tulud                           |       131,108 |        138,752 |
| Derivatiivid                                |       182,736 |          5,351 |
| Lühiajalised kohustused kokku               |     3,847,671 |      3,966,034 |
| Pikaajalised kohustused                     |               |                |
| Intressikandvad võlakohustused              |    14,641,700 |     15,324,355 |
| Edasilükkunud tulumaksukohustus             |        16,147 |         16,147 |
| Muud kohustused                             |             0 |          1,643 |
| Pikaajalised kohustused kokku               |    14,657,847 |     15,342,145 |
| Kohustused kokku                            |    18,505,518 |     19,308,179 |
| OMAKAPITAL                                  |               |                |
| Emaettevõtja aktsionäridele kuuluv          |               |                |
| omakapital                                  |               |                |
| Aktsiakapital nimiväärtuses                 |     6,738,170 |      6,738,170 |
| Ülekurss                                    |         9,999 |          9,999 |
| Reservid                                    |     1,057,806 |      1,151,071 |
| Jaotamata kasum                             |     2,124,492 |      2,494,382 |
| Emaettevõtte omanikele kuuluv omakapital    |     9,930,467 |     10,393,622 |
| kokku                                       |               |                |
| OMAKAPITAL KOKKU                            |     9,930,467 |     10,393,622 |
| KOHUSTUSED JA OMAKAPITAL KOKKU              |    28,435,985 |     29,701,801 |

KONSOLIDEERITUD BILANSS                                                         
(auditeerimata, tuhandetes eurodes)                                             
| VARAD                                       |    28.02.2009 |     31.08.2008 |
| Käibevara                                   |               |                |
| Raha ja raha ekvivalendid                   |        29,564 |         66,710 |
| Nõuded                                      |        52,341 |         75,246 |
| Ettemaksed                                  |         5,687 |          7,127 |
| Derivatiivid                                |         7,405 |          3,316 |
| Varud                                       |        18,991 |         22,911 |
| Käibevara kokku                             |       113,988 |        175,310 |
| Põhivara                                    |               |                |
| Investeeringud sidusettevõtetesse           |           533 |            142 |
| Muud finantsvarad ja ettemaksed             |           486 |            492 |
| Edasilükkunud tulumaksuvara                 |        12,773 |         12,773 |
| Kinnisvarainvesteering                      |           300 |            300 |
| Materiaalne põhivara                        |     1,613,505 |      1,630,917 |
| Immateriaalne põhivara                      |        75,805 |         78,357 |
| Põhivara kokku                              |     1,703,402 |      1,722,981 |
| VARAD KOKKU                                 |     1,817,390 |      1,898,291 |
| KOHUSTUSED JA OMAKAPITAL                    |               |                |
| Lühiajalised kohustused                     |               |                |
| Intressikandvad võlakohustused              |       146,874 |        140,620 |
| Võlad                                       |        78,978 |        103,646 |
| Ettemakstud tulud                           |         8,379 |          8,868 |
| Derivatiivid                                |        11,679 |            342 |
| Lühiajalised kohustused kokku               |       245,910 |        253,476 |
| Pikaajalised kohustused                     |               |                |
| Intressikandvad võlakohustused              |       935,775 |        979,405 |
| Edasilükkunud tulumaksukohustus             |         1,032 |          1,032 |
| Muud kohustused                             |             0 |            105 |
| Pikaajalised kohustused kokku               |       936,807 |        980,542 |
| Kohustused kokku                            |     1,182,717 |      1,234,018 |
| OMAKAPITAL                                  |               |                |
| Emaettevõtja aktsionäridele kuuluv          |               |                |
| omakapital                                  |               |                |
| Aktsiakapital nimiväärtuses                 |       430,648 |        430,648 |
| Ülekurss                                    |           639 |            639 |
| Reservid                                    |        67,606 |         73,566 |
| Jaotamata kasum                             |       135,780 |        159,420 |
| Emaettevõtte omanikele kuuluv omakapital    |       634,673 |        664,273 |
| kokku                                       |               |                |
| OMAKAPITAL KOKKU                            |       634,673 |        664,273 |
| KOHUSTUSED JA OMAKAPITAL KOKKU              |     1,817,390 |      1,898,291 |

KONSOLIDEERITUD RAHAVOOGUDE ARUANNE                                             
|  (auditeerimata, tuhandetes kroonides)      |  01.09.2008 - |   01.09.2007 - |
|    |                                        |    28.02.2009 |     29.02.2008 |
| Rahavood äritegevusest                      |               |                |
| Aruandeperioodi puhaskasum/-kahjum          |      -353,991 |       -108,774 |
| Korrigeerimised                             |     1,048,050 |        880,913 |
| Äritegevusega seotud nõuete muutus          |       374,045 |       -270,924 |
| Äritegevusega seotud varude muutus          |        61,331 |         -3,733 |
| Äritegevusega seotud kohustuste muutus      |      -362,948 |        -36,461 |
| Makstud/ettemakstud tulumaks                |          -258 |            344 |
|                                             |       766,229 |        461,365 |
| Rahavood investeerimistegevusest            |               |                |
| Materiaalse põhivara ja immateriaalse vara  |      -224,337 |       -494,290 |
| soetamine                                   |               |                |
| Laekumised materiaalse põhivara müügist     |        17,693 |        200,228 |
| Sidusettevõtte soetamine                    |        -6,120 |              0 |
| Laekumised derivatiividest                  |         1,524 |         -8,463 |
| Saadud intressid                            |         5,232 |          7,443 |
|                                             |      -206,008 |       -295,082 |
| Rahavood finantseerimistegevusest           |               |                |
| Omaaktsiate tagasiostmine                   |             0 |        -65,067 |
| Laekumised laenudest                        |       187,759 |              0 |
| Laenude tagasimaksed                        |      -888,080 |       -821,577 |
| Kasutatud arvelduskrediidi muutus           |       103,791 |        270,935 |
| Kapitalirendi põhimaksete tasumine          |        -3,875 |         -8,402 |
| Makstud intressid                           |      -541,029 |       -425,243 |
|                                             |    -1,141,434 |     -1,049,354 |
| RAHAVOOD KOKKU                              |      -581,213 |       -883,071 |
| Raha ja raha ekvivalendid                   |               |                |
| - perioodi alguses                          |     1,043,785 |      1,303,609 |
| - suurenemine (+) / vähenemine (-)          |      -581,213 |       -883,071 |
| - perioodi lõpus                            |       462,572 |        420,538 |

| (auditeerimata, tuhandetes eurodes)         |  01.09.2008 - |   01.09.2007 - |
|    |                                        |    28.02.2009 |     29.02.2008 |
| Rahavood äritegevusest                      |               |                |
| Aruandeperioodi puhaskasum/-kahjum          |       -22,624 |         -6,952 |
| Korrigeerimised                             |        66,983 |         56,301 |
| Äritegevusega seotud nõuete muutus          |        23,906 |        -17,315 |
| Varude muutus                               |         3,920 |           -239 |
| Äritegevusega seotud kohustuste muutus      |       -23,197 |         -2,330 |
| Makstud/ettemakstud tulumaks                |           -16 |             22 |
|                                             |        48,972 |         29,487 |
| Rahavood investeerimistegevusest            |               |                |
| Materiaalse põhivara ja immateriaalse vara  |       -14,337 |        -31,591 |
| soetamine                                   |               |                |
| Laekumised materiaalse põhivara müügist     |         1,131 |         12,797 |
| Sidusettevõtte soetamine                    |          -391 |              0 |
| Laekumised derivatiividest                  |            97 |           -541 |
| Saadud intressid                            |           334 |            476 |
|                                             |       -13,166 |        -18,859 |
| Rahavood finantseerimistegevusest           |               |                |
| Omaaktsiate tagasiostmine                   |             0 |         -4,159 |
| Laekumised laenudest                        |        12,000 |              0 |
| Laenude tagasimaksed                        |       -56,759 |        -52,508 |
| Kasutatud arvelduskrediidi muutus           |         6,633 |         17,316 |
| Kapitalirendi põhimaksete tasumine          |          -248 |           -537 |
| Makstud intressid                           |       -34,578 |        -27,178 |
|                                             |       -72,952 |        -67,066 |
| RAHAVOOD KOKKU                              |       -37,146 |        -56,438 |
| Raha ja raha ekvivalendid                   |               |                |
| - perioodi alguses                          |        66,710 |         83,315 |
| - suurenemine (+) / vähenemine (-)          |       -37,146 |        -56,438 |
| - perioodi lõpus                            |        29,564 |         26,877 |

Janek Stalmeister                                                               
AS Tallink Grupp                                                                
Tel. +372 6409 800                                                              


First half-year results of the 2008/2009 financial year


The weak global macroeconomics had continuous influence on the first half-year  
operations of AS Tallink Grupp and its subsidiaries (hereinafter also referred  
to as the Group).                                                               

Despite changed environment the Group revenues in the first half of the         
2008/2009 financial year reached the previous year level of EUR 361 million (EEK
5 650 million). A positive effect to the first half-year revenues came from the 
passenger operations where sales increased by nearly EUR 18 million (EEK 282    
million) supported by higher passenger volumes. To the contray, the cargo       
revenues decreased by almost 23 million EUR (EEK 357 million) as an effect of   
the recent weakening in the world economies.                                    

It is typical to the Group operations that the second quarter is low season in  
the passenger business segment. The impact of weaker cargo volumes to the Group 
result is clearly noticeable in the second quarter when the share of the ro-ro  
cargo operations in the total Group revenues has been historically higher.      

The Group's passenger business related revenues were also impacted by fallen    
exchange rate of Swedish krona. SEK has weakened against Euro by nearly 17%     
during the first half-year period which had negative impact to the sales by     
about EUR 7 million (EEK 109 million).                                          

1st HALF-YEAR KEY FIGURES                                                       
|                       |      01.09.2008-       |    01.09.2007    | Change % |
|                       |       28.02.2009       |      29.02.2008  |          |
|                       |   EEK    |     EUR     |  EEK   |   EUR   |          |
| Net sales (million)   |    5,650 |       361.1 |  5,663 |   361.9 |    -0.2% |
| Gross profit          |      958 |        61.3 |  1,148 |    73.4 |   -16.5% |
| (million)             |          |             |        |         |          |
| Gross margin          |    16.9% |             |  20.3% |         |          |
| EBITDA (million)      |      707 |        45.2 |    781 |    49.9 |    -9.5% |
| EBITDA margin         |    12.5% |             |  13.8% |         |          |
| Net profit/-loss      |     -354 |       -22.6 |   -108 |    -7.0 |    -226% |
| (million)             |          |             |        |         |          |
| Net profit margin     |    -6.2% |             |  -1.9% |         |          |
| Depreciation          |      519 |        33.2 |    464 |    29.7 |    11.7% |
| (million)             |          |             |        |         |          |
| Investments (million) |      224 |        14.3 |    494 |    31.6 |   -54.6% |
| Weighted average      |            669,882,040 |      672,623,111 |    -0.4% |
| number of ordinary    |                        |                  |          |
| shares outstanding    |                        |                  |          |
| during 1st half-year* |                        |                  |          |
| Earnings per share    |       -0.53 |    -0.03 |  -0.16 |   -0.01 |    -231% |
|                       |                        |                  |          |
| Number of passengers  |              3,593,619 |        3,080,334 |    16.7% |
| Cargo units           |                132,915 |          171,271 |   -22.4% |
| Average number of     |                  6,808 |            6,309 |     7.9% |
| employees             |                        |                  |          |
|                       |       28.02.2008       |    31.08.2008    |          |
|                       |   EEK    |     EUR     |  EEK   |   EUR   |          |
| Total assets          |   28,436 |       1,817 | 29,702 |   1,898 |    -4.3% |
| (million)             |          |             |        |         |          |
| Total liabilities     |   18,505 |       1,183 | 19,308 |   1,234 |    -4.2% |
| (million)             |          |             |        |         |          |
| Interest-bearing      |   16,940 |       1,083 | 17,525 |   1,120 |    -3.3% |
| liabilities (million) |          |             |        |         |          |
| Total equity          |    9,930 |         635 | 10,394 |     664 |    -4.5% |
| (million)             |          |             |        |         |          |
| Equity ratio          |    34.9% |             |  35.0% |         |          |
| Number of ordinary    |            669,882,040 |      669,882,040 |          |
| shares outstanding*   |                        |                  |          |
| Shareholders' equity  |           14.8 |  0.95 |   15.5 |    0.99 |    -4.5% |
| per share             |                |       |        |         |          |
Net profit margin - net profit / net sales;                                     
EBITDA - Earnings before net financial items, share of profit of associates,    
taxes, depreciation and amortization, income from negative goodwill;            
EBITDA margin - EBITDA / net sales;                                             
Gross margin - gross profit / net sales                                         
Equity ratio - total equity / total assets;                                     
Earnings per share - net profit / weighted average number of shares outstanding;
Shareholder's equity per share - shareholder's equity / number of shares        
* Share numbers exclude own shares.                                             

The largest changes in the operational items in the first half-year were:       
passenger segment revenues increased by EUR 18 million (EEK 282 million);       
ro-ro cargo revenues decreased by EUR 23 million (EEK 357 million);             
fuel costs decreased by EUR 15 million (EEK 234 million);                       
increase in cost of goods by EUR 11 million (EEK 172 million) driven by the     
inflation from the recent past and also higher restaurant, bars and shop sales; 
increase in personnel costs by EUR 4.6 million (EEK 72 million) which is a 8.5% 
year on year increase mainly due to the previously agreed salaries increase;    

Restructuring of the Grmany route and reduced number of vessels have been       
influential to many of the changes in operational items. Largest part in the    
Group's fuel cost decrease is attributable to Germany route. As the cargo has   
represented majority in the Finland-Germany segment revenues the route has been 
most exposed to the changes in world economy. The fallen demand in ro-ro cargo  
transportation between Finland and Germany and decreased frequency in departures
have resulted the route revenues to decrease by EUR 19 million (EEK 304 million)
in the first half-year compared to the same period in the previous financial    
year. It is worth to note that the decline in the segment result was softened   
thanks to the earlier restructuring and thereby lower cost base.                

Given the fact that the fuel prices were significantly higher on the second half
of the previous financial year and assuming the current fuel price level will   
not change considerably, the reduction on the fuel cost will be more visible    
towards the end of the current financial year.                                  

The administrative costs have been decreased by EUR 6.4 million (EEK 100        
million) or by 21.3% in the first half-year. The management is working          
intensively to seek further cost reduction possibilities in addition to current 
and to adjust the operations according to the today's changing environment.     
Along several operational costs high focus is put also to the personnel costs in
order to find additional savings.                                               

The Group EBITDA for the first half of 2008/2009 financial year amounted to EUR 
45.2 million (EEK 707 million) which is 9.5% less than in the first half of the 
last financial year.                                                            

The depreciation and amortisation of the Group assets in the first half-year    
period increased by EUR 3.5 million (EEK 55 million) mainly due to the two new  
vessels MS Superstar and MS Baltic Princess.                                    

The net financial costs increased by EUR 7.5 million (EEK 117 million) during   
the first half-year of the 2008/2009 financial year, largely due to the higher  
interest expense by 14.7% or EUR 4.4 million (EEK 69 million). The increase in  
interest expenses is resulted from 18% higher outstanding interest bearing      
liabilities during the first half-year period compared to the same period in the
previous financial year, and also from higher interest rates during the first   

Due to the lower operational performance, increased depreciation and higher     
financial items the net loss for the first half-year of 2008/2009 financial year
was EUR 22.6 million (EEK 354 million) compared to net loss of EUR 7 million    
(EEK 109 million) in the first half of the previous financial year.             

The Group's second quarter results have not met the management expectations.    
Despite the passenger volume has shown strong growth the positive effect is     
zeroed already on the revenue level by significant cargo decrease, Swedish krona
weakness on retail sales and change in the customers' behaviour. Although the   
second half-year is high season in the passenger operations and usually the     
development in the cargo operations has smaller influence in the group results  
the management carefully reviews the Group's targets for the current financial  
year. Considering the development so far and high volatility on external factors
which add uncertainties on the future the Group will not meet the set targets   
for the financial year. However, the management believes that the current       
financial year will be in profit.                                               

CONSOLIDATED CONDENSED INCOME STATEMENT                                         

(unaudited, in thousands of EEK)                                                
|                          | 01.12.2008 | 01.12.2007 | 01.09.2008 | 01.09.2007 |
|                          |-28.02.2009 |-29.02.2008 |-28.02.2009 |-29.02.2008 |
| Net sales                |  2,619,011 |  2,743,058 |  5,650,360 |  5,663,160 |
| Cost of sales            | -2,264,213 | -2,244,210 | -4,691,564 | -4,514,834 |
| Gross profit             |    354,798 |    498,848 |    958,796 |  1,148,326 |
| Marketing expenses       |   -186,978 |   -186,758 |   -402,634 |   -380,240 |
| Administrative and       |   -193,410 |   -229,877 |   -369,004 |   -469,177 |
| general expenses         |            |            |            |            |
| Other income             |        589 |     15,292 |      3,745 |     18,391 |
| Other expenses           |     -2,856 |       -592 |     -3,127 |       -874 |
| Financial income         |     10,261 |     23,724 |     97,772 |     30,612 |
| Financial expenses       |   -305,714 |   -231,928 |   -639,521 |   -455,702 |
| Profit/-loss from normal |   -323,310 |   -111,291 |   -353,973 |   -108,664 |
| operation before income  |            |            |            |            |
| tax                      |            |            |            |            |
| Income tax               |        -18 |       -107 |        -18 |       -110 |
| Net profit/-loss for the |   -323,328 |   -111,398 |   -353,991 |   -108,774 |
| period                   |            |            |            |            |
| Attributable to:         |            |            |            |            |
|   | Equity holders of    |   -323,328 |   -111,398 |   -353,991 |   -108,774 |
|   | the parent           |            |            |            |            |
| Earnings per share (in   |            |            |            |            |
| EEK per share)           |            |            |            |            |
|   | - basic              |      -0.48 |      -0.17 |      -0.53 |      -0.16 |
|   | - diluted            |      -0.48 |      -0.17 |      -0.53 |      -0.16 |

| (unaudited, in thousands of  | 01.12.2008| 01.12.2007| 01.09.2008| 01.09.2007|
| EUR)                         | 28.02.2009| 29.02.2008| 28.02.2009| 29.02.2008|
| Net sales                    |   167,385 |   175,313 |   361,124 |   361,942 |
| Cost of sales                |  -144,710 |  -143,431 |  -299,846 |  -288,550 |
| Gross profit                 |    22,675 |    31,882 |    61,278 |    73,392 |
| Marketing expenses           |   -11,950 |   -11,936 |   -25,733 |   -24,302 |
| Administrative and general   |   -12,361 |   -14,692 |   -23,584 |   -29,986 |
| expenses                     |           |           |           |           |
| Other income                 |        39 |       977 |       240 |     1,175 |
| Other expenses               |      -183 |       -37 |      -200 |       -55 |
| Financial income             |       656 |     1,516 |     6,249 |     1,956 |
| Financial expenses           |   -19,539 |   -14,823 |   -40,873 |   -29,125 |
| Profit/-loss from normal     |   -20,663 |    -7,113 |   -22,623 |    -6,945 |
| operation before income tax  |           |           |           |           |
| Income tax                   |        -1 |        -7 |        -1 |        -7 |
| Net profit/-loss for the     |   -20,664 |    -7,120 |   -22,624 |    -6,952 |
| period                       |           |           |           |           |
| Attributable to:             |           |           |           |           |
|  | Equity holders of the     |   -20,664 |    -7,120 |   -22,624 |    -6,952 |
|  | parent                    |           |           |           |           |
| Earnings per share (in EUR   |           |           |           |           |
| per share)                   |           |           |           |           |
|  | - basic                   |     -0.03 |     -0.01 |     -0.03 |     -0.01 |
|  | - diluted                 |     -0.03 |     -0.01 |     -0.03 |     -0.01 |

CONSOLIDATED CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET                                            

(unaudited, in thousands of EEK)                                                
| ASSETS                                      |    28.02.2009 |     31.08.2008 |
| Current assets                              |               |                |
| Cash and cash equivalents                   |       462,572 |      1,043,785 |
| Receivables                                 |       818,963 |      1,177,342 |
| Prepayments                                 |        88,986 |        111,522 |
| Derivatives                                 |       115,863 |         51,884 |
| Inventories                                 |       297,149 |        358,480 |
| Total current assets                        |     1,783,533 |      2,743,013 |
| Non-current assets                          |               |                |
| Investments in associates                   |         8,342 |          2,222 |
| Other financial assets and prepayments      |         7,602 |          7,700 |
| Deferred income tax assets                  |       199,849 |        199,851 |
| Investment property                         |         4,694 |          4,694 |
| Property, plant and equipment               |    25,245,868 |     25,518,298 |
| Intangible assets                           |     1,186,097 |      1,226,023 |
| Total non-current assets                    |    26,652,452 |     26,958,788 |
| TOTAL ASSETS                                |    28,435,985 |     29,701,801 |
| LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                      |               |                |
| Current liabilities                         |               |                |
| Current portion of interest-bearing         |     2,298,086 |      2,200,220 |
| liabilities                                 |               |                |
| Payables                                    |     1,235,741 |      1,621,711 |
| Deferred income                             |       131,108 |        138,752 |
| Derivatives                                 |       182,736 |          5,351 |
| Total current liabilities                   |     3,847,671 |      3,966,034 |
| Non-current liabilities                     |               |                |
| Interest bearing loans and borrowings       |    14,641,700 |     15,324,355 |
| Deferred income tax liability               |        16,147 |         16,147 |
| Other liabilities                           |             0 |          1,643 |
| Total non-current liabilities               |    14,657,847 |     15,342,145 |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES                           |    18,505,518 |     19,308,179 |
| EQUITY                                      |               |                |
| Equity attributable to equity holders of    |               |                |
| the parent                                  |               |                |
| Share capital                               |     6,738,170 |      6,738,170 |
| Share premium                               |         9,999 |          9,999 |
| Reserves                                    |     1,057,806 |      1,151,071 |
| Retained earnings                           |     2,124,492 |      2,494,382 |
| Total equity attributable to equity holders |     9,930,467 |     10,393,622 |
| of the parent                               |               |                |
| TOTAL EQUITY                                |     9,930,467 |     10,393,622 |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                |    28,435,985 |     29,701,801 |

CONSOLIDATED CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET                                            
(unaudited, in thousands of EUR)                                                
| ASSETS                                      |    28.02.2009 |     31.08.2008 |
| Current assets                              |               |                |
| Cash and cash equivalents                   |        29,564 |         66,710 |
| Receivables                                 |        52,341 |         75,246 |
| Prepayments                                 |         5,687 |          7,127 |
| Derivatives                                 |         7,405 |          3,316 |
| Inventories                                 |        18,991 |         22,911 |
| Total current assets                        |       113,988 |        175,310 |
| Non-current assets                          |               |                |
| Investments in associates                   |           533 |            142 |
| Other financial assets and prepayments      |           486 |            492 |
| Deferred income tax assets                  |        12,773 |         12,773 |
| Investment property                         |           300 |            300 |
| Property, plant and equipment               |     1,613,505 |      1,630,917 |
| Intangible assets                           |        75,805 |         78,357 |
| Total non-current assets                    |     1,703,402 |      1,722,981 |
| TOTAL ASSETS                                |     1,817,390 |      1,898,291 |
| LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                      |               |                |
| Current liabilities                         |               |                |
| Current portion of interest-bearing         |       146,874 |        140,620 |
| liabilities                                 |               |                |
| Payables                                    |        78,978 |        103,646 |
| Deferred income                             |         8,379 |          8,868 |
| Derivatives                                 |        11,679 |            342 |
| Total current liabilities                   |       245,910 |        253,476 |
| Non-current liabilities                     |               |                |
| Interest bearing loans and borrowings       |       935,775 |        979,405 |
| Deferred income tax                         |         1,032 |          1,032 |
| Other liabilities                           |             0 |            105 |
| Total non-current liabilities               |       936,807 |        980,542 |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES                           |     1,182,717 |      1,234,018 |
| EQUITY                                      |               |                |
| Equity attributable to equity holders of    |               |                |
| the parent                                  |               |                |
| Share capital                               |       430,648 |        430,648 |
| Share premium                               |           639 |            639 |
| Reserves                                    |        67,606 |         73,566 |
| Retained earnings                           |       135,780 |        159,420 |
| Total equity attributable to equity holders |       634,673 |        664,273 |
| of the parent                               |               |                |
| TOTAL EQUITY                                |       634,673 |        664,273 |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                |     1,817,390 |      1,898,291 |

CONSOLIDATED CONDENSED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                      
| (unaudited, in thousands of EEK)            |  01.09.2008 - |   01.09.2007 - |
|    |                                        |    28.02.2009 |     29.02.2008 |
| Cash flows from operating activities        |               |                |
| Net profit/-loss for the period             |      -353,991 |       -108,774 |
| Adjustments                                 |     1,048,050 |        880,913 |
| Changes in assets related to operating      |       374,045 |       -270,924 |
| activities                                  |               |                |
| Changes in inventories                      |        61,331 |         -3,733 |
| Changes in liabilities related to operating |      -362,948 |        -36,461 |
| activities                                  |               |                |
| Income tax paid/repaid                      |          -258 |            344 |
|                                             |       766,229 |        461,365 |
| Cash flow used for investing activities     |               |                |
| Purchase of property, plant, equipment and  |      -224,337 |       -494,290 |
| intangible assets                           |               |                |
| Proceeds from disposals of property, plant, |        17,693 |        200,228 |
| equipment                                   |               |                |
| Acquisition of associate                    |        -6,120 |              0 |
| Proceeds/-payments from settlement of       |         1,524 |         -8,463 |
| derivatives                                 |               |                |
| Interest received                           |         5,232 |          7,443 |
|                                             |      -206,008 |       -295,082 |
| Cash flow from (+)/ used for (-) financing  |               |                |
| activities                                  |               |                |
| Repurchase of own shares                    |             0 |        -65,067 |
| Proceeds from loans                         |       187,759 |              0 |
| Redemption of loans                         |      -888,080 |       -821,577 |
| Change in overdraft                         |       103,791 |        270,935 |
| Repayment of finance lease liabilities      |        -3,875 |         -8,402 |
| Interest paid                               |      -541,029 |       -425,243 |
|                                             |    -1,141,434 |     -1,049,354 |
| TOTAL NET CASH FLOW                         |      -581,213 |       -883,071 |
| Cash and cash equivalents:                  |               |                |
| - at the beginning of period                |     1,043,785 |      1,303,609 |
| - increase (+) / decrease (-)               |      -581,213 |       -883,071 |
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of period  |       462,572 |        420,538 |

| (unaudited, in thousands of EUR)            |  01.09.2008 - |   01.09.2007 - |
|    |                                        |    29.02.2009 |     29.02.2008 |
| Cash flows from operating activities        |               |                |
| Net profit/-loss for the period             |       -22,624 |         -6,952 |
| Adjustments                                 |        66,983 |         56,301 |
| Changes in assets related to operating      |        23,906 |        -17,315 |
| activities                                  |               |                |
| Changes in inventories                      |         3,920 |           -239 |
| Changes in liabilities related to operating |       -23,197 |         -2,330 |
| activities                                  |               |                |
| Income tax paid/repaid                      |           -16 |             22 |
|                                             |        48,972 |         29,487 |
| Cash flow used for investing activities     |               |                |
| Purchase of property, plant, equipment and  |       -14,337 |        -31,591 |
| intangible assets                           |               |                |
| Proceeds from disposals of property, plant, |         1,131 |         12,797 |
| equipment                                   |               |                |
| Acquisition of associate                    |          -391 |              0 |
| Proceeds from settlement of derivatives     |            97 |           -541 |
| Interest received                           |           334 |            476 |
|                                             |       -13,166 |        -18,859 |
| Cash flow from (+)/ used for (-) financing  |               |                |
| activities                                  |               |                |
| Repurchase of own shares                    |             0 |         -4,159 |
| Proceeds from loans                         |        12,000 |              0 |
| Redemption of loans                         |       -56,759 |        -52,508 |
| Change in overdraft                         |         6,633 |         17,316 |
| Repayment of finance lease liabilities      |          -248 |           -537 |
| Interest paid                               |       -34,578 |        -27,178 |
|                                             |       -72,952 |        -67,066 |
| TOTAL NET CASH FLOW                         |       -37,146 |        -56,438 |
| Cash and cash equivalents:                  |               |                |
| - at the beginning of period                |        66,710 |         83,315 |
| - increase (+) / decrease (-)               |       -37,146 |        -56,438 |
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of period  |        29,564 |         26,877 |
Janek Stalmeister                                                               
Financial Director                                                              
AS Tallink Grupp                                                                
Tel. +372 6409 800                                                              