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03.04.2009 18:06:27


Amendments to allegations raised against AS Merko Ehitus


On April 3rd 2009 allegations that AS Merko Ehitus has bribed Mr Ivo Parbus
were amended. Allegations raised on December 17 2008 alleged that bribes were
given with the aim of speeding up planning procedures regarding 7 land plots,
whereas amended allegations reduce the number of plots involved to 3. Regarding
the other 4 plots, allegations were raised regarding subsidiary companies of AS
Merko Ehitus: OÜ Woody, OÜ Metsailu and OÜ Constancia. 
In addition to the EEK 25 000 Estravel gift certicicate AS Merko Ehituse is
alleged to have given a EEK 410 book "Peasant Architecture of Estonia". In the
allegations regarding subsidiary companies, the bribes are alleged to have
consisted of a EEK 25 000 Estravel gift certificate, the EEK 410 book, and an
EEK 15 000 Estravel gift certificate. 
Summary: according to the allegation member of the board of AS Merko Ehitus
gave 2 Estravel gift certificates worth EEK 25 000 and EEK 15 000 and a book
worth EEK 410 to Mr Ivo Parbus as a bribe. Therefore allegations have been
raised towards the AS Merko Ehitus member of the board, AS Merko Ehitus, OÜ
Woody, OÜ Metsailu and OÜ Constancia and AS Järvevana. Persons referred to in
the allegations consider them unfounded. 

Tiit Roben
AS Merko Ehitus
Chairman of the Board