Market announcement



Other price sensitive information


31.03.2009 16:42:33




AS Starman lahkub Tallinna börsilt ja tänab kõiki investoreid usalduse eest. 

AS Starman aktsiad olid teisipäeval, 31. märtsil 2009.a. viimast päeva
noteeritud Tallinna Börsil. AS Starman tänab kõiki investoreid, kes on aastate
jooksul AS Starman aktsionäride ringi kuulunud. 

Börsi Noteerimis- ja Järelevalvekomisjon otsustas 5. märtsil 2009.a. rahuldada
ASi Starman taotluse ning lõpetada AS Starman aktsiate noteerimine Tallinna
Börsi põhinimekirjas alates järgmisest päevast pärast EVK pidaja poolt
vähemusaktsiate ülekandmist AS Starman põhiaktsionärile. 

Teisipäeval, 31. märtsil kandis EVK kõik seni väikeaktsionäridele kuulunud AS
Starman aktsiad üle põhiaktsionärile Baltic Moontech Investments Holding AS-le
õiglase rahalise hüvitise eest, millega on täidetud kõik noteerimise lõpetamise

Vastupidiselt paljudele teistele kunagistele börsiettevõtetele lahkub Starman
börsilt investoritele positiivse tulemusega. Ligi nelja aastaga kerkis Starmani
aktsia hind börsil üle 70% 5,75 euroni. Börsiloleku aeg oli murranguline ka
Starmanile endale: sel perioodil alustati nii kaabli kaudu leviva digi-tv kui
ka tavaantenniga vaadatava digitaaltelevisiooni ZUUMtv pakkumist ning haarati
enda kätte kõige kiiremini kasvava tavatelefonioperaatori positsioon. Vaatamata
börsilt lahkumisele järgib Starman ka edaspidi Hea Ühingujuhtimise Tava ning
jääb avatud ettevõtteks nii klientidele, tarnijatele, koostööpartneritele kui
ka kogu avalikkusele. 

AS Starman tänab veelkord kõiki investoreid ja soovib kõigile edaspidiseks õnne

Starman on Eesti suurim kaabellevivõrgu baasil televisiooni-, interneti- ja
telefoniteenust pakkuv ettevõte. Lisaks kaabelvõrgule edastab Starman telepilti
ka maapealse leviga digitaaltelevisiooni ZUUMtv vahendusel. Starman pakub
kaabel- ja digi-tv ning ZUUMtv teenuseid rohkem kui 163 000 kodule, neist 23%
vaatab telepilti juba täna digitaalselt. Starmanil on kokku üle 54 000
internetikliendi ja rohkem kui 52 000 telefoniteenuse kasutajat üle Eesti. 

Henri Treude
AS Starman
Tel: 6779 977




AS Starman leaves the Tallinn Stock Exchange and expresses its gratitude for
the trust of shareholders. 
On March 31, 2009, the shares of AS Starman were listed in Tallinn Stock
Exchange for the last day. AS Starman thanks all investors who have throughout
the years been the shareholders of AS Starman. 
On March 5, 2009, the Listing and Surveillance Committee of Tallinn Stock
Exchange decided to satisfy the application of AS Starman and to delist AS
Starman shares from the Main List of TSE starting from the next day after the
Estonian CSD has transferred the minority shares to the majority shareholder. 

On March 31, all shares in AS Starman belonging to minority shareholders were
transferred to the majority shareholder Baltic Moontech Investments Holding AS
for a fair monetary compensation, whereby the precondition for delisting of AS
Starman shares has been met. 
Starman leaves the Tallinn Stock Exchange with highly positive results for
investors. During listing period the price of company´s share increased more
than 70% EUR 5.75. Listing period was crucial also for the company. Starman
launched digital cable television as well as digital terrestrial television
service and guaranteed itself position of the fastest grower in the fixed
telephony market in Estonia. 
Despite of leaving the Tallinn Stock Exchange, Starman continues to follow
Corporate Governance Code and stays transparent company for customers,
co-operation partners and whole society. 

AS Starman expresses its gratitude again to all investors who have throughout
the years trusted AS Starman and wishes all investors luck in their future
Starman is the largest cable TV, cable internet and cable telephony service
provider in Estonia. Company also offers digital terrestrial television service
ZUUMtv. Starman broadcasts TV channels for more than 161,000 homes, 23% of them
are watching digital television. Starman has more than 54,000 internet
customers and over 52.000 fixed telephony users across Estonia. 

Henri Treude
Marketing Director
AS Starman
Tel: 6779 977