Market announcement



Annual financial report


31.03.2009 10:40:00


Auditeeritud majandusaasta aruanne 2008 ja kasumi jaotamise ettepanek


AS Baltika nõukogu kiitis eile heaks juhatuse poolt koostatud 2008. aasta       
majandusaasta aruande, mis esitatakse aktsionäride üldkoosolekule. AS Baltika   
konsolideeritud raamatupidamise aastaaruanne on koostatud vastavuses            
Rahvusvaheliste Finantsaruandluse Standarditega (IFRS), nagu need on vastu      
võetud Euroopa Liidu poolt.                                                     

AS Baltika juhatus teeb aktsionäride üldkoosolekule ettepaneku suunata 31.      
detsembril 2008. aastal lõppenud majandusaasta puhaskahjum summas 18 947 tuhat  
krooni (1211 tuhat eurot) eelmiste perioodide jaotamata kasumi koosseisu ning   
sel aastal dividende mitte maksta.                                              

Majandusaasta aruanne koos Hea Ühingujuhtimise Tava aruandega on kättesaadaval  
Tallinna börsi kodulehel ning Baltika Grupi kodulehel                                                                  

Triin Palge                                                                     
Investorsuhete juht                                                             
+372 630 2886


Audited annual report for 2008 and profit allocation recommendation


The supervisory council of AS Baltika approved yesterday the annual report for  
2008 prepared by the management board for presentation at the annual general    
meeting. The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance 
with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as adopted by the      
European Union.                                                                 

The management board of AS Baltika recommends that the net loss for the year    
ended at 31 December 2008 in the amount of 18,947 thousand kroons (1,211        
thousand euros) to be transferred to the retained earnings and no dividends to  
be distributed this year.                                                       

The audited annual report for 2008 with the Corporate Governance Report is      
available at the websites of the Tallinn Stock Exchange and Baltika Group                                                 

Triin Palge                                                                     
Head of investor relations                                                      
+372 630 2886