Market announcement

AS Silvano Fashion Group


Other price sensitive information


05.03.2009 17:30:00


Uue finantsjuhi nimetamine, muudatused juhatuse koosseisus


AS Silvano Fashion Group (“SFG”) nimetas kontserni uueks finantsjuhiks pr. Baiba
Gegere, asendades senise finantsjuhi pr. Dace Markevica. Pr. Gegere nimetati SFG
juhatuse liikmeks nõukogu 4. märtsi 2009. a otsusega ning tema volitused        
jõustuvad kohe. Pr. Markevica volitused juhatuse liikmena lõppevad 31. märtsil  
2009. a.     
Pr. Gegere lõpetas Vidzeme Ülikooli Valmieras, Lätis, diplomiga ärijuhtimise    
valdkonnas, ja ta on ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants,      
Suurbritannia) liige alates 2004. aastast. Aastatel 2002 kuni 2006 töötas pr.   
Gegere KPMG Baltics (Läti) auditi ja finantsnõustamise teenuste osakondades.    
Aastatel 2006 kuni 2007 töötas pr. Gegere Läti suurimas                         
telekommunikatsioonifirmas Lattelekom korporatiivse arengu juhina. Enne SFG     
juhatuse liikmeks nimetamist töötas pr. Gegere ase-finantsjuhi ametikohal Balti 
riskikapitali investeerimisgrupis Alta Capital Partners.      
Pr. Gegere on ka Mieszko S.A. nõukogu liige. Ta ei oma SFG aktsiaid.    
Lisaks eeltoodule otsustas SFG nõukogu kutsuda juhatusest tagasi hr. Remigiusz  
Pilati seoses varasemalt avalikustatud muudatustega SFG Poola tegevussuuna      
struktuuris. Tagasikutsumine jõustub koheselt.                                  

Dmitry Ditchkovsky                                                              
Juhatuse esimees                                                                
AS Silvano Fashion Group                                                        
Tel +372 6 710 700


Appointment of a New Chief Financial Officer, Changes in the Composition of the Management Board


AS Silvano Fashion Group (“SFG”) has named Ms. Baiba Gegere as the new Chief    
Financial Officer of the group, replacing Ms. Dace Markevica. Ms. Gegere was    
appointed to the Management Board of SFG by a council decision adopted on 4     
March 2009, effective immediately. Ms. Markevica's authorities as a Management  
Board member will expire on 31 March 2009.            
Ms. Gegere graduated from the Vidzeme University in Valmiera, Latvia with a     
diploma in Business Administration and is a member of the Association of        
Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) from 2004. From 2002 to 2006, Ms. Gegere 
worked for KPMG Baltics (Latvia) in Audit and Financial Advisory Services       
departments. From 2006 to 2007, Ms. Gegere was employed as a corporate          
development manager with Lattelekom, the largest Latvian telecommunications     
firm. Prior to her appointment to the Management Board of SFG, Ms. Gegere worked
as a deputy CFO of the Alta Capital Partners group, a Baltic private equity     
investment firm.                  
Ms. Gegere is a member of the Supervisory Board of Mieszko S.A. She does not own
any shares in SFG.      
In addition to the above, SFG's council removed Mr. Remigiusz Pilat from the    
Management Board with immediate effect in connection with the previously        
disclosed changes in the structure of SFG's Polish operations.                  

Dmitry Ditchkovsky                                                              
Chairman of the Management Board                                                
AS Silvano Fashion Group                                                        
Tel +372 6 710 700