Market announcement

AS Harju Elekter Group


Other price sensitive information


27.02.2009 16:00:00


Osalise tööaja rakendamine


Harju Elektri kontsern on esitanud Tööinspektsioonile taotlused ja saanud ka loa
osalise tööaja rakendamiseks tütarettevõtetes AS Harju Elekter Elektrotehnika ja
AS Eltek. Vastavalt vajadusele on ajavahemikus 23.2-30.4.2009 võimalus rakendada
osalist tööaega kuni 169 inimese puhul.

Osalise tööaja rakendamise vajadus tuleneb tellimuste vähenemisest tingitud
tootmismahtude kahanemisest käesoleva aasta esimeses pooles. Osaline tööaeg on
60% tööajanormist ehk 24 tundi nädalas suurendades firma paindlikkust töö
korraldamisel muutlikus majanduskeskkonnas. Täna on raske hinnata, millal
olukord stabiliseerub ning tavapärane äri- ja tootmiskorraldus taastub.

Harju Elekter on juhtiv elektriseadmete ja -materjalide tootja Baltimaades.
Harju Elektri Gruppi kuuluvad elektriseadmete valmistajatehased Eestis, Soomes
ja Leedus: AS Harju Elekter Elektrotehnika (100%), Satmatic Oy (100%) ja Rifas
UAB (51%), samuti telekommunikatsioonitoodete valmistaja AS Eltek (100%) ning
sidusettevõte AS Draka Keila Cables (34%). Harju Elektril on ka
finantsinvesteeringud Läti elektriseadmete müügifirmas SIA Energokomplekss (10%)
ja Soome börsiettevõttes PKC Group Oyj (8%).

Andres Allikmäe
Juhatuse esimees
Tel 6747 400


Application of part-time working time


Harju Elekter Group has submitted requests to the Labour Inspectorate and has
also received permission for the application of part-time working time in
subsidiaries AS Harju Elekter Elektrotehnika and AS Eltek. According to need, it
will be possible to apply part-time working time in the case of up to 169
people, in the period of time from 23 February to 30 April 2009.

The need to apply part-time working time arises from a decline in production
volumes due to a decrease in orders in the first half of this year. Part-time
working time is 60% of the standard for working time or 24 hours a week,
increasing the flexibility of the company in the organisation of work in a
changing economic environment. At the present time, it is difficult to estimate
when the situation will stabilise and normal business and production
organisation will recover.

Harju Elekter is a leading manufacturer of electrical plants and materials in
the Baltic States. Harju Elekter Group includes the manufacturers of electrical
plants in Estonia, Finland and Lithuania: AS Harju Elekter Elektrotehnika
(100%), Satmatic Oy (100%) and Rifas UAB (51%), as well as the manufacturer of
telecommunications products AS Eltek (100%) and the related company AS Draka
Keila Cables (34%). Harju Elekter also has financial investments in the Latvian
seller of electrical equipment SIA Energokomplekss (10%) and the Finnish stock
company PKC Group Oyj (8%).

Andres Allikmäe
Chairman of the Board
Phone: +372 674 7400