Market announcement

Arco Vara AS


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22.01.2009 12:15:14


Arco Vara Haldus laienes Bulgaaria turule


Arco Vara AS-i tütarettevõtte Arco Investeeringute AS (Arco Vara AS osalus 100
%) asutas 16.01.2009 Bulgaarias tütarettevõtte Arco Facility Management OOD,
mis hakkab pakkuma sealsele turule komplekset haldusteenust. 
Bulgaaria turul on Arco Vara kinnisvara vahendusteenustega alates 2006.
aastast. 2007. aastast lisandus arendus, mil alustati kahe elamuarendusprojekti
BLVD Residence ja L!VD apartments arendusega. Projekti BLVD Residence valmib
tänavu sügisel. Haldusteenuse laienemise Bulgaariasse tingis olemasoleva
klientuuri nõudlus tervikliku haldusteenuse järele, kus klient saab kõik
objekti haldusega seotud küsimused lahendatud ühes kohas. Bulgaarias on sellise
teenuse pakkumine alles arengujärgus. 
Arco Facility Management OOD omanikud on Arco Invest EOOD 80 % (Arco
Investeeringute osalus 100 %), Oliver Makko 12 % ning Emil Metchikian 8 %. 
„Eestis omandatud kogemus võimaldab meil laieneda haldusteenusega turule, kus
see teenus on veel arenemisjärgus. Haldusteenuse täispaketi pakkumine on ka
langeval turul stabiilne, kuna pakub klientidele lisaväärtust ning
kokkuhoiuvõimalusi,“ ütles Oliver Makko Arco Facility Management juht
laienemise kohta. 
Info Arco Vara projektide kohta:
Arco Vara AS


Arco Vara facility management expanded its business to Bulgaria


On 16.01.2009 the subsidiary of Arco Vara AS - Arco Investeeringute AS
(participating interest of Arco Vara AS - 100%) established a subsidiary Arco
Facility Management OOD in Bulgaria, which will be offering comprehensive
property management services to the local market. Arco Vara has been rendering
real property brokerage services on the Bulgarian market since 2006. Property
development business was added to the above in 2007 with the launch of two
residential development projects BLVD Residence and L!VD Apartments. The BLVD
Residence project will be completed this autumn. The expansion of the property
management services to the Bulgarian market was triggered by the need of the
existing clientele for comprehensive property management services where
customers are given the possibility to resolve any issues pertaining to the
management of a property via one single entity. In Bulgaria this type of
services is currently still underdeveloped. 
The shareholders of Arco Facility Management OOD are Arco Invest EOOD - 80%
(participating interest of Arco Investeeringute AS - 100%), Oliver Makko - 12% 
and Emil Metchikian - 8%. “The experience accumulated in Estonia allows us to
expand our property management services to markets where this service is still
at the development stage. The business of full-range property management
services is stable even on a declining market, seeing that it is providing
customers added value and possibilities for saving expenses,” says Oliver
Makko, the head of Arco Facility Management commenting on the expansion. 
Information about development projects of Arco Vara: 
Arco Vara AS