Market announcement

Arco Vara AS


Other price sensitive information


05.12.2008 10:04:44


Lepingu sõlmimine osaluse võõrandamiseks


Arco Vara kontserni Läti maaklerbüroo müüs enda 50%-lise osaluse Läti
projektiettevõttes SIA Plavnieku Centrs 11.5 mln krooniga (0.7 mln euroga).
Kontsern oli investeerinud projekti 15.7 mln krooni (1.0 mln eurot). Osade
ostjaks on SIA Plavnieku Centrs ise. Pärast tehingut ei kuulu Arco Vara
kontsernile enam ühtegi aktsiat antud projektis. 

Tehing ei avalda olulist mõju Arco Vara kontserni tegevusele ega ole käsitletav
olulise osaluse võõrandamisena ega tehinguna seotud isikuga NASDAQ OMX Tallinna
Börsi Reglemendi osa "Nõuded Emitentidele" tähenduses. Arco Vara AS-i nõukogu
ja juhatuse liikmed ei ole tehingust muul viisil isiklikult huvitatud. 

Arco Vara on Baltimaade üks juhtivaid kinnisvaraettevõtteid, mis laieneb
Ida-Euroopa turgudel, opereerides juba Ukrainas, Bulgaarias ja Rumeenias.
Ettevõtte põhitegevuseks on kinnisvaraarendus, mida toetavad enda
kinnisvarabürood ja ehitusäri. Firmal on esindused 20 linnas ning grupis töötab 
460 inimest. Arco Vara 2007. aasta konsolideeritud auditeeritud käive moodustas
727 mln krooni (46 mln eurot), puhaskasum enne vähemusosalusi 235 mln krooni
(15 mln eurot) ja bilansimaht 3 564 mln krooni (228 mln eurot). Arco Vara
aktsiad on noteeritud Tallinna Börsil. 

1 EUR=15,6466 EEK

Heigo Metsoja
CFO /Juhatuse liige
+372 6144 654


Conclusion of agreement for the transfer of shares


Arco Vara group's Latvian brokerage office sold its 50% shareholding in Latvian
special purpose company called SIA Plavnieku centrs for 11.5 mln kroons (0.7
mln euros). The group had invested to the project 15.7 mln kroons (1.0 mln
euros). The buyer is SIA Plavnieku centrs itself. After the transaction Arco
Vara group has no shareholding in the project. 

The transaction does not have material economical effect on the activities of
Arco Vara AS and does not qualify as a transfer of significant shareholding nor
a related party transaction within the meaning of “Requirements for Issuers” of
the NASDAQ OMX Tallinn Stock Exchange Rules. The members of the supervisory
board and management board of Arco Vara AS do not have any personal interests
in the incorporation of the company. 

Arco Vara is one of the leading real estate developer in the Baltic's,
undergoing a SEE expansion with presence established already in Ukraine,
Bulgaria and Romania. Core business is real estate development supported by
brokerage network and construction arm. The company has offices in 20 cities
and employs 460 people. According to 2007 audited consolidated results net
sales was 727 mln kroons (46 mln euros), net profit before minorities 235 mln
kroons (15 mln euros) and assets 3 564 mln kroons (228 mln euros). Arco Vara is
listed on Tallinn Stock Exchange. 

1 EUR=15,6466 EEK

Heigo Metsoja
CFO / Member of the Management Board
+372 6144 654