Market announcement

AS Tallink Grupp


Other price sensitive information


24.11.2008 17:52:05


Tallink alustab hotelli opereerimist Riias 2010


AS-i Tallink Grupp tütarettevõte OÜ TLG Hotell on sõlminud eelkokkuleppe Läti
ettevõttega SIA Happy Trails, mille kohaselt alustab OÜ TLG Hotell 2010. a.
hotelli opereerimist Riias. Uus, 250-toaline hotellihoone Riia kesklinnas
valmib SIA Happy Trails tellimusel 2010. aastal. Hoone täpsed renditingimused
määratakse rendilepingus, mis sõlmitakse enne opereerimise alustamist. 

AS Tallink Grupp ei investeeri uue hotellihoone ehitusse. AS-i Tallink Grupp    
konsolideeritud majandustulemustele nimetatud tehing olulist mõju ei avalda.    

Käesolev tehing on Börsi reglemendi kohaselt tehing seotud osapoolega. SIA Happy
Trails 100%-line osanik on AS Infortar, AS-i Tallink Grupp suurim aktsionär.    

Janek Stalmeister                                                               
AS Tallink Grupp                                                                
Tel. +372 6409 800                                                              
Fax. +372 6409 810                                                              


Tallink will start hotel operation in Riga in 2010


OÜ TLG Hotell, a subsidiary of AS Tallink Grupp and SIA Happy Trails of Latvia  
have come to a preliminary agreement that OÜ TLG Hotell will start hotel        
operation in Riga in 2010. A new 250-room hotel building in the center of Riga  
will be constructed to SIA Happy Trails by 2010. The details of rental terms   
will be set in the rental agreement which will be concluded before the start of 
the operations.                                                                 

AS Tallink Grupp does not invest into the construction of the new hotel. The    
transaction will not have a significant effect to the consolidated accounts of  
AS Tallink Grupp.                                                               

This is a related party transaction according to the Stock Exchange rules. SIA  
Happy Trails is owned 100% by AS Infortar which is the main shareholder of AS   
Tallink Grupp.                                                                  

Janek Stalmeister                                                               
AS Tallink Grupp                                                                
Financial Director                                                              
Tel: +372 6409 800                                                              
Fax: +372 6409 810                                                              