Market announcement

AS Harju Elekter Group


Other price sensitive information


18.11.2008 11:07:16


Harju Elektri tütarettevõtte tootmispindade laiendamine


Harju Elektri Soome tütarettevõtte Satmatic Oy juhatus otsustas seoses kasvavate
tellimuste ja tootmismahtudega laiendada tehase tootmispindasid. 17. novembril
allkirjastati leping Ulvila linnavalitsuse ja linnavalitsuse operaatorfirmaga
Kiinteistö Oy Ulvilan Sammontie 9 tootmispindade suurendamiseks ligi 2000 m2
võrra. Täna rendib Satmatic Oy Kiinteistölt 2200m2 ulatuses tootmispindasid.
Uute pindade valmimise järel on tehasel tootmispindasid kokku 4215 m2.

Tootmispindade ehitust juhib Kiinteistö, kes korraldab ja viib läbi ka
riigihanke. Investeeringu orienteeruv maksumus on 2,8 miljonit eurot ning
rahastamise tagab Ulvila linnavalitsus. Uued tootmispinnad on kavas Satmatic Oy-
le üle anda 1.9.2009.

Harju Elekter on juhtiv elektriseadmete ja -materjalide tootja Baltimaades.
Harju Elektri Gruppi kuuluvad elektriseadmete valmistajatehased Eestis, Soomes
ja Leedus: AS Harju Elekter Elektrotehnika (100%), Satmatic Oy (100%) ja Rifas
UAB (51%), samuti telekommunikatsioonitoodete valmistaja AS Eltek (100%) ning
sidusettevõte AS Draka Keila Cables (34%). Harju Elektril on ka
finantsinvesteeringud Läti elektriseadmete müügifirmas SIA Energokomplekss (10%)
ja Soome börsiettevõttes PKC Group Oyj (9%).

Andres Allikmäe
Juhatuse esimees
Tel 6747 400

Lisainformatsioon: AS Harju Elekter nõukogu esimees Endel Palla (tel 6 747 400).


Expansion of the production space of a Harju Elekter subsidiary


The management of Satmatic Oy, a Finnish subsidiary of Harju Elekter, decided to
expand the production space of the plant in relation to the increasing number of
orders and production volumes. On 17th of November, a contract was signed with
the Ulvila city government and its operator company Kiinteistö Oy Ulvilan
Sammontie 9 for increasing the production space by almost 2000 m2. Today,
Satmatic Oy is renting 2200 m2 of production space from the Kiinteistö. After
the completion of the annex, the plant will have a total of 4125 m2 of
production space.

The construction of the production space is managed by Kiinteistö, who will
organise and conduct a public procurement. The estimated cost of the investment
is MEUR 2.8 and the funding is ensured by the Ulvila city government. It is
planned to deliver the new production space to Satmatic Oy on 1st of September

Harju Elekter is a leading manufacturer of electrical plants and materials in
the Baltic States. Harju Elekter Group includes the manufacturers of electrical
plants in Estonia, Finland and Lithuania: AS Harju Elekter Elektrotehnika
(100%), Satmatic Oy (100%) and Rifas UAB (51%), as well as the manufacturer of
telecommunications products AS Eltek (100%) and the related company AS Draka
Keila Cables (34%). Harju Elekter also has financial investments in the Latvian
seller of electrical plants SIA Energokomplekss (10%) and the Finnish stock
company PKC Group Oyj (9%).

Andres Allikmäe
Chairman of the Management Board
Tel: +372 674 7400

For more information: Endel Palla, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, phone
+372 674 7400.