Market announcement

AS Ekspress Grupp


Other price sensitive information


17.11.2008 12:12:52


Explanation to the article in Äripäev on 17. November 2008


Äripäev writes today that AS Ekspress Grupp having a hugh loan is looking for
decrease its outstanding debt aimed at  increasing the share price and get away
from threatening claim for additional guarantee and is considering a sale of AS
Printall and AS Rahva Raamat. Postimees Online repeats the same. 
AS Ekspress Grupp confirms that paying back of the syndicate loan goes
according to the schedule, the loan is adequately secured and there is no
ground for banks for asking additional guarantees. This is exacty what we
replied to Äripäev last Friday, but Äripäev considered right to set the
opposite, which is the spread of the lie in fact,  as the headline of its first
page. AS Ekspress Grupp does not plan to sell either the shares of AS Printall
or the shares of AS Rahva Raamat at the moment. Currently there is a sale of
the unimproved land plot located in St. Petersburg Road owned by AS Pritall in

Anne Kallas                                                                
Member of the board                                                             
AS Ekspress Grupp 
Tel:                               (+372) 669 8080                