Market announcement

Arco Vara AS


Other price sensitive information


11.11.2008 13:22:23


Selgitus tagasiostuprogrammi lõpetamise kohta


Arco Vara otsustas 08.10.2008 algatatud programmi lõpetada, sest antud 
tagasiostuprogrammi tingimused ei võimaldanud omaaktsiaid tagasi osta hinnaga
alla 5,0 krooni (0,32 eurot) aktsia kohta. 

Kuigi 06.11.2008 toimunud aktsionäride erakorralisel üldkoosolekul anti Arco
Vara-le õigus omandada omaaktsiaid minimaalse hinnaga 1/10 aktsia
nimiväärtusest aktsia kohta, ei ole Arco Vara tänaseks otsustanud uut
tagasiostuprogrammi alustada. 

1 EUR=15,6466 EEK

Arco Vara AS


Additional information on cancelling current share buyback program


Arco Vara decided to cancel the program initiated on 08.10.2008 because
according to the  conditions of this specific program the company was not
allowed to purchase its own shares at less value than 5.0 kroons (0.32 euros)
per share. 

Although special general meeting of shareholders granted on 06.11.2008 Arco
Vara AS the right to acquire its own shares at minimum value of 1/10 of the
nominal value of the share, the company hasn't yet decided to exercise this

1 EUR=15,6466 EEK

Arco Vara AS