Market announcement



Other price sensitive information


03.11.2008 14:15:00


Osalise tööaja rakendamine


Johtuvalt Venemaa ja Ukraina autotehaste 3-4 nädalaste ja AS Norma lääne
klientide 2-4 nädalaste tööseisakutega 2008/2009 aastavahetusel, langevad AS-is
Norma tootmismahud alates novembrist 2008.a. Klientidelt saadud senise teabe
kohaselt peaks alates märtsist 2009.a olukord stabiliseeruma. 

Seoses sellega AS Norma esitas taotluse Tööinspektsioonile, et saada luba
osalise tööaja rakendamiseks AS-is  Norma 687 töötaja suhtes (va Norma Autoliv
ohutusrihmade divisjoni) ajaperioodil 01. detsember 2008 kuni 28. veebruar
2009.a ja Norma Autoliv ohurihma divisjoni 211 töötaja suhtes ajaperioodil
20.jaanuar 2009.a kuni 28.veebruar 2009.a. 

AS Norma juhatus
Tel: + 372 6500 444


Application of part-time working time


The production volumes of AS Norma will decrease since November 2008 as a
result of the Russian and Ukraine car manufacturers´ 3-4 week shutdowns and
Norma´s Western customers´ 2-4 week shutdowns at the turn of the year
2008-2009. The situation should stabilize beginning from March 2009 according
to the available information from the customers. 

In this connection, AS Norma has filed a request to the Labour Inspectorate for
applying a part-time working time to 687 AS Norma employees (except Norma
Autoliv seatbelt division) for a time period from 01 December, 2008 to 28
February, 2009 and to 211 AS Norma Autoliv seatbelt division employees for a
time period from 20 January, 2009 to 28 February, 2009. 

Management Board of AS Norma
Phone: + 372 6500 444