Market announcement



Change of significant proportional thresholds for issuers own shares


31.10.2008 14:00:21


Olulise osaluse muutus


Lähtudes väärtpaberituru seaduse paragrahvidest 185 ja 187 teatas DCF Fund II
Baltic States AS-ile Norma, et firma osalus AS-is Norma on 10%. 

Vastavalt edastatud teatele omab DCF Fund II Baltic States seisuga 24. oktoober
2008. a. kokku 1 320 001 AS-i Norma aktsiat, mis moodustab 10% AS-i Norma
hääleõiguslikest aktsiatest. 

Peep Siimon
Juhatuse esimees
Tel: + 372 6500 444


Change in substantial shareholding


Pursuant to § 185 and § 187 of the Securities Market Act,  DCF Fund II Baltic
States notified  AS Norma that the aggregate holding of the company is 10%
threshold of the voting stock in AS Norma. 

According to the notice, as of  24 October 2008, the number of shares held by
DCF Fund II Baltic States amounts to 1,320,001 which represents 10 % of the
total voting shares of AS Norma. 

Peep Siimon
Chairman of the management board
Phone: + 372 6500 444