Market announcement

AS Silvano Fashion Group


Other price sensitive information


27.10.2008 09:04:10


SFG: Aktsiate tagasiostu tehingud


Silvano Fashion Group            Börsiteade                     27.10.2008 

Aktsiate tagasiostu tehingud

06.10.2008 otsustas AS-i Silvano Fashion Group juhatus kasutada üldkoosoleku
poolt antud õigust ning käivitada aktsiate tagasiostuprogramm. Tagasi ostetakse
maksimaalselt 3 miljoni euro (46,9 miljoni krooni) väärtuses aktsiaid, kuid
mitte rohkem kui 4 miljonit aktsiat. Tagasiostu periood algas 07.10.2008 ning
lõpeb 06.10.2009. 						 

Perioodil 20.10.2008 - 24.10.2008 on toimunud järgmised aktsiate tagasiostu

Tallinna Börs
Aktsia - SFGAT
Kuupäev  	Tagasiostetud     Keskmine hind 
                aktsiate kogus	  aktsia kohta	   Maksumus kokku
		                  EUR	  EEK	   EUR	    EEK
20.10.2008	20 000	          1.22	  19.09	   24 400   382 777
21.10.2008	6000	          1.17	  18.31	     7020   109 839
22.10.2008	6000	          1.15	  17.99	     6900   107 962
23.10.2008	5000	          1.15	  17.99	     5750    89 968
24.10.2008	6000	          1.00	  15.65	     6000    93 880
Kokku perioodi jooksul	43 000	  1.16	  18.15	   50 070   783 425

Varssavi Börs
Aktsia - SFG
Kuupäev  	Tagasiostetud    Keskmine hind
                aktsiate kogus	 aktsia kohta	  Maksumus kokku
		                 EUR	 PLN	  EUR	   PLN
20.10.2008	20 000	         0.83	 3.10	  16 658   62 000
21.10.2008	6000	         0.83	 3.10	    4998   18 600
22.10.2008	7000	         0.79	 2.95	    5548   20 650
23.10.2008	6000	         0.81  	 3.00	    4836   18 000
24.10.2008	6000	         0.78	 2.90	    4675   17 400
Kokku perioodi jooksul	45 000	 0.82	 3.04	  36 716  136 650

Kokku kumulatiivselt tagasiostuprogrammi raames alates 07.10.2008:

Tagasiostetud          Keskmine hind
aktsiate kogus(EUR)    aktsia kohta (EUR)	 Maksumus kokku
393 000	               1.15	                 452 968

1 EUR=15,6466 EEK                                                               

Pärast nimetatud tehinguid omab AS Silvano Fashion Group 393 000 oma aktsiat,
mis moodustab kokku 0.9825% aktsiakapitalist.					 

Tagasiostuprogrammi raames jääb tagasi osta veel maksimaalselt kuni 2 547 032
miljoni euro väärtuses aktsiaid, kuid mitte rohkem kui 3 607 000 aktsiat. 
Tagasiostuprogrammi teostatakse vastavalt Euroopa Komisjoni määrusele nr.
2273/2003, 22.12.2003, millega rakendatakse Euroopa Parlamendi ja Nõukogu
direktiivi 2003/6/EÜ seoses tagasiostuprogrammidele ja finantsinstrumentide
stabiliseerimisele ettenähtud eranditega. Aktsiate tagasiostu täideviijaks ja
korraldajaks on AS Hansapank, kes teostab aktsiate tagasiostu AS-i Silvano
Fashion Group nimel. Programmi täideviimisel on AS Hansapank kauplemisotsuste
tegemisel iseseisev, järgides kehtivaid tingimusi ning piiranguid, ilma et AS
Silvano Fashion Group saaks mõjutada aktsiate ostutehingute aega.				 

Peeter Larin
juhatuse liige
Silvano Fashion Group 
Tel +372 67 10 700


SFG: Share Buyback Transactions


Silvano Fashion Group        Stock Exchange Release           27.10.2008 

Share Buyback Transactions

On 06.10.2008, the management board of AS Silvano Fashion Group, acting under
the authorization granted by the general meeting of shareholders, decided to
initiate a share buyback program. The maximum amount to be invested in the
programme by AS Silvano Fashion Group is EUR 3 million Euros (46,9 million
Estonian kroons). The maximum number of shares to be purchased under the
programme is 4 million. The buyback period started on 07.10.2008 and will end
on 06.10.2009. 

During the period from 20.10.2008 until 24.10.2008 the following buyback
transactions have been made: 

Tallinn Stock Exchange
Share - SFGAT
Date  	        Amount of shares   Average price  Cost in total
                bought back	   per share	
		                   EUR	 EEK	  EUR	   EEK
20.10.2008	20,000	           1.22	 19.09	  24,400   382,777
21.10.2008	6,000	           1.17	 18.31	  7,020	   109,839
22.10.2008	6,000	           1.15	 17.99	  6,900	   107,962
23.10.2008	5,000	           1.15	 17.99	  5,750	    89,968
24.10.2008	6,000	           1.00	 15.65	  6,000	    93,880
Total for period 43,000	           1.16	 18.15	  50,070   783,425

Warsaw Stock Exchange
Share - SFG
Date  	        Amount of shares   Average price  Cost in total
                bought back	   per share	
		                   EUR	  PLN	  EUR	    PLN
20.10.2008	20,000	           0.83	  3.10	  16,658    62,000
21.10.2008	6,000	           0.83	  3.10	   4,998    18,600
22.10.2008	7,000	           0.79	  2.95	   5,548    20,650
23.10.2008	6,000	           0.81	  3.00	   4,836    18,000
24.10.2008	6,000	           0.78	  2.90	   4,675    17,400
Total for period 45,000	           0.82	  3.04	   36,716  136,650

Accumulated total under the share buyback program since 07.10.2008:

Amount of shares    Average price
bought back	    per share (EUR)	Cost in total (EUR)
393 000	            1.15	        452,968

1 EUR=15,6466 EEK

After the transactions listed above, AS Silvano Fashion Group owns 393,000 of
its own shares, which constitute 0.9825% of the share capital. 

Under the buyback program, shares up to the value of 2,547,032 million Euros
remain to be bought back. The maximum amount of shares that remains to be
bought back is 3,607,000. 

The share buyback program is being implemented in accordance with the
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2273/2003 of 22.12.2003, implementing Directive
2003/6/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards exemptions
for buy-back programmes and stabilisation of financial instruments. The
programme is managed by AS Hansapank, which will buy back shares on behalf of
AS Silvano Fashion Group. AS Hansapank carries out the buyback according to the
regulations and within the framework of the programme, and will make its
trading decisions independently of, and without influence by AS Silvano Fashion
Group with regard to the timing of the purchases. 


Peeter Larin
Member of the management board                                                  
Silvano Fashion Group 
Tel +372 67 10 700