Market announcement



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26.09.2008 09:55:52


The supervisory board of Port of Tallinn extended the service contracts of the members of the management board of the company


On it's 9 September 2008 meeting the Supervisory Board of Port of Tallinn
decided to 
extend the service contracts of Ain Kaljurand and Allan Kiil, the members of the
management board of the public limited company, for the following three years.  
The former service contracts of Ain Kaljurand and Allan Kiil will end in the end
of October.                                                                     
According to Neinar Seli, the chairman of the Supervisory Board of Port of      
Tallinn, the work of the management of the company can be considered            
satisfactory and many important projects are unfinished, which sustainability is
presently best carried by the present members of the management board. “Despite 
complicated times in Estonian transit Port of Tallinn has considering the       
situation been able to survive. The net profit of the first half year of the    
company was even higher than that of the previous year at the same time,” stated
Seli. Also, according to Seli it is important to continue the started work at   
vigorous development of Muuga Harbour and Paldiski South Harbour and cooperation
between Port of Tallinn with Chinese Ningbo Port could continue.                
In June this year the Supervisory Board of Port of Tallinn approved the main    
directions of the company until 2015, which main objectives include ensuring    
sustainable growth in the changed economic environment.                         

Neinar Seli                                                                     
Chairman of the Supervisory Board                                               
Port of Tallinn                                                                 

Ph: 6 318 002