Market announcement

Saku Õlletehas


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12.08.2008 18:56:50


Ireneusz Piotr Smaga lahkub töölt Saku Õlletehasest. Saku Õlletehase uueks juhatuse esimeheks Veli Pekka Tennilä


Ireneusz Piotr Smaga lahkub töölt Saku Õlletehasest. Saku Õlletehase uueks
juhatuse esimeheks Veli Pekka Tennilä 

Töölepingu lõppemise tõttu ja ühtlasi perekondlikel põhjustel lahkus täna, 12.
augustil, ametist Saku Õlletehase AS-i juhatuse esimees Ireneusz Piotr Smaga ja
uueks juhatuse esimeheks sai Veli Pekka Tennilä. Saku Õlletehase juhatuse
esimehena hakkab Veli Pekka Tennliä vastutama kogu ettevõtte juhtimise eest,
olles aruandev Carlsberg Baltic`u presidendile, Saku Õlletehase nõukogu
esimehele Tomas Kucinskasele. 

„Kõigepealt soovin avaldada siirast tänu Ireneusz Smagale tema jõupingutuste,
panuse ja pühendumise eest Saku arengusse. Me oleme rääkinud Ireneusz Smagaga
pikemalt tema edasistest plaanidest ja ta on väljendanud soovi mitte pikendada
oma lepingut Saku Õlletehase juhatuse esimehena ning veeta rohkem aega oma
perekonnaga, kes elab Poolas. Austan Ireneusz Smaga otsust ja mul on heameel,
et ta pöördub tagasi oma pere juurde. Soovin talle edasiseks palju edu tema
uutes väljakutsetes,” ütles Saku Õlletehase nõukogu esimees ja Carlsberg
Baltic`u president Tomas Kucinskas. 

“Veli Pekka Tennilä on igati motiveeritud uuteks väljakutseteks ja olen
veendunud, et Veli Pekka on tema seniseid suuri õlle- ja joogitööstuse
juhtimise kogemusi ning juhtimisomadusi arvestades Saku Õlletehasele õige
valik. Saku on kolme Eesti kõige mainekama ettevõtte hulka kuuluv firma ja ma
arvan, et tegemist on ühe tugevama äriorganisatsiooniga mitte ainult Eestis
vaid kogu Baltikumis. Toome Sakusse rahvusvahelise ärijuhtimise kogemusega
inimese, et jätkata Saku arendamist täie potentsiaaliga,” ütles Tomas

 „Mulle on alati meeldinud uued olukorrad ja väljakutsed. Mul on suur au võtta
vastu tippjuhi koht sedavõrd kõrgelt hinnatud Eesti ettevõttes, mis on ühtlasi
tuntud minu kodumaal Soomes. Saku omab nii liidrirolli Eesti õlleturul kui ka
tugevat positsiooni Eesti ettevõtluskeskkonnas tervikuna. Minu jaoks on
tegemist suure vastutusega, kuid ka põneva väljakutsega, jätkates Saku
arendamist ja vaadata lootusrikkalt tulevikku. Olen veendunud, et minu
kogemused, mille olen saanud Soomes ja teistel turgudel tegutsedes, aitavad mul
veelgi tugevadada Saku Õlletehase liidripositsiooni,” ütles Saku Õlletehase uus
juhatuse esimees Veli Pekka Tennilä. 

39 aastane Veli Pekka Tennilä liitub Sakuga meeskonnaga Carlsberg Gruppi
kuuluvast Soome joogitootjast Sinebrychoffist, kus ta alustas tööd 2001. aastal
õllede segmendi turundusjuhina ja kus temast 2006. aastal sai ekspordidirektor,
olles vastutav Sinebrychoffi eksporditegevuse eest 30sse riiki. Veli Pekka on
olnud üheks võtmeisikuks Sinebrychoffi strateegiaprotsessis. Enne seda töötas
ta veel Nordic Kellogg'sis ja ka maiustusetööstuses. Veli Pekkal on Turu School
of Economics`i magistrikraad rahvusvahelise turunduse valdkonnas. 

Saku Õlletehas on asutatud 1820. aastal ja on praeguseks suurim Eesti
õlletootja 46-protsendilise turuosaga. Saku põhibrändid on Saku Originaal
(kõige populaarsem Eesti õllemark), Kuld, Rock, On Ice jt. Saku Õlletehas on ka
turuliides joogitöötuse tootearenduses, pakkudes kohalikele tarbijatele palju
teisi õllesorte ja ka muid jooke nagu Kiss sarja siidrid, ZIP sarja kokteilid,
lauavett Vichy Classique, maitsevett Vichy Viva Fresh, energiajooke Battery ja
Traffic, jääteesid jne. Saku Õlletehase 92-protsendiliseks omanikuks on
Carlsberg Group läbi Carlsberg Estonia Holding OÜ. Lisainfo 

Carlsberg Baltic on Baltikumi õlletööstuse kindel liider 44-protsendilise
turuosaga, pakkudes laia valikut õllebrände ja teisi jooke. Carlsberg Baltic
juhib kolme Baltimaade suurimat õlletehast, milleks on „Svyturys-Utenos Alus“
Leedus, „Aldaris“ Lätis ja Saku Õlletehas Eestis. 

Täiendav info 
Priit Poiklik
Saku Õlletehase kommunikatsioonijuht
Tel. 6508 303


Ireneusz Smaga leaves Saku Brewery, Veli Pekka Tennilä becomes a Chairman of the Management Board and CEO of the Saku Brewery


Ireneusz Smaga leaves Saku Brewery, Veli Pekka Tennilä becomes a Chairman of
the Management Board and CEO of the Saku 

12 August, 2008 as per ending contract, due to family reasons, Ireneusz Smaga
has chosen to resign from the position of CEO of Saku Olletehas and Veli Pekka
Tennila is appointed as a CEO of Saku Olletehas, Estonian company of Carlsberg
Group. As a Chairman of the Management Board of Saku Olletehas Veli Pekka
Tennilä will be responsible for overall management of the Company, reporting to
the President of Carlsberg Baltic and the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of
Saku Olletehas Tomas Kučinskas. 

„First of all I want to express my sincere thanks to Irek Smaga for his effort,
devotion and contribution to Saku development. We have been discussing with
Irek for some time and he expressed his wish not to prolong the contract and be
able to spend some more time with his family due to the fact that they still
are in Poland. We respect Irek's decision and I'm happy that he can get back to
his family and I wish him a great success in his new challenges.” - said Tomas
Kučinskas the Chairman of Saku Supervisory Board and the President Carlsberg

“Veli Pekka Tennilä is a person motivated by challenges and I'm confident that
Pekka, with his great commercial experience in beer & other beverages business
management and proven leadership skills, is the right leader for Saku at the
current moment. Saku is among 3 top most reputable companies in Estonia and I
think that it is one of the strongest business organizations not only in
Estonia, but in Baltics as well. We are bringing a manager with international
business management experience in order to further develop Saku to its full
potential.” - continues Tomas Kučinskas. 

„I have always liked challenges and trying myself out in new situations. I'm
honored to take the top manager position in a highly respected Estonian
Company, which is also well-known in my home country Finland. 
Saku has the leading role in the Estonian beer market and a strong role in the
country's economical environment generally. This is definitely a big
responsibility, but also an exciting challenge for me to continue Saku's
development and go further on. I am convinced that experience gained in the
Finnish and other markets will help me to even more strengthen position of Saku
Brewery, which is already the market leader” - commented Veli Pekka Tennilä. 

39 years old Veli Pekka Tennilä joins Saku from Sinebrychoff, where he started
in 2001 as Marketing Manager for all beer brands and in 2006 he became Export
Director being responsible for Sinebrychoff's export business to some 30
countries. Pekka has also been one of the key players in carrying out the
Sinebrychoff's strategy process.  Before that he held management positions in
Nordic Kellogg's and in confectionary business. Pekka holds master's degree in
international marketing from Turku School of Economics. 

Saku Olletehas (Saku Brewery) has been established in 1820, and is currently
the largest producer of beer and other beverages in Estonia, with 46% share in
beer market. Saku's core brands are Saku Originaal (the most popular beer on
the Estonian market), Kuld, Rock, On Ice etc. Saku Brewery is also the market
leader in product development, providing local consumers with an increasing
number of contemporary and new domestic beer products as well as other
beverages - cider KISS, ZIP cocktails, water “Vichy Classique” and “Vichy Viva
Fresh”, energy drinks “Battery” and “Traffic”, ice teas, etc. Carlsberg Group
through Carlsberg Estonia Holding is the majority shareholder of Saku Brewery
(over 92% stake). Additional information available at 

Carlsberg Baltic is a clear leader of the Baltic beer market with a 44 %
consolidated share, offering a wide range of beer brands and other beverages.
Carlsberg Baltic is managing 3 biggest Baltic brewing companies -
“Svyturys-Utenos alus” in Lithuania, “Aldaris” in Latvia and “Saku” in Estonia. 

For further information please contact: 
Priit Poiklik, Saku Communications Manager
Tel. +372 6508 303